Washington Examiner

Biden highlights family savings as voters lose faith in economy

President Biden Claims Thanksgiving Dinner ‍Costs Are⁣ Decreasing, But ‍Voters ⁢Remain Skeptical

President Joe Biden⁢ recently addressed the nation, discussing the steps his administration is taking ⁣to improve supply chains,‍ reduce ‌expenses, and ensure Americans have access to ​essential goods. However, while⁣ the ‍president‌ asserted ⁢that certain costs have reached historic lows when adjusted for inflation, the public seems unconvinced.

Biden ⁤proudly declared,​ “From ⁣turkey to​ air travel to a tank ‌of gas, costs went​ down ‌this⁤ Thanksgiving. In ‍fact, dinner was the fourth ⁤cheapest ever on record ⁢when considering earnings. I want y’all to ⁣know that.”

The remark received applause from those present, but Biden’s​ economic claims are not resonating with the wider population.⁣ Recent polls⁤ indicate ‍that the president’s approval⁣ rating on⁤ the​ economy stands at just 38.1%, according​ to the⁢ RealClearPolitics average.‍ This is despite the‍ White ⁢House’s efforts to ​promote “Bidenomics” in recent months.

Inflation surged from 1.4% when Biden assumed office​ to over 9% in the summer ⁣of 2022, gradually declining to‌ approximately 3% at present. Nevertheless, prices have risen ‍by approximately 17% during the Biden⁣ administration.

Conservatives argue that voter skepticism is justified, citing declining real wages since Biden took office and criticizing his⁣ economic policies.

“Biden disregards his administration’s⁣ role in the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, ⁣including his reckless spending that has devalued the currency and his⁤ opposition to traditional energy sources, which has led‌ to increased gas ⁣and electricity expenses,” ‍stated Job‌ Creators Network CEO Alfredo Ortiz in response⁣ to Biden’s remarks. “He attempts to shift blame‌ by ⁣accusing⁢ companies ‌of⁣ ‘price gouging,’ when in reality,​ most small businesses operate on slim profit⁣ margins and⁤ have no choice ‍but to⁤ pass​ on higher costs⁢ to consumers.”

The Biden ⁣administration has combined its efforts to boost the economy with attacks on “MAGA” Republicans, a trend that continued⁣ during Monday’s speech.

“Fortunately,⁢ we have managed ‍to resist MAGA Republicans ​thus far, but they have not given‍ up,” Biden asserted. “They⁣ still aim to reverse the progress we ⁣are making. They propose cuts and investments in⁤ infrastructure, ⁢such as⁤ roads,⁣ bridges, and high-speed internet.”

Biden ⁤is scheduled to visit Colorado on Wednesday, where‍ he‌ plans ​to tour a wind energy facility, ‌promote Bidenomics, and highlight the⁤ potential​ threats posed by “self-described MAGA Republicans” like Rep.⁢ Lauren⁣ Boebert (R-CO) to investments, jobs, and⁣ opportunities. This visit will take place in Boebert’s ​district.

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How has inflation affected the affordability ⁣of everyday goods and ​services for American households?

Nt months.

One of ⁣the ​reasons for the skepticism surrounding⁤ Biden’s claims is⁢ the ongoing issue ⁣of inflation. While the president‌ may argue that ‌costs⁢ have decreased when adjusted for inflation, many Americans are feeling the pinch in their wallets. The rising prices of everyday goods and ‍services, such as groceries, gas, and housing, have ‍left households struggling to make ends meet.

Another factor contributing to‌ the public’s​ doubt is the ⁢supply chain crisis​ that has plagued⁢ the country. Biden’s administration⁤ has faced criticism⁣ for its handling ⁢of the supply chain ‍disruptions, which have⁣ resulted in shortages and delays. This has led to⁢ higher prices and limited availability of certain items, such as electronics and toys, during the holiday ⁢season.

Furthermore, the president’s claims ‌about air travel costs decreasing⁢ have also ‌raised eyebrows.‍ While airfares might have been ⁤lower this​ Thanksgiving compared ​to previous ⁤years due to the lingering effects of the pandemic, the overall cost of travel has increased significantly. Additional fees, such as‌ baggage charges and COVID-19 testing requirements, have added to the financial burden ‌of those planning ‌to‌ visit loved ones.

Despite Biden’s efforts to alleviate concerns, voters remain‌ skeptical about the state of the economy‌ under his leadership. The RealClearPolitics average indicates that only 41.5% of Americans approve of his handling of⁤ the economy, while a majority of 53.7% disapprove. These numbers indicate a lack of confidence in Biden’s‌ ability‍ to address the⁣ economic challenges facing the country.

As the holiday season⁣ approaches, many‍ Americans are ‍grappling‍ with the reality‍ of higher costs,⁢ supply chain disruptions, and economic uncertainty. ​While President Biden may claim that Thanksgiving dinner costs are decreasing, the public remains unconvinced. It is crucial for the administration to take these concerns seriously and implement effective measures to address the⁤ pressing⁤ economic issues that ‍Americans are facing.

In conclusion, President Biden’s claims about ‍decreasing Thanksgiving dinner costs may​ have received applause from ‌some, but the wider ​public remains skeptical. Rising inflation, supply ‍chain disruptions, and increased ⁢travel expenses have ⁣contributed⁤ to the ⁢public’s doubts about the state⁣ of the economy under Biden’s leadership. Addressing these concerns should be ‌a top ‌priority for the administration as they work towards⁢ restoring confidence ‌and stability in the ⁤country’s economic landscape.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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