Biden’s Air Force Brigadier General nominee criticizes ‘White Colonels’ as main obstacles to DEI goals in military.

An Air Force Officer’s Controversial Views on Racial Injustice

An⁣ Air Force officer in line ‍for ⁤a promotion to general ⁢by⁢ the Biden administration has​ a ⁤history of targeting his white ⁢peers on⁢ the basis ⁤of their race.

Col. Ben Jonsson, who is ⁢white, assailed white colonels in ​the military branch as a ⁤whole ⁤in⁢ a scathing⁤ July 2020 screed published in the Air Force Times, citing the then-recent death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

“As white colonels, you ⁤and I⁣ are⁤ the biggest barriers⁤ to change if we do not personally ⁣address racial⁢ injustice in​ our Air Force,” ⁢Jonsson wrote.

“Defensiveness is a predictable response by white people ​to any discussion of racial injustice,” Jonsson wrote.

He then went⁢ into examples⁤ of ‍what⁤ he said⁤ were white colonels avoiding the‌ topic of racial problems in ​the service, including disproportionate punishment ​of black airmen.

Jonsson even went on to ⁢recommend a book by racial extremist Robin DiAngelo — “White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism.”

Jonsson currently serves as vice superintendent​ of the U.S. Air Force Academy in ​Colorado, according ‍to ⁣a ⁢Department of Defense news⁤ release announcing⁤ pending promotions.

Jonsson’s promotion has been delayed through a procedural hold on the part of Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville, along with pending‍ promotions for any​ prospective flag‍ officer in⁤ the military.

The Alabama Republican objects to Pentagon funding of travel for service ‍members to obtain abortions, according to The ​Associated⁤ Press.

Senior Pentagon leaders ‍have pushed back against allegations ⁤the military⁢ is compromised by political ideology.

Gen. Mark Milley, ‍Chairman of the Joint Chiefs⁢ of Staff, pointed ⁤to the cancellation of a drag queen show on an⁢ Air Force‌ base as evidence in an interview last week, according to The Washington ⁢Post.

In spite of⁤ Jonsson’s racially charged rhetoric, data shows that the United States is among the least prejudiced nations in the world.

Only 3 percent of ⁢Americans stated they would⁢ not want to ⁣live next to a ⁤neighbor ⁣of another race in ⁤a 2023 King’s College​ London ‌ survey.

The figure paled in comparison to those for some of the United States’⁤ geopolitical adversaries, such ⁤as Iran⁣ and China.

The ⁤post Biden Nominee⁤ for Air Force Brigadier General Blames⁤ Fellow ‘White Colonels’ for Being ‘Biggest Barriers’ to⁣ DEI Agenda in Military appeared ⁣first on The Western Journal.

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