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Biden, who sees white supremacists everywhere, calls LL Cool J ‘boy’ at Congressional Black Caucus.

Biden, Who Imagines White‌ Supremacists Everywhere, Refers to Rapper LL Cool J⁢ as ‘Boy’ to Congressional Black Caucus

I cannot ‌imagine a white ⁤American adult who would be‍ ignorant enough to call a 55-year-old black ‍man — a spectacularly wealthy and​ famous one, to boot — a “boy” in ⁢2023.

But then, I couldn’t⁢ imagine ⁢a ⁣president like Joseph Robinette Biden before 2020. Or 2021, or ‌2022.

Guess what the two have in common?

On Saturday, Biden was ⁣the most illustrious speaker in attendance at the ​Congressional Black Caucus’ 52nd Annual Legislative Conference. Also in attendance, according‌ to the New‍ York Post, ⁢was ‍rapper LL​ Cool⁣ J (legal name James Todd Smith) who, along with ⁢fellow hip-hop artist MC ‍Lyte, was receiving‌ the⁤ Phoenix Award for ​their artistic ⁣contributions.

So, naturally, things went off without a hitch for the ​president.

“Two⁣ of the great artists of ‌our time representing the groundbreaking legacy of‍ hip hop in ⁤America, LL Jay Cool J, uhhh…” Biden said, with the‍ crowd having a hearty⁢ laugh⁣ at the ​80-year-old ‌Biden trying to get out the⁣ name ⁣of a rap‌ artist who’s been in the public eye for almost 40 years now.

The audience did not, it’s worth⁢ noting, laugh so‌ strongly at the​ next gaffe.

“By the way that boy​ — that man’s got biceps bigger than my thighs,” Biden⁢ said —⁤ quickly ⁣(but not too quickly) catching himself before moving onto MC Lyte.

This went ‍over as well as you might expect on social media:

And yet, this is a president who envisions white supremacists everywhere. In​ fact, he went⁢ so far ‍as to‌ call “white‌ supremacy … the most dangerous threat to our homeland” in a speech at historically black⁣ Howard University in ​Washington, D.C., earlier this year.

“And I’m not saying this because⁢ I’m at a black ⁤HBCU,”⁢ he said. “I say it wherever I go.”

Likewise, American‌ intelligence and federal‌ law enforcement agencies have responded accordingly. ​Perhaps they should start ⁤by bugging the Oval Office.

But‌ remember: This gaffe won’t hurt Biden in​ the slightest.

Remember, this is the man who, in the heat‍ of the early ​stages of the 2020⁢ primary season, told an audience that “poor‍ kids are ​just as bright and just⁤ as talented as white⁣ kids.”

This was after the earliest scandal⁤ of his campaign, a series ​of remarks in which he ⁢touted his work with segregationist Dixiecrats during the 1970s⁢ as a sign of civility in Washington and evidence he‌ was ‌good at ⁣“bringing people together,”‍ according to⁤ The Washington ‍Post.

According to the ⁤Post, one of these was Sen. James ⁣Eastland, a ⁣notorious racist​ and polybigot from Mississippi. “He never called⁣ me ‘boy,’”⁣ Biden said of Eastland in the 2019 speech. “He always called me​ ‘son.’”

Do⁢ you think Biden’s comment was racist?

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Quoth the Post: “Biden’s campaign didn’t immediately return a request for ‌comment about why it would be notable that the ⁢Dixiecrat — who thought ⁤black Americans belonged⁤ to an ‘inferior​ race’ and warned ⁤that integration would cause ‘mongrelization’ — ​didn’t call Biden ‘boy,’ a racial​ epithet deployed against black⁣ men.”

Well, probably because Saturday ⁣wasn’t the‌ first time Biden’s used the epithet ‌himself. And I’m not talking in the 1970s:

But⁣ remember:


And this isn’t even to ⁤touch⁣ on Biden’s remarks about Barack Obama ​before he became Obama’s veep, his ‍comments ​about fighting systemic racism ⁤by leaving the record player on at night, his insinuation that Hispanics must automatically⁣ be illegal immigrants —⁣ you know, ​fun stuff ⁤like that.

The ​fact is, Biden will be⁤ allowed to skate by much‍ of the media because he’s seen as ⁣the only credible candidate the‌ Democrats have in 2024,‍ the same​ way he ​was seen as the most credible candidate the party could put ⁤forward ​in 2020. ‌Once​ his spin doctors⁢ have their ⁤way with this, the establishment‍ media won’t care ‍a whit.

On⁤ both levels, ⁤then, this latest incident is profoundly sad — and the most ‌Biden-esque thing⁢ that could have happened ⁢this weekend.

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The post Biden,‌ Who Imagines ⁣White Supremacists Everywhere, Refers to Rapper LL Cool J as ‘Boy’ to ⁤Congressional Black​ Caucus ​ appeared first on ⁤ The Western Journal.

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