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Kerry’s meeting with CCP officials raises questions about Biden’s China policy.

President‍ Biden’s Climate Envoy‌ Arrives⁢ in ‌Beijing for Talks


President ​Biden’s ⁣climate envoy John Kerry arrived in⁤ Beijing ​on July 16 for three days ⁣of talks, ⁤becoming ⁤the‌ third ⁢U.S. official to travel‌ to​ China⁣ in⁢ less ‍than two months.

While ⁤climate ‌talks will dominate the discussions between Kerry and Chinese Communist Party (CCP) ‍officials, it remains to ⁣be seen ​whether these ‍talks will​ actually​ lead ⁤to ‍an improvement of bilateral⁤ ties‌ since‌ there ‍wasn’t⁣ any‌ major ⁣breakthrough ⁤following the ⁤trips⁢ to China by Secretary of State Anthony Blinken ⁢and Treasury Secretary‍ Janet Yellen.

Mr. Kerry ‌told Congress that climate‍ change⁤ is⁣ pressing, ⁤noting it’s important for​ the⁣ United ​States‍ and ⁢China to find ‌ways to work together ‍in addressing it.

“China is the world’s⁢ second-largest⁢ economy, and as the world’s largest ⁤emitter, It’s critical ⁢to our being able to solve this problem,” Mr. Kerry said ‍at⁣ House Committee‍ on ⁤Foreign Affairs⁤ subcommittee ‍hearing on⁤ July 13. ⁢Failing to engage with ‍China “would ​be malpractice of the worst‍ order, diplomatic and⁣ political,”​ he added.

Mr.‍ Kerry is set ​to meet China’s special climate envoy Xie Zhenhua as⁣ well as⁣ other​ senior Chinese officials.‌ During ​these ⁤meetings, Mr. Kerry‍ said he‍ hoped‌ they ​could make progress⁤ in persuading Beijing to⁤ “transition away from coal.”

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China accounts for⁤ more than half, 53 percent, ‍of ⁤global⁣ coal⁣ consumption, according to ‌a⁤ 2022 report by International Energy ⁢Agency.

Chinese leader Xi Jinping pledged to cut carbon​ emissions, but it won’t start​ until⁤ 2030.

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“We aim⁣ to have CO2‌ emissions peak before⁢ 2030 and achieve carbon ⁤neutrality by 2060. We call on all ‍countries ⁢to pursue ‌innovative, coordinated, green, and open development ⁢for all,” ⁤Mr. Xi said at⁤ the​ 75th ‌session of⁣ the‌ UN Assembly in‍ New York.

Observers, though ‌welcomed Mr. Xi’s⁢ pledge,‌ doubted ‍whether ⁢the⁤ country‌ really delivered the⁣ commitment, with ‍some even⁤ arguing it appeared to ⁣be ⁢“a lie.”

“China has no‍ intention of​ decarbonizing. Although it⁣ says it ‌will reduce​ CO2 emissions, in reality, the ​Communists’‌ hold​ on ⁤power will ⁤slip‌ without the constant economic growth⁢ that ⁣only​ fossil fuels ​can bring,” researchers said in a‌ report by⁤ Global Warming Policy Foundation, ‌a U.K.-based nonprofit.

Currently, with​ its economy faltering,⁤ Chinese authorities ​continue to approve new coal-fired plants. In the first ‍three months of 2023, local officials ​have already approved the construction of at least 20.45 ⁢gigawatts of‌ power⁢ capacity,⁣ more than doubled the⁤ 8.63 gigawatts ⁤approved‍ in⁤ the ⁣same period last year, accordion to recent research⁢ by‌ Greenpeace.

In ⁣comparison, the ‍U.S.⁣ Environmental Protection Agency has produced ⁤its toughest-ever rules‌ for power plants,‍ requiring⁤ most⁢ fossil fuel ⁤power facilities to cut carbon ⁣emissions⁣ by 90 percent before‌ 2035.

President Joe Biden said the United States‌ will slash⁣ its emissions⁣ by ⁣at least 50 percent compared with 2005⁣ levels by the end of the decade. ‍Mr.‍ Biden promised‍ to‌ turn⁣ the United States ‍into a “net zero” contributor ⁣to ⁢climate change before 2050.

Republicans Express Concerns

Ahead of Mr. ‍Kerry’s arrival, Republicans and China experts have questioned the ⁢Biden administration for its⁣ persistent efforts to engage​ China, ⁤while⁣ Democrats have ⁢come ⁢to​ Biden’s⁤ defense.

“I’m​ deeply ⁣concerned the​ administration⁤ continues ⁣to​ engage with ‍the CCP with no real ‍results or​ anything to⁣ show‍ for ⁤it,” Mr. ‍McCaul said during ⁢Thursday’s ⁢hearing. ​“Countering ⁢China ​and their malign agenda​ should be ‍the ⁣top priority⁣ of the ⁢State⁣ Department.”

Sen.⁢ Marsha ‍Blackburn (R-Tenn.) described the climate ⁤negotiation as appeasement.

“John Kerry’s ‌taxpayer-funded⁤ trip to China is ⁢another weak attempt to appease a⁣ dictatorship that commits pervasive ⁢human rights abuses ‍and oppresses its own people,” said Ms. Blackburn in a July ⁢13 statement.

“The ⁢Biden ⁣administration‌ clearly ‌cares more about⁤ advancing its radical ⁣Green New‌ Deal agenda ⁢than protecting ⁣our national security interests,” Ms. Blackburn ⁤added. “Rather ‍than​ cooperating⁢ with our greatest adversary ⁣in the‍ name of⁢ combating climate change,​ the U.S. ‌should focus‌ on hampering ‌Beijing’s goal of achieving global domination.”

Rep. ⁤Ashley​ Hinson ‌(R-Iowa) ⁢made ⁣similar criticism,​ saying Kery’s visit is a continuation of ⁢“Biden’s Beijing appeasement tour.”

“We need to ‌stand up​ to the CCP, ⁤not reward continued bad ​behavior,”‍ Ms. Hinson wrote on Twitter on July 13.

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