Biden Reads Teleprompter For 5 Minutes, Takes No Questions In First Major Post-Debate Appearance

In his first ⁤major appearance after a ⁣debate, Biden read from a teleprompter for five minutes and⁤ did not take ​any questions. Some critics have noted that this approach is not ideal for connecting‌ with voters and addressing⁣ their concerns. They argue⁢ that⁤ Biden should be taking ⁣questions and engaging with the public in a more ⁢unscripted​ manner in order ​to demonstrate​ his readiness to lead. ⁤Others have defended Biden’s use of a‍ teleprompter, noting that it is common practice for politicians to use them during speeches and public appearances. Ultimately, the effectiveness of Biden’s communication strategy will ⁢be judged by voters ‌in the upcoming ​election.

Biden Reads Teleprompter For 5 Minutes, Takes No Questions In First Major Post-Debate Appearance

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