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Biden’s ‘Bidenomics’ Explanation Flops with Giant Whiteboard

President Biden’s Attempt to Explain ‘Bidenomics’ ‌with a Giant Whiteboard Backfires

It might work, if American memories can’t last three years.

President Joe Biden is trying his ⁤hand ​as Professor Joe Biden, with a⁤ whiteboard video⁤ from the White House aimed at trying ⁢to convince voters “Bidenomics” is⁢ making them better‍ off, despite the evidence of their bank ⁣accounts.

But⁢ like every other ⁣aspect of the Biden presidency, it’s ​backfiring — ⁤badly.

In a three-minute video released to social media on‌ Friday, the ⁢president ‌used magic markers, ‍a whiteboard and some cute⁤ technology tricks to⁢ explain that the disastrous economic policies of the Biden administration have done more than create the ruinous⁢ inflation that’s brutalizing American pocketbooks.‌ It didn’t work.

For anyone with‍ three minutes to burn listening⁣ to sugar-coated lies about the state of the‍ nation, the video is⁤ here:

But what‌ his team apparently didn’t reckon on was that ‌reality has⁤ a way of​ intruding on even the most grandiose leftist fantasies — ⁤and that standing in ⁣front of a ‌blank whiteboard in the ⁢age of easily edited social media images‌ is a recipe for self-destruction.

Is our‍ economy​ in a worse position since​ Biden entered office?

Is our economy in ⁣a worse position since Biden entered office?

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After all, social media, like nature itself, abhors a ⁣vacuum.

The second lesson is a lot‌ more fun than the first.

It’s ‌a good bet this​ will be the last​ time Biden’s team puts him in front of⁤ a blank space that can​ be filled so easily. And it’s⁤ an even better bet that these mocking memes are going to get more attention than ⁢the nonsense ⁢the president ⁤was spewing:

Check out the graphics on this one:

And ​how about one in plain, ​old-fashioned words:

Now, ⁢mockery aside and to​ get Biden’s more egregious brags out of the ​way, his claim about⁢ the administration “creating” 13 million jobs is bunk beyond ⁣even Biden’s normal penchant ⁤for lies.

As even a CNN‍ “fact check” when Biden made a similar⁤ claim during his State of the Union address ‌in February‌ noted, ‍the economy is recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic. Millions of jobs ⁢recovered are‌ not millions of jobs “created.”

His ⁤claim that, under ‌his⁤ policies, “Americans are already saving hundreds or even thousands of dollars‌ per year” is belied by the simple experience of everyday citizens going to the grocery store or‍ the‌ gas ‍station.

As⁤ CNN, again, reported Aug. 11, an analysis by Moody’s Analytics showed Americans are spending $709 more a month to‌ buy the same⁣ things in 2023 that they were when⁤ Biden took office.

That’s $709 most Americans don’t​ have in their couch cushions.

And even if ‍Moody’s economist Mark Zandi wrote in a social media post on Aug. 10 that he thought inflation was “set to moderate‌ further,” that’s not the same as‍ saying anything’s going to go back to what it ⁣was when Donald Trump was president three short years ago.

In 2020, inflation was ‌1.4 percent, according to ​the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The average price ‌for a gallon⁢ of gas​ in ⁣the U.S. in 2020 was $2.38 before the COVID pandemic hit its full force and drove gas ⁣prices to historic lows, ⁢according to the Energy Information Agency.

Trump can’t get credit for ⁢the low gas prices of the COVID-lockdown era, of ⁤course. But is there an American on the road driving​ a‌ traditional gas-powered vehicle who wouldn’t trade ‌$2.38⁣ for the numbers on gas station signs now?

(Don’t forget the pre-COVID stock market⁣ going gangbusters, record-low levels of unemployment for black Americans and other minorities liberals claim ⁢to care about, not to mention peace⁤ efforts ⁢abroad between Israel and historic enemies and the fact‍ that Russia didn’t invade anyone ⁢when⁢ Trump ‌was⁢ in charge.)

In short, ⁤a three-minute spiel​ from a doddering, almost certainly corrupt ⁤figurehead in the Oval​ Office​ is no ⁣substitute for the lived experience (as liberals ‍like to say) of ordinary‍ Americans going ⁤about ⁤their business in the ‌era ⁤of “Bidenomics.”

Life in the ‍United States doesn’t have to be this way.

Americans‍ who can remember ​only three years ago, when there was an American in charge of ‍the White House who actually cared about the​ country, know it.

And ‌three⁢ years isn’t isn’t too long to remember at​ all.

That’s the “Bidenomics” lesson Biden needs to ‍learn.

The post Biden⁢ Tries to Explain ‘Bidenomics’ with a‍ Giant Whiteboard, But It⁣ Backfires​ Immediately appeared first‌ on The​ Western Journal.

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