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Biden urges Israel to halt Hamas stronghold assault; Israel proceeds, miraculously saves two hostages

In an attempt to buy‌ Muslim support in Michigan, President Biden urges Israel to protect civilians in military operations

President Biden‍ recently had a conversation with Israeli Minister Benjamin‌ Netanyahu, ⁢where he emphasized ‌the importance of Israel having a credible plan to protect civilians in their ⁣military operations. This move was seen as an attempt to gain Muslim support in the swing state of Michigan.

But what does⁢ this really mean? Israel, with its complete air superiority, has⁢ been striving to protect civilians throughout the ongoing​ conflict with Hamas. They have no desire ​to harm the two million Palestinians living in the⁤ Gaza Strip.

I personally know Israeli soldiers who are going above and beyond to avoid civilian casualties. They are meticulously searching house​ by house and door to door in densely populated areas, all in an effort to spare innocent lives. ​Just ⁤last week, I spoke ‌with a ‍soldier who witnessed his ⁤comrade⁢ being shot right in⁣ front ⁣of him while entering an apartment ‌complex in Gaza. ⁤The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are on the ground in Gaza to ‍save Israeli hostages ‍held by Hamas and to preserve civilian⁣ life.

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Interestingly, while Biden urged Israel not to enter the ⁢Gaza border ⁢town of Rafah, which is Hamas’ last major stronghold, it is crucial to note that there are four battalions of Hamas fighters in⁤ Rafah that Israel needs to eliminate.

This is akin to Biden telling the American‌ military during World War II to halt their advance once they reach Berlin.

It is widely⁢ known that every Hamas official is currently in Rafah, along ​with the⁣ hostages. Despite this, Israel managed to miraculously rescue two hostages alive in Gaza on Sunday night. This incredible​ feat occurred while the Biden administration was advising ⁢against the Israeli ⁢operation.

There are approximately 100 hostages being held by⁣ Hamas, and the‌ exact number of casualties ⁢remains unknown. However, Israel’s successful rescue operation in Rafah demonstrates their commitment to saving ⁢lives, even when advised otherwise.

I have personally spoken to individuals serving in Gaza, ‍and they attest to the challenging circumstances they face. ⁤The line between civilians and the military in Gaza is incredibly blurred. A significant number of civilian households in Gaza possess weapons, and many are hiding terror tunnels. The Wall Street Journal recently reported that a Hamas complex, serving as a vital‌ communications and intelligence hub, was discovered beneath the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) buildings in Gaza City. This highlights the close association between UNRWA and Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

Despite these realities, Biden is urging Israel not to rescue their own people.


When asked how Israel would know when Hamas was eliminated, Netanyahu⁢ responded:

When you eliminate their organized fighting formations, and⁢ as I’ve said, we’ve taken 18 out of their 24 terrorist ⁣battalions out of‌ commission. You’re mopping up the remaining individual terrorists, and when they ‍release the hostages, of course, and ensure that Hamas, that Gaza is no longer a⁣ threat to Israel.

You don’t have to kill every last terrorist. You don’t have to kill every last ISIS terrorist, but you make⁢ sure that ISIS was finished as a military force. You have‌ to dismantle. Hamas is a military force — a military force that controls territory. We’re well within reach, and we shouldn’t stop.

Netanyahu’s statement⁢ aligns with the understanding that eliminating Hamas does not require the complete annihilation ⁣of every individual. Instead, the focus should be‌ on dismantling​ their military capabilities and ensuring the⁢ release ⁣of hostages, ultimately ‌neutralizing the threat Hamas poses to Israel.

And he is absolutely right.

‌ How does the context of Hamas’s deliberate targeting of Israeli civilians impact ⁣Israel’s response and commitment to ⁣protecting innocent ​lives

Rcumstances they face in‍ distinguishing between civilian ⁢and militant ⁤targets. Hamas operates from heavily ‌populated⁤ areas, using civilian infrastructure such as schools, hospitals, and mosques ⁣to launch attacks against Israel. This puts innocent Palestinian civilians⁤ at risk as Israel responds to the threats posed by Hamas.

President Biden’s call for‍ Israel to protect civilians ⁢in their military operations ⁣may be seen as ⁤an attempt to gain support from⁢ Muslim communities in Michigan, a key swing state with a significant Muslim population. By demonstrating concern ⁤for Palestinian lives, Biden hopes to‍ appeal to voters who prioritize the protection of civilian rights.

However, it is important to acknowledge ​that Israel⁣ already has a​ strong commitment to ⁣minimizing civilian casualties. Despite ​facing a complex and challenging operating environment, Israel has implemented various measures to mitigate harm to innocent civilians. These include advanced warning systems, precision strikes, and intelligence gathering to identify and target militants‍ while minimizing collateral damage.

The fact that Israeli soldiers​ are risking⁣ their own lives to rescue hostages and ⁢spare innocent lives is a testament to ‌their dedication‌ to protecting civilians, even in the face of intense hostility and danger. Their efforts should not be discounted or undermined by political posturing.

It is⁣ also important to ‍remember the context in which Israel operates. Hamas, recognized as a terrorist⁤ organization by many countries, relentlessly launches rockets towards Israeli cities, deliberately targeting innocent ‍civilians. In response, Israel is forced to defend its citizens⁣ and neutralize the threat posed by⁢ Hamas. This is not a one-sided⁣ conflict,⁤ but a complex situation that‌ requires​ careful consideration of ⁢the multiple factors at play.

President Biden’s⁢ call for Israel to protect civilians should be understood as a reaffirmation of the importance of upholding ​human ‌rights and‌ international law. It⁢ should not be interpreted as a criticism of Israel’s efforts‍ thus‍ far or ⁣a display of bias ⁤towards one side. The focus should remain on finding a lasting and peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, where the safety and well-being of ⁢all civilians, regardless of ‍their faith or nationality, are the top priority.

As the situation develops, it is crucial for leaders to engage in constructive dialogue and work towards de-escalation, rather than engaging in rhetoric that may further polarize the situation. ⁤The ultimate goal should ​be to create an environment where both Israelis‍ and Palestinians can coexist⁢ in peace and security.

In conclusion, President Biden’s call for Israel to protect ‍civilians in their military operations is an important reminder⁢ of the need to prioritize​ civilian ⁢safety and minimize harm in conflict situations. While Israel already ‍takes significant measures to protect innocent⁤ lives, ongoing efforts are required to ensure that ‌every possible step is taken to minimize civilian casualties. The focus⁣ should be on finding a ​sustainable and just solution to ⁢the Israeli-Palestinian ‌conflict that respects‍ the rights and security of ‌all parties involved.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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