Biden spins debate stumble as comeback moment in new ad- Washington Examiner

The ⁢article discusses President Joe Biden’s‍ new ad released by​ his 2024 reelection campaign to address his ⁤poor‍ debate ⁢performance against former President Donald Trump. The ‍ad, titled “I ⁤Know,” features Biden addressing his ⁣performance at a rally in North Carolina and emphasizes his experience ⁣and resilience. Campaign officials state that the ad will target younger voters in battleground states. The article also includes statements from Biden’s⁤ campaign communications director criticizing Trump ‍and highlighting Biden’s values as a leader. The ad will⁣ run on television and​ digital markets, with a shorter version available exclusively online.

Biden spins debate stumble as comeback moment in new ad

President Joe Biden‘s 2024 reelection campaign released a new ad on Monday aimed at damage control following the president’s poor debate performance last week.

Biden stumbled through much of his debate last Thursday with former President Donald Trump, igniting a panic among national Democrats. The president huddled with his family at Camp David over the weekend but plans to stay in the race despite calls from pundits and party officials for him to make way for a younger nominee.

His campaign’s new advertisement, titled “I Know,” features audio and video from Biden’s Friday rally in North Carolina, in which he addressed his performance head-on.

“Folks, I know I’m not a young man,” Biden says near the conclusion of the 60-second spot. “But I know how to do this job. I know right from wrong. I know how to tell the truth. And I know, like millions of Americans know, when you get knocked down, you get back up.”

Earlier in the ad, the president accused Trump of lying throughout the entirety of the debate, specifically attacking his comments about the economy, the coronavirus pandemic, and the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

According to campaign officials, the spot will run on television and digital markets in battleground states across the country, targeting younger voters in particular. A truncated 30-second ad will run as a digital exclusive.


“Americans deserve a president who doesn’t back down from a fight, and that’s Joe Biden. That is the spirit that this country was built upon, and it’s what President Biden carries with himself every single day in his job as commander in chief,” Biden campaign communications director Michael Tyler said in a statement. “Donald Trump stands against every value that our country stands for. He’s a liar, a crook, and he will always put himself first. The American people deserve better than Trump’s failed leadership and trademark lies, and this ad is just one more way we will be making the choice they will face at the ballot box this November all the more clear.”

You can watch Biden’s ad in full below.

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