Biden Throws Netanyahu Under the Bus After Murder of American Hostage

In a recent development, President Joe ⁢Biden placed‍ some blame⁣ on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu regarding​ the murder of American citizen Hersh Goldberg-Polin by ‍Hamas​ terrorists. Goldberg-Polin’s body was‍ recovered in Gaza following‍ his abduction. Upon returning to the White House after a vacation, Biden emphasized‌ that a ceasefire and hostage negotiation ‍was ⁤”very close,” ‍but when ‍questioned about whether Netanyahu ⁣should ⁤be ⁤doing more, Biden stated, “No.”‍

Israeli Prime‍ Minister Netanyahu countered Biden’s insinuation by outlining Israel’s previous offers and proposals for ⁤hostage⁢ negotiations, noting that ‌Hamas ‌had repeatedly rejected ‌these⁤ overtures. He raised concerns⁢ about the message it would send if Israel made further concessions after the brutal execution‍ of hostages by Hamas. Netanyahu argued that international pressure should be directed at Hamas, not ‌Israel, and lamented the U.S. administration’s focus on Israel despite its ⁢efforts in negotiations.

Biden’s remarks and Netanyahu’s response highlight the⁢ ongoing ⁢complexities ⁣and tensions in‌ U.S.-Israel relations amid ‌escalating violence and humanitarian concerns in the region. The situation ⁤illustrates a pattern in Biden’s presidency of⁢ seeking scapegoats for broader geopolitical issues, similar to his approach regarding domestic challenges.

President Joe Biden found a scapegoat to blame Monday for the murder of American citizen Hersh Goldberg-Polin by Hamas terrorists: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The body of the 23-year-old Goldberg-Polin, along with five Jewish citizens, was recovered Saturday in the city of Rafah in the Gaza Strip by Israeli Defense Forces soldiers.

On Monday, Biden returned to the White House after being on vacation at the beach for the two weeks.

The president told reporters he felt a ceasefire and hostage deal between Israel and Hamas is “very close.”

“Do you think it’s time for Prime Minister Netanyahu to do more on this issue? Do you think he’s doing enough?” a reporter asked.

“No,” Biden answered.

Asked if he had a message for the remaining hostages families, he replied, “I’ve spoken to the American hostage … I’ve spoken to his mom and dad, and we’re not giving up. We’re going to continue to push as hard as we can.”

Biden seemed to mean the parents of Goldberg-Polin. His not giving up must be in reference to the eight Americans citizens and others still being held hostage by Hamas.

Netanyahu addressed the allegation Monday that Israel must do more, so a deal can be reached.

“I was asked whether I am not doing enough to the release of hostages. Well, I want to set the record straight. On April 27, Secretary of State Blinken said that, ‘Israel made an extraordinary, generous offer for a hostage deal,” the prime minister recounted.

“On May 31, Israel agreed to a U.S.-backed proposal. Hamas refused. On August 16, Israel agreed to what the United States defined as a ‘final bridging proposal.’ Hamas refused again. On August 19, Secretary Blinken said, ‘Israel accepted the U.S. proposal. Now Hamas must do the same,’” Netanyahu continued.

“On August 28 — that’s five days ago, five days ago — Deputy CIA Director said that ‘Israel shows seriousness in the negotiations. Now Hamas must show the same seriousness.’ I want to ask you something. What has changed in the last five days? What has changed?” the prime minister asked.

He answered the question, “One thing: These murderers executed six of our hostages. They shot them in the back of the head. That’s what changed.”

Netanyahu wondered what message it would send to Hamas if Israel made even more concessions after the terrorist killed six hostages in cold blood.

“It says, ‘Kill more hostages. Murder more hostages, and you will get more concessions,’” he argued.

“The pressure internationally must be directed at these killers. At Hamas. Not at Israel. We say ‘yes.’ They say ‘no’ all the time, but they also murdered these people. And now we need maximum pressure on Hamas,” Netanyahu said.

That is exactly right.

The Biden administration realizes the U.S. has more direct leverage over Israel because of the military aid it provides, so it always directs its efforts at the Jewish state.

Former President Donald Trump showed how pressure can be applied against Iran and the other backers of Hamas, but the current president does not do it.

Israel has gone more than half way to try to get a deal.

Biden seems all but checked out at this point in his presidency, so he tries to take the easy way out by blaming Netanyahu and Israel for the senseless murders by Hamas.

This president consistently has tried to blame Trump for inflation, the border, and everything else under the sun that has gone wrong in his administration domestically. It makes perfect sense he’d look for a scapegoat for the chaos in the Middle East and find it in Netanyahu.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

One Comment

  1. The Enemy Within
    Solution for fighting the enemy’s within is easy said then done, but let’s look at some of those reasons why, current issue the Hamas /Israel war, how and why did it come about? The lazy six months on six months off Biden Harris inadequate leadership decided to make Iran as rich as possible suppling China oil, Joe Biden’s family financial benefactor, why? because of Biden family received personal financial gain from Communist China, Hell ,Biden even sold China our National Oil reserves to China, Then at the same time giving large amounts of your tax payer money to the Palestinians to build tunnels so much so, they had money to put bounties on dogs, of course this help feed Hamas with all that money they could take in. Democrats say this was just an appeasement deal to keep peace ongoing! B S. The Biden Harris ticket has been squandering billions of your tax dollars since being in office. Now that war has escalated it is affecting elections. These people can’t be allowed to return to power they are un- American in their every thought word and deed. Why are so many anti American Palestinians here in this Country because Biden and Harris have encouraged it,they could get then to vote democrat even though most are here illegally, or on visa, burning our flags and recking our school systems with their policy of hate towards Jews. This is all part of the Bidens Harris open border policy to kill our American Values. Harris made VP to appease Bernie Sanders radical type thinking which Harris has always been a believer. All can be voted out in November, God Bless America.

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