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Biden notifies Congress of war powers – Is a major event looming?

Sometimes reality bites so hard that not even Democrats can ignore it.

President Joe Biden — a man who’s prostituted his presidency to revive a disastrous nuclear ⁣deal with the Islamic Republican of Iran — has formally notified Congress that he has committed ‌American ‍military​ force ‌against ⁢terror groups funded and trained by that same republic.

And now Americans are expected ⁢to trust⁤ that he knows what‍ he’s ‌doing?

On ​Friday, as The Washington⁣ Times reported, Biden wrote to Republican House Speaker Mike ‍Johnson and⁤ Democratic Senate President Pro⁢ Tempore ⁢Patty Murray to fulfill the requirements of ‌the ⁢ War Powers⁤ Act that mandates presidents consult congressional leaders on military action.

In the⁣ letter, Biden explicitly named Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary ‍Guard Corps as being the ​mastermind behind attacks against U.S. military forces in Iraq and Syria.

He then cited strikes the U.S. conducted ⁣against facilities used by the IRGC and IRGC-affiliated groups for command and⁢ control, munitions storage​ and other purposes. The strikes were intended to establish deterrence and were conducted in a manner to limit the risk ⁤of escalation and avoid civilian‌ casualties.

“I directed ⁣the strikes ⁣in ⁤order to protect and defend our personnel, to degrade and disrupt ‌the ongoing series of attacks against⁣ the United States‍ and ⁤our partners, ⁣and to deter ⁤Iran and Iran-backed militia groups from ‍conducting or supporting further attacks on United⁣ States personnel and facilities,” the president wrote.

It’s a good‌ chance ⁢the mullahs in Tehran weren’t ‍terribly impressed.

Biden has projected nothing but weakness from the moment he ​finished the oath‌ of office. Within days he’d surrendered the country’s southern border to be ravaged by an invasion of illegal aliens.

Within months he’d surrendered the country’s military strategy to a humiliating retreat‌ from Afghanistan.

Within a year he’d​ given ⁣ effective approval to Russian President Vladimir Putin to invade Ukraine, setting off ‍the worst fighting in Europe ⁢since World War II.

And through​ it all, he pursued⁢ the⁣ nuclear ⁢deal with‌ Iran that⁤ was first reached in 2015 by then-President Barack Obama‍ before being utterly rejected by now-former President⁢ Donald Trump, who always⁤ treated Tehran like he understood that it’s one of the most ​dangerous adversaries the United States ⁤faces in the ⁢world.

For Biden, it was the⁢ opposite.

After years of self-abasement — the U.S. team couldn’t even negotiate ⁤ face to face with Iranians in Vienna, only other Western nations ⁢were permitted — ‍and humiliation from an Iran arrogantly ⁢announcing its ‌ intent to destroy Israel, Biden capped it with a ⁤disgraceful deal ⁤ to win the release of U.S.‍ citizens‍ held by Iran in return for​ unfreezing $6 billion in Iranian money.

And now, ‍after a personal‌ history of ‍presidential appeasement that would make Neville Chamberlain blush, he is expecting the ‍country to believe ​he’s the Mr. Tough ​Guy​ that the Muslims of the Middle East fear.

This is the​ same president, remember, who as recently as ​Oct. 10 was unable to state with conviction what the whole world knows: Iran had a hand in the Oct. 7 Hamas‍ massacre in⁤ Israel⁢ that killed ⁢an estimated ⁤1,400 Jews.

Biden’s speech after the slaughter ‌ did not even acknowledge that.

Yet now he’s putting in writing that Iran’s Islamic‌ Revolutionary Guard Corps is the poltergeist behind the ‌flames of‍ violence igniting all over the ‌Middle East.

No American⁤ who’s lived through the two-decades-plus since 9/11 takes the ⁣prospect of⁢ going into another war lightly.

Every sign points to the U.S. heading into ⁢something⁣ big happening in the Middle East and around the globe. The air crackles with news of wars⁤ and rumors of wars.

Even Biden⁢ supporters will have trouble trusting that ⁣the current commander⁢ in⁣ chief has the mental faculties to ​operate as a wartime president.

Biden‌ critics — and ‍they ⁢are⁤ legion ​— ‍could never be convinced of it.

He’s too old. He’s too corrupt. He’s too inherently dishonest‍ to serve Americans well in the most ⁤critical ​moments of​ his job.

That’s the reality Democrats courted for ​the ⁤country when‍ they ‌chose this​ hollow husk of a has-been politician to serve as the leader of ‌the world’s only superpower. It’s the reality the country’s ⁢establishment media⁢ has openly cheered for.

And right now it’s the ‍reality‌ that’s biting too hard for ⁢even‌ Democrats to ignore.

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A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:

What if you woke up one morning and​ half of the people you count on had just vanished overnight?

That happened to ‍me recently. I got up, came to‌ work here at ‍The Western Journal, ‍and when I got ⁤to my office, literally half of our readers had vanished. ‍They were just⁤ gone.​ We had been nuked by Facebook, and it ‍had happened almost instantly.

But it ​was even worse. Facebook hit us at the same time⁢ 90 percent of advertisers had essentially boycotted ⁤us. “Brutal” is a⁢ word I’ve used‌ a lot lately.

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Josh⁤ Manning

Deputy ⁣Managing Editor

The Western Journal

The post Biden Sends War Powers Notification to Congress⁢ – ‍Are We Headed Into Something Big? appeared​ first​ on The Western Journal.

How does President Biden’s decision to use military force against terror groups funded by Iran⁤ raise concerns about his decision-making abilities?

Sometimes reality bites so⁤ hard that not even Democrats can ‍ignore it. President Joe⁤ Biden, ‍who has been heavily criticized for his efforts to revive the nuclear deal with Iran, ​has now notified Congress that he has committed American military force against terror groups funded and trained ⁢by the same republic. This⁣ raises concerns about whether he truly knows‌ what he’s doing.

According to The Washington Times, Biden sent a letter to Republican House ​Speaker Mike‍ Johnson and Democratic Senate President⁣ Pro Tempore Patty Murray to fulfill‍ the requirements of ⁤the War Powers Act. This act mandates that presidents consult congressional leaders on military action.

In the letter, Biden‍ explicitly‌ named ⁣Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard ‌Corps ⁤(IRGC) as ⁣the ⁤mastermind behind attacks against​ US military forces in Iraq and Syria. He cited US strikes ​against ‌facilities used by the IRGC​ and its affiliated groups for command ⁤and control, munitions storage, and other purposes. These ‍strikes were intended to establish deterrence‌ and‌ limit the risk​ of escalation and ⁣civilian casualties.

However, it’s doubtful that the mullahs in Tehran were impressed by Biden’s actions. Since taking office, Biden has⁢ projected nothing‍ but weakness. He⁤ surrendered the ‌country’s ⁢southern border to illegal immigration and ⁣orchestrated a ‍humiliating retreat from Afghanistan. He even⁤ gave⁢ approval to Russian President Vladimir Putin to ⁢invade Ukraine, which resulted in ​the worst fighting in Europe since World War II.

Throughout these actions, Biden has persistently pursued the nuclear deal with Iran, ⁤despite its controversial history and ‍concerns‍ about the country’s support for terrorism. It’s important to‍ question whether this approach aligns with the best interests of the United States.

The reality that‌ even Democrats can’t ignore is that Biden’s actions ​have raised serious doubts about his leadership and decision-making abilities. It’s crucial for Americans to trust their leaders, especially when it comes ​to matters ​of national security. However, Biden’s track record, particularly regarding Iran, raises legitimate concerns about his judgment.

As the world becomes increasingly complex and volatile,​ it’s vital for⁢ leaders to make calculated and informed decisions that⁤ prioritize the‌ safety and‍ security⁢ of the nation. ‍America needs ⁤leaders who can navigate the ever-changing geopolitical landscape with wisdom and strength. It remains to be seen whether Biden can rise to this challenge.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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