Washington Examiner

Biden changes stance, constructs border wall using Trump’s funding.

The Biden Administration Reverses⁣ Course on Border‍ Wall Promise

The Biden administration⁣ has quietly backtracked​ on President Joe Biden’s campaign promise to⁣ halt construction of a border wall along the U.S.-Mexico ‌border. In⁤ a surprising move, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)⁣ has announced plans to waive two dozen federal laws in⁤ order to quickly erect a barrier in a⁢ specific area ​of Texas.

“The Secretary of⁣ Homeland Security‌ has determined, pursuant to law,⁢ that it is⁤ necessary to waive certain laws, regulations, and ⁢other legal‌ requirements in order to ensure the ‌expeditious construction of barriers and roads in the ​vicinity of​ the international land border ⁤in Starr County, Texas,”

DHS ⁣Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas explained in a notice published in the Federal Register that the Rio Grande Valley in‌ South Texas, where the wall will be built, is a high-risk area for illegal entry. Over 245,000 individuals have been apprehended ⁢by Border Patrol agents in this region alone ⁢during the first 10 ‌months of fiscal 2023.

“Therefore, DHS will take immediate action to construct‌ barriers and roads,” Mayorkas stated.

This decision is a significant setback for the Biden administration​ and is likely to disappoint Democrats who opposed the ⁤idea of a physical barrier along the entire 2,000-mile southern border.⁢ It is worth noting⁤ that the planned wall will be erected in Starr ⁣County, the home district of Representative Henry Cuellar (D-TX).

The ‌funding for these projects will come from money allocated by Congress‍ in 2019 during the Trump administration for border barrier initiatives ⁤in the region. Mayorkas emphasized that the DHS is obligated to ⁣utilize ‍this funding for projects in the designated area.

Key Points:

  • The ‍Biden administration is waiving federal laws to construct a border wall in Texas.
  • The Rio Grande Valley is considered a high-risk area ⁣for illegal entry.
  • The decision goes against Biden’s campaign⁤ promise to halt wall construction.
  • The funding for the ‌projects comes from money ​allocated in 2019.

Despite the ⁢controversy surrounding this move, the DHS is determined to proceed with the construction of barriers and roads in order to ‌address the ongoing ​issue of⁣ illegal entry along the U.S.-Mexico border.

How do supporters ⁣of the barrier justify the continuation of ‌construction in Texas despite Biden’s promise to halt wall construction

Curity ‌has determined that… it is​ necessary to waive certain laws, ‍regulations, and environmental reviews to ensure the⁢ expeditious construction of barriers and roads”⁢,​ the DHS said in a‌ statement.

This shift in policy comes as a surprise to many, ⁣as Biden had made the complete cessation of wall construction a central promise in his campaign. The decision to continue building the ⁣barrier in Texas has drawn criticism from both ⁤sides of the political spectrum, with opponents arguing that it goes against Biden’s pledge of a more humane immigration ‍policy, while supporters⁤ argue that‌ a barrier in the specific area is necessary for national security.

The ‍border wall was one of the most controversial projects⁢ initiated by former President Donald Trump. Its​ construction led to⁣ widespread opposition​ and criticism due to its high cost, feasibility concerns, and environmental impact. Biden’s promise to stop the construction⁣ of the ⁣wall was seen as a move to⁤ reverse Trump’s immigration policies and appease his progressive base.

However, ‌the decision to waive federal laws to quickly erect​ the barrier in⁣ Texas raises questions about the Biden administration’s commitment to following ‌proper legal and ⁢environmental procedures⁤. The DHS claims that the waivers are necessary to avoid delays in construction‌ and that it will still conduct assessments of the potential environmental impact⁣ of the project. Nevertheless, many ‌environmentalists and activists are concerned⁢ ⁤about the potential damage to ecosystems and wildlife in the area.

Proponents of the barrier argue that it will provide additional security and help reduce drug ‍smuggling and illegal immigration. They also point out that Biden’s promise to halt wall construction did not necessitate the ​immediate removal of existing barriers. ⁣They see the continuation of construction in Texas⁣ as a pragmatic approach that focuses ‍on areas​ where a barrier may⁤ indeed be necessary for border control.

On the other hand, opponents of the barrier argue‌ that it is a symbol of‌ division and hostility towards immigrants. They argue that a more effective and humane approach to ‌immigration involves ⁣investing in border ⁣technology and personnel, as well as addressing​ the root ‍causes of migration from⁣ Central America⁢. They ⁤view the decision to waive federal laws and​ quickly⁤ construct the barrier as a betrayal of Biden’s promise to prioritize compassion and‌ justice in immigration policies.

Despite ​the reversal on wall construction in Texas, the Biden administration has⁤ taken⁢ steps to reverse several ⁤other immigration policies‌ implemented ⁣by the Trump​ administration. This includes halting family separations at the border, ending the “Remain in Mexico” program, and introducing a pathway to citizenship for⁢ undocumented immigrants. These moves are⁣ seen as efforts to uphold Biden’s campaign promise of a more humane and comprehensive approach to immigration⁣ ⁤reform.

In conclusion, the Biden administration’s decision to continue building ⁤a border wall in Texas contradicts the campaign promise to halt all construction. This move ⁢has drawn criticism from both sides, with opponents viewing it as a departure ⁢from a more compassionate immigration⁢ policy, while supporters argue that it is a necessary measure for border security. The decision to waive federal laws raises ⁢concerns about the administration’s commitment to proper legal and environmental procedures. Nevertheless, the administration has also taken positive steps to reverse other Trump-era immigration policies, indicating a broader commitment to comprehensive immigration​ reform.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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