Washington Examiner

Biden-Xi meeting: Congressional investigation of COVID-19 origins looms over US-China relations

The Shadow Over the Biden-Xi Meeting: Congressional Investigations into COVID-19 Origins

The highly anticipated face-to-face meeting between President Joe Biden and‌ Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in San Francisco is being overshadowed by congressional investigations into⁢ the origins of ​the COVID-19 pandemic.

While there are many topics on ‌the agenda for Biden and Xi, Republicans in the House and Senate‌ believe that uncovering the⁢ exact origins of SARS-CoV-2 is of utmost importance.

Demands for ⁢Answers

Chairman‌ of the House⁣ Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, Brad Wenstrup (R-OH), emphasized the need for substantial answers, stating that the “devastation that the world has undergone” due to COVID-19 cannot be ignored.

The impact of ​the pandemic has been staggering, with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimating 1.15 million American⁣ deaths involving COVID-19​ between 2020 ‌and 2023, and⁣ a global⁣ death toll surpassing 3.4 million. The economic cost has been equally significant, with the U.S. economy losing an‌ estimated $14‌ trillion.

Wenstrup urged President Biden to press President Xi on why China allegedly hid information about COVID-19 from the rest of the world, a question that weighs heavily on the⁢ minds of Chinese leaders ⁤due to congressional pressure.

Avoiding Accountability

Wenstrup’s subcommittee received an email expressing opposition ⁣to the COVID-19 origins investigation from the Embassy‍ of the People’s Republic of China. In response, Wenstrup called ​for Chinese researchers affiliated with the ‍Wuhan Institute of Virology to testify⁤ before Congress, but ‍his request has gone unanswered.

Chairman of the Energy and Commerce⁣ Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Morgan Griffith, stated that evidence⁣ reviewed by Congress indicates​ that the virus likely originated from the lab ​as an accident. Chinese‍ officials at the Wuhan Institute ​of Virology allegedly purged information related to genetic sequences of coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2, after researchers fell ill with COVID-19-like symptoms.

The involvement of U.S. taxpayer dollars through ⁣the National Institutes ⁤of Health in funding projects at the Wuhan Institute of Virology has raised further concerns.

Congressional Subpoenas ​and Stonewalling

The House⁤ Energy and Commerce and Oversight committees ‌have jointly subpoenaed leadership from the Department of Health and Human Services ⁤due​ to the Biden administration’s reluctance to cooperate with the investigation. The administration’s lack of transparency has​ drawn criticism ‌from ​Senator Rand Paul and others.

Despite the recent confirmation ‌of a new permanent director for the NIH, Monica Bertagnolli, doubts remain about the impact ⁣on the investigation, as key figures like Francis Collins and Anthony Fauci have retired ⁢from public service.

Senator Paul emphasized the importance of revealing the truth about the‌ origins of COVID-19, ⁤stating that “the American people deserve to know.”

As the Biden-Xi meeting takes place,‍ the cloud of the congressional investigations looms large, highlighting the urgency and significance of uncovering the truth behind the pandemic’s origins.

Click here to read more from ⁣the Washington Examiner.

What controversies surround⁣ the origin of the virus, particularly the theory of a laboratory leak?

P further highlighted ‍that the‍ lack of transparency ‌from China ‌during ‍the early ​stages of the pandemic has ​raised suspicions and hindered efforts to effectively respond‍ to the crisis. He argued that‍ understanding the origins of the virus​ is crucial not only for justice and⁣ accountability but also ⁢to prevent future similar⁤ outbreaks.

Republicans in Congress have⁤ been ⁣calling for⁢ a thorough investigation into⁢ the origins of ‌COVID-19 for months.​ They‍ accuse⁣ the Chinese government⁢ of covering up the origin of the virus and withholding critical information that ‌could have helped⁢ contain its spread. They argue that China’s⁢ actions have had devastating consequences⁢ globally,⁢ warranting a comprehensive examination of the origins of the virus.

Theories‍ and Controversies

One of the ‌main theories that have generated controversy is the possibility that the virus leaked from a laboratory, most‍ notably the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which ⁤is known⁢ for studying coronaviruses. While there is still⁤ no definitive evidence supporting this theory, Republicans in ‌Congress argue that it should not be dismissed⁤ and should be⁣ thoroughly investigated. They believe that ​China’s lack of cooperation and transparency raise suspicions about the origins ⁣of the virus.

However, the World Health Organization ⁣(WHO), in its initial investigation conducted earlier this year, deemed the lab leak theory highly unlikely. Instead, they suggested that the virus most likely originated from an animal source. Yet, Republicans remain skeptical of the WHO’s findings, calling for an ‌independent⁣ and unbiased examination of the origins.

The Biden-Xi Meeting

The upcoming meeting between ‌President Biden and President Xi is an important ‍opportunity to‍ address these concerns and seek answers. The Biden ⁤administration has expressed‌ its ‍support⁤ for further⁤ investigations into the origins of COVID-19, stressing the ​need for transparency and​ cooperation from China. President⁢ Biden has faced pressure from both parties to hold China ⁢accountable for its actions and push for a comprehensive investigation.

However, navigating the delicate balance between addressing the pandemic’s origins and maintaining a productive relationship with China ‍is a challenge ⁣for the Biden administration. The meeting between the two presidents is ⁣expected to⁣ be a‍ crucial moment⁤ in‍ discussing these issues​ and setting the tone for future cooperation.

A Way Forward

Regardless⁢ of any ongoing investigations, it is ‍clear⁣ that ‌the world needs to learn from the COVID-19 pandemic and take steps to‌ prevent similar crises in the future. This includes improving transparency‌ in public health emergencies, enhancing international cooperation, and implementing effective early ‌warning systems.

While the⁤ investigations⁢ into the origins⁤ of COVID-19 continue, it is essential to remember⁣ that the focus should ultimately be on preventing future outbreaks and saving lives. ‍The Biden-Xi meeting‍ should serve as a‌ stepping stone towards strengthening⁤ global cooperation and ensuring that the world is better prepared for future health crises. Accountability and transparency will be ⁢crucial in building trust and mitigating the devastating‌ effects of⁤ any future pandemics.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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