Washington Examiner

Biden launches opening salvo in debt ceiling fight against GOP with budget release

President Joe BidenAlthough the budget is a lofty document that has no chance of passing a GOP-controlled House in its current form, it’s also politically important as the author prepares for what will likely be a fierce fight with Republicans about raising the debt ceiling. next year’s elections.

Biden wants to use it as an opening argument against Republicans, before the battle for the debt limit begins.


Biden will unveil his fiscal 2024 plan in Pennsylvania, where he has repeatedly stated that budgets underpin values. This event is overshadowed somewhat by the imminent debt ceiling.

Biden pledged to not negotiate with Republicans about raising the debt ceiling of $31.4 trillion. The president believes that America’s credit rating makes it too crucial to avoid default. Biden should negotiate despite the deadline, the potential for far-reaching economic effects, and President Obama’s willingness to work with bipartisan groups. “hold firm” According to former consultants Christopher Hahn, Democrats support this strategy.

“The House Republicans have members who are extremely vulnerable, and if the hard-liners in the party continue to play chicken with the full faith and credit of the United States, the 18 GOP members who hold seats in districts Biden won in 2020 will surely blink,” The former Chuck Schumer Aide Progressive and Aggressive The podcast host explained to the Washington Examiner. “Or at least enough to increase the debt ceiling.”

Biden is a Republican “in a bind” He “rope-adoped the GOP into accepting” Social Security Medicare Sandy Maisel, a former Democratic operative, said that the president was “off the table” during the State of the Union. Republicans booed President Obama when he mentioned that lawmakers including Senator Rick Scott (R.FL) hoped to reform entitlement programs.

“[On Thursday,] he will put forth his budget proposal, which progressives will think is too accommodating,” Maisel said. “Biden will challenge the GOP to come up with an alternative.”

“That, I assume, will either be so vague as to be meaningless — cut the waste, which, of course, cannot be isolated — or painful to lots of voters,” The Colby College visiting political instructor, and once-candidate for the position, continued. “That will put Biden in a much better position to negotiate than he would be if he said he was ready to talk before the GOP had to put anything forward.”

Sen. Joe Manchin Biden’s strategy has been criticized by the Democratic-WV, who called on his fellow Democrats to reject it. “stop the madness and start acting reasonably and responsibly to get our government’s financial house in order.” Manchin sat with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R–CA) to discuss the debt limit in January. McCarthy was also present at McCarthy’s February meeting, which took place a few months later. White House.

“There’s always times to have arguments and disagreements,” Last week, Manchin spoke on the Senate Floor. “But the

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