Conservative News Daily

Oversight Committee: WH Accused of Hiding Smoking Gun Evidence

James ‌Comer’s Committee Keeps the Pressure On

Days after releasing a ‍video showing a ​direct link between a Chinese energy company and now-President Joe Biden’s bank account, the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability announced that the White House is not cooperating in⁢ clearing up questions about the Biden family’s questionable financial ‍practices.

And considering the‍ stakes involved, this⁤ should ​make​ the American people furious.

In a Friday‌ evening social media⁣ post, the Republican-led Oversight Committee declared that the White House is refusing to hand over loan documents ‍for any loans provided by President ⁢Biden ⁣to his brother, James Biden.

The committee stated, “We’ve exposed nearly a quarter​ of ⁢a million dollars that James⁤ Biden sent to Joe‍ Biden as ‘loan ‌repayments’ that were funded by laundered China​ money⁤ and influence peddling⁣ schemes.”

Is this what the most ⁣transparent administration in history is supposed to look like?

The question answers itself, of course, but just⁢ for the record, no, it’s not‍ what​ a⁤ transparent administration looks like. In​ fact, it’s about the opposite of what a transparent administration looks like.

What it looks like is a White House ​that’s been caught red-handed by a political opposition that’s uncovered mounting​ evidence that the man now in the Oval Office has a record of profiting from his family’s dealings with foreign governments peddling the influence the “Biden” name implies.

What it ⁤looks like is an administration taking a “talk to the hand” attitude toward legitimate questions about whether Joe Biden spent the years before his presidency — both as President Barack ‍Obama’s vice president ‍as a⁢ a⁣ private​ citizen between government jobs ⁢— thanks to the offices the ⁣American people​ trusted him with.

What it looks like, in⁤ a word, is “corruption.” And it ⁢looks like the‌ White House is engaging in the ‌time-honored‍ Washington response of being caught red-handed: ⁤Stonewalling.

From the attitude‌ of Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. James Comer, the tone of⁣ Friday’s social media post, and ⁢the‍ response the committee’s post generated⁤ from the GOP, that ‍tactic is going to have some problems.

Since taking over the committee in January,⁤ Comer has made clear‌ he isn’t backing away from any ⁢aspect ⁣of investigation when‌ it comes to the Bidens, ‌whether it’s the president, son Hunter and his⁢ evidence-stuffed laptop, the hangers-on brothers James Biden and Frank Biden, or the numerous Biden relatives who made money ⁢off extensively documented ‍shell companies tied to the Biden influence-peddling schemes.

And that aggressiveness came through in ‌the ⁣social media post’s ‍closing paragraph:

“We won’t be stopped by⁢ the ⁢President’s stonewalling,” the committee stated. “We’ll continue to follow the money,⁣ expose ‌President Biden’s corruption, and deliver‍ accountability.”

That’s not exactly the Era ⁢of Good Feelings.

And from the responses, many Americans‍ were in a similar mood:

“Keep digging,” encouraged former Rep. Jason​ Chaffetz, a onetime Utah congressman who served as chairman of the House Oversight Committee and is now a Fox News⁤ host.

As if to drive ⁤the point of its⁢ determination home, the‌ Oversight Committee released another statement Saturday, this one excoriating ⁢the establishment media for running interference for the White House.

“It’s time for Corporate⁤ Media to wake up and report on​ one of the⁤ biggest scandals in U.S. history,” the⁣ post stated.

“President‌ Biden and the Admin he promised would be the most transparent in​ history continue to stonewall us ⁣at ⁤every turn.⁢ There will be accountability.”

There will‌ be accountability,⁣ all right,‌ even‌ if ⁤the establishment media ⁣— ​as corrupt⁤ in⁢ its own way as the Biden crime family —⁢ doesn’t ⁢lift a finger to help.

The​ Biden administration is a disaster on ‍so many fronts that Americans are noticing‌ — ‌whether stoking the inflation that’s burning ​through American pockets and pocketbooks, dealing with‍ the ongoing ‌invasion of illegal aliens, long since ⁤out of⁢ control and now​ a ‌known national security⁤ threat, or presiding over the humiliating, self-inflicted image ⁤of the world’s only superpower ⁢reduced ⁤to a ⁣stumbling, bumbling corrupt⁣ caricature ‌of⁢ itself.

There’s a reason ​Biden’s polling numbers are pathetic, even while his Justice Department, local Democratic prosecutors, and the⁣ national establishment media wage relentless ⁤legal and propaganda warfare on his behalf against former President Donald Trump, Biden’s ​single most influential political opponent.

And when that accountability ‍comes, Americans will have‍ a reason⁤ to be grateful ‍to ⁣Comer and his committee, for keeping the pressure‌ on.

The stakes — the future of the ⁢country and‌ its ‌citizens — are too high​ to back down now.

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The post Bidens Caught Red-Handed? Oversight Committee Says ​WH Is Attempting to‌ ‘Stonewall’ Smoking Gun Evidence appeared first on The Western Journal.

Why is it important for the American people to be aware‍ of potential corruption or questionable ⁢financial practices involving elected officials?

‌Ntability‌ to the American people. The time for transparency is now, and⁣ we will not rest until the truth ​is uncovered.”

Comer’s determination to hold the Biden administration accountable is commendable, especially⁤ in the face of blatant stonewalling. It is essential that the ⁢American people are made aware ⁢of any potential corruption or questionable financial practices involving their elected officials.

The allegations made by the‍ Oversight Committee against the Biden family ⁢are serious and cannot be ignored. The video released by the committee provides a direct link between a Chinese energy company and President Biden’s bank account, raising concerns about foreign influence and potential conflicts of interest. ⁤The refusal of the White House to cooperate in clearing up these questions only fuels suspicions and undermines the integrity of the administration.

The American people deserve to know the truth. They deserve a transparent‍ administration that upholds the highest⁢ ethical standards. If these ‍allegations are true, it is a betrayal of the public’s trust and a‌ violation​ of the principles upon which this nation was founded.

Furthermore, the implications of these ​allegations go beyond just the Bidens. They raise concerns about ⁢the integrity ​of our political system and the influence of foreign governments on our elected officials. It is crucial that we address these issues and hold those responsible accountable.

James Comer ⁣and the House Committee on⁤ Oversight ​and Accountability are‍ playing ‍a crucial role in this process. Their determination to ⁣follow the ⁢money and expose corruption is a service to the American people. They are standing up for transparency and accountability in ​government, despite facing resistance from the highest levels of power.

The American people should support these efforts and demand answers. We cannot allow our elected officials to engage ⁣in ⁤corrupt practices or turn a blind eye to potential wrongdoing. It is our responsibility as citizens to hold our leaders accountable and ensure that ⁣our democracy remains strong and free from corruption.

In the coming weeks and months, the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability will continue to investigate the Biden ​family’s ‍financial practices and expose any potential⁢ corruption. It is our hope that the truth ​will prevail and that justice ‍will be served.

But regardless of the outcome, ‍one thing is clear: James Comer’s‍ committee will⁤ not be deterred. They will continue ⁤to fight for transparency, accountability, and⁣ the best interests of the American people. And in doing ​so, they will remind us all of‌ the importance of holding our elected officials to the highest standards of integrity.

Now more than ever, we need leaders like James ‌Comer ⁢and committees like the House​ Committee on ⁣Oversight and Accountability.⁤ They are the guardians ⁣of our democracy and the protectors of⁣ our values. Let us stand with them and demand the truth.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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