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Biden loses key staffer amid GOP probes – Did he reach his limit?

Is⁢ the Heat in the ‌White ⁤House ⁤Kitchen Too Much for Biden’s Staff?

It seems that the phrase “If you can’t stand the​ heat, get out of the kitchen” is lost on members of President Joe Biden’s administration. White House counsel Stuart Delery is ⁤the latest official to flee ‌the increasingly ‍warm White House galley.

According to The New York Times, ⁢Delery announced his resignation late Thursday, at a less than‍ ideal moment as the West Wing prepares ⁣for the final stretch before next year’s election.

Delery ‍had expressed his intention to⁢ leave a few months ago, after nearly three years in the ⁤White House. The counsel’s office has been‍ at the forefront of the White House’s response to numerous congressional investigations since ‌Republicans took‌ over the House in January.

President Biden’s Statement

In a statement, President Biden praised Delery’s ‍contributions ⁢to his administration, highlighting his⁢ work on COVID-19 response, vaccine distribution, and major legislative accomplishments such ⁣as the American Rescue Plan ‍and the‌ Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

Delery’s departure comes a year after another White House counsel, Dana Remus, left the administration.⁢ The loss‌ of two successive White House counsels in just over a year, along with other staff‍ departures, raises questions about the mounting problems at 1600 Pennsylvania‍ Ave.

Mounting Problems and Staff Turnover

One of ⁣the major sources of heat in the White⁤ House kitchen ⁣is Hunter Biden’s overseas business ⁢dealings. Recent developments have revealed that President Biden ‍may have known more about these⁣ dealings ⁤than initially disclosed.

A plea deal reached between prosecutors and ‍Hunter’s‌ attorneys was invalidated by a Delaware judge, leading to the appointment of a‍ special counsel. Former Hunter⁢ Biden business partner Devon Archer testified that then-Vice President Biden participated in numerous calls with their​ business partners, including executives from ⁢Ukrainian energy firm Burisma.

The timing ​of Delery’s departure coincided with a request from House Oversight Committee Chairman ⁣James Comer for unredacted communications between then-Vice President Biden and Hunter. The request‌ followed reports that Biden used a⁤ fake name in communications with his son‌ and business‌ partner.

As⁢ GOP probes ramp up, it appears that the kitchen is getting too hot for Delery and potentially others in the Biden administration. ​The question remains: who will ⁤be the next to flee ‍the Oval Office oven?

Read more on The Western Journal.

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