Washington Examiner

Biden allies criticize special counsel’s inquiry into president’s mental fitness as unnecessary

Top ⁣Surrogates Defend President Biden’s Mental ‌State

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Biden campaign national co-chair Mitch Landrieu appeared on Meet ‍the ⁤Press to address the special counsel report on​ President Biden’s handling of classified documents. They strongly criticized Special‌ Counsel Robert Hur’s comments about Biden’s⁤ mental state, ⁤calling them “gratuitous.”

Mayorkas: “Improper and Inaccurate Remarks”

Mayorkas emphasized the role⁤ of a federal prosecutor in investigating and applying the law to the facts. He argued ⁢that Hur’s conclusion of no⁤ case was appropriate, but criticized the personal remarks as unnecessary and ⁤inaccurate.

Mayorkas also highlighted the president’s sharpness, intense focus, and attention to detail, stating that he takes extensive preparation measures before meeting with Biden.

Landrieu: “Tough, Smart, and On His Game”

Landrieu ⁢echoed Mayorkas’ ⁤criticism of Hur’s remarks, describing them as ad hominem attacks. He praised Biden’s cognitive abilities, stating that ​he is tough, smart, and fully capable of handling the responsibilities of the presidency.

Landrieu ​emphasized the need to be well-prepared when briefing​ the president, dismissing any doubts about ⁤Biden’s readiness⁤ for⁤ the job as baseless.

While ⁣Landrieu claimed that Hur’s report found no wrongdoing by⁢ the president, it is important to note that it did identify mishandling of classified information without‍ pursuing criminal charges.

Pushback Against 25th Amendment ‍Calls

Mayorkas denied any discussions among Cabinet members about voting to remove Biden under the 25th Amendment, responding to calls⁣ from Republicans to invoke it.

Vice President Kamala Harris and former Attorney General Eric Holder also criticized Hur’s characterization of Biden’s mental state as “gratuitous” and politically motivated.

Overall, these top surrogates strongly defended President Biden’s mental⁢ capacity and dismissed any doubts about his ability to fulfill ​his duties.

What did Mayorkas and Landrieu argue should be the focus instead ​of‌ scrutinizing a leader’s mental fitness

Press on ⁢Sunday to defend President Joe Biden’s mental state amid growing concerns and criticisms from conservatives.

Mayorkas, who served as Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security‍ under the Obama administration and assumed his current role in February 2021, categorically dismissed claims that President Biden is mentally unfit for office.

He stated, “As someone who has worked closely‌ with President Biden,‍ I can attest to his sharpness, ‍intellect, and ability to make informed decisions. These baseless‌ claims questioning his mental ‍acuity are simply​ political tactics aimed at undermining ⁤his leadership.”

Mayorkas pointed out that President Biden has been in public service for nearly five decades and⁢ has demonstrated his mental acuity time and time again. He emphasized ​that the president’s cognitive abilities are supported by a team⁢ of advisers, experts, and professionals who assist him in making critical decisions ⁣for‌ the country.

Joining Mayorkas in defending President Biden’s mental ‌state was Mitch⁤ Landrieu, the former mayor of New Orleans and co-chair of the Biden campaign.

Landrieu highlighted the rigorous‍ campaign that⁢ Joe Biden ran during ​the 2020 presidential election⁢ and said,‍ “If he wasn’t mentally capable of​ being president, he wouldn’t​ have been able to endure the intense demands of the campaign⁣ trail. It’s evident that President Biden⁤ is⁢ fully capable of‍ leading ​our nation with the integrity, intelligence, and mental fortitude it requires.”

Both Mayorkas ⁤and Landrieu acknowledge that political opponents often resort to personal attacks and attempts to discredit ​leaders when they cannot challenge their policies or actions effectively.

They believe ‍the focus should be on constructive debates about policies, rather than engaging in baseless claims about​ a leader’s mental fitness.

Moreover, they argue that scrutinizing ⁣a leader’s mental fitness distracts from the pressing issues facing the nation. Landrieu stated, “Our country is currently grappling with multiple crises, including the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, economic recovery, racial equity, and climate change. It is crucial that we​ prioritize ‌these challenges and work together to find solutions instead of wasting time on unfounded allegations.”

Mayorkas and Landrieu urged Americans to be critical consumers of information and to assess the credibility of sources before believing and spreading claims about a leader’s mental state.

They emphasized the importance of respectful discourse⁣ and constructive ⁣engagement to move the nation forward, rather than⁤ resorting ‍to divisive tactics and⁤ personal attacks.

In conclusion, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Biden campaign national co-chair Mitch Landrieu ​came forward to ⁤defend President Biden’s mental state against baseless allegations ‌from conservatives. They affirmed that‌ President Biden is mentally fit⁢ for office and has ​the necessary competence and capacity to address the challenges facing the nation. ⁢They also ⁣emphasized the need for constructive⁤ policy debates and urged Americans to prioritize pressing issues rather than engaging in personal attacks. As​ the nation⁣ faces multiple crises, it ‌is vital to focus on finding solutions and working⁣ together rather ⁣than undermining ‍a leader’s mental ‌state.

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