Biden Polling Behind Pete Buttigieg in 2024 New Hampshire Primary Poll

The latest polling shows Joe Biden losing the 2024 Democrat New Hampshire primary to Pete Buttigieg.

As far as sitting presidents go, not even Lyndon Johnson in 1968 was in this bad shape for reelection.

The University of New Hampshire Survey Center released a poll Tuesday showing that Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg would beat His Fraudulency Joe Biden 17 to 16 percent in the 2024 New Hampshire Democrat primary.

This is also a poll of likely Democrat primary voters.

Her Vice Fraudulency Kamala Harris only attracts six percent support, losing to Sen. Elizabeth Warren (ten percent), Gov. Gavin Newsom (ten percent), Sen. Amy Klobuchar (nine percent), and Sen. Bernie Sanders (eight percent).

These are catastrophic numbers for both Harris and Biden, especially Biden.

Within his own party, Biden earns just 16 percent support in New Hampshire, the first primary state.

That’s not even the worst news…

When likely Democrat primary voters were asked who their second choice was, Biden came in twelfth — twelfth! — with just two percent support. Kamala did a little better, in tenth place with four percent. Sen. Cory Booker took the top spot with 14 percent. Buttigieg and Sanders rounded out the top three with 13 and 11 percent, respectively.

Oh, and that’s not even the worst news…

Once again, among only likely Democrat primary voters, Biden’s net favorability rating compared to other Democrats is in 11th place at a meager +9 percent. For comparison, Buttigieg enjoys a +54 percent net favorable rating. Booker is +52 percent. Sanders: +46 percent.  Stacey Abrams: +44 percent. … The only big name doing worse than Biden is Hillary Clinton, who sits at  -11 percent favorability.

For some reason, Dingbat Kamala was not included in the favorability question.

And now we arrive at what truly is the worst news for Slow Joe…

Only 31 percent of New Hampshire Democrats want Biden to run for reelection in 2024. That’s a collapse from 74 percent a year ago in July of 2021.

Here’s some context for you…

Back in the 1968 Democrat New Hampshire presidential primary, Lyndon Johnson won 49 percent of the vote. Sen. Eugene McCarthy came in second with 42 percent.

A little over two weeks later, Johnson announced he would not seek reelection.

Johnson won the New Hampshire primary with 49 percent support, which was still a catastrophe for him.

Biden is polling in second place and in the mid-teens.

No one alive today has ever seen a sitting president as weakened and unpopular as Joe Biden.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.

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