The bongino report

Biden: No One Knows More About The Border Crisis Than VP Harris

As we previously reported, Joe Biden He has decided that he must make a big show of going to the border. SundayHe will be there. “address border enforcement operations and meet with local officials” While you’re there, however, the White House Is vague on what he will accomplish.

Biden He announced that he would be going to El Paso. One has to wonder if he’s going to the real border or if he’s going to do what Kamala Harris When she went to The “border” — doing a hit-and-run visit She was on her way to a few hours. California Donate, but do not go to the actual border.

But Biden Observations made on Thursday About the border that were not correct, confused, or indicated that he did not know what he was referring to. He Had Kamala Harris She stood behind him while he spoke, and she must have tried her best to keep her face averted so that she didn’t react to his mistakes.

He Talked a bit about it Kamala Harris Saying that she knows the border question better then anyone.

He He continued by saying he was proud of that. Kamala It went beyond the United States, referring to her trip to Central America.

What did she get done? Name One thing she did that made the situation at the border better was Empty Photo-ops and talk about “root causes” It doesn’t matter if you don’t do anything to solve the problem. Notice he doesn’t list anything she did.

I think almost anyone would be better equipped to handle the situation. Harris. Harris hasn’t even done any border-related events in six months.

But What would it look like? Biden What do you need to know? He didn’t even seem to know who was president as he again called Harris, “President.”

The Rest of what he had was a confusing mess.

Listen He seems to be saying it as a joke Title 42 is the problem at border “even worse” Because they might try to get back in again.

Wait, what? That doesn’t even make any sense. So The answer is to lift it, then let everyone in. That’s his response? He should be properly enforced the immigration law. Title 42 was in place, which has helped to stop some of this flow. If If it were lifted, it would be even worse. The It is a fact Biden Thinks Title 42 is worse than delusional

Biden couldn’t even get the Title This applies to immigration, which is correct. One would think that should be on his tongue if he were to give a damn about the problems at the border. He He didn’t know what he was talking of.

He also messed up the name of the CBP — Customs And Border ProtectionIt is not “Border Patrol.”

Plus He was clueless about Fentanyl. He claimed that 20,000 lbs was the maximum amount. “enough to kill as many as 1,000 people in this country.” It This would kill 4.5 billion people. But Again, why should he be able to know anything about how much fentanyl has been causing harm to the country due to the fact that he has allowed the border to remain open?

The Border is something that can be created. “extreme” Republicans They will continue to run. Biden claimed.

No, Joe, Americans Other than you, border security is your concern. It’s not an “extreme” issue, it’s a fundamental responsibility that you are supposed to uphold for the defense of the country. If you find it “extreme,” Maybe you are the one who can. “extreme.”

What What solutions did he offer, if any? He They were only shown how to use an app on their phone to apply for asylum.

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