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Biden’s DOJ criticized for targeting Elon Musk with criminal probe over alleged benefits, seen as pure political agenda.

DOJ Launches Criminal Investigation⁣ into Elon Musk and Tesla

President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice is facing intense backlash​ after a bombshell report revealed that federal prosecutors have initiated a criminal investigation ⁤into whether Tesla CEO Elon Musk, a vocal opponent of the administration, received undisclosed personal benefits from the company.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York has convened a federal grand jury ‍to delve into the ‍alleged personal benefits ‍dating back to⁤ 2017.

The investigation, as reported by The Wall‌ Street Journal,​ focuses on a‍ secretive project within Tesla called “Project ⁤42.” This project allegedly ⁣involved the construction of a ‌glass-panel home⁣ for Musk.

Musk,⁣ who recently denied the existence of the project‍ on his social ⁣media platform X,⁣ stated, “Just‍ want to reiterate that there is ⁢no glass house (metaphors don’t ⁣count lol) built, under construction or planned! I’m not⁢ building any house⁤ of any kind anywhere. Period.”

Despite being the world’s richest man, Musk has sold all ⁤seven of his‌ homes in California,‌ vowing to “own no house.” However, prosecutors​ are now investigating ⁣whether Tesla failed⁢ to disclose benefits provided to Musk.

The investigation also includes an⁣ examination of ‍the driving range of Tesla’s‍ electric ​vehicles.⁣ Prosecutors are looking into whether the company misled consumers⁤ and investors regarding ⁤the performance of its‍ advanced driver-assistance system,⁣ Autopilot.


It is worth noting ‌that Biden has​ excluded Tesla from White House initiatives for‌ electric vehicles,⁢ favoring unionized Big‍ Three automakers instead. Musk ‌has accused Biden​ of ignoring Tesla and falsely claiming that ​GM leads the electric car industry.

News of the⁤ DOJ’s investigation into Musk ⁤and Tesla has sparked widespread criticism online, with many expressing concerns that the probe is politically motivated.

Journalist Ian Miles Cheong, a frequent online interlocutor‍ of Musk, questioned the DOJ’s motives, ‌stating, “Tell⁣ me⁤ how this isn’t a politically-driven effort⁤ by the ‍Biden administration ​to go‍ after Musk, who is one of the administration’s⁢ loudest and most ​influential critics.”

Various ⁤individuals, including John R. Lott Jr., President⁢ of the Crime Prevention Research Center, and ‌Stephen Miller, former Senior ⁢Advisor to former President Donald Trump, have ⁣criticized the investigation as politically motivated⁣ and an ‌abuse of power.

Miller expressed his concerns on X, ‌stating, “Ruthless, vindictive,‌ vicious weaponization. All that stands between Americans and ‌unrestrained federal tyranny ​is the House of Representatives. ⁤Pray they rise to the moment. God help us if they don’t.”


How might the outcome of‍ the investigation impact Elon Musk’s reputation and influence?


The criminal investigation into Musk and Tesla ⁢comes at a time when the Biden administration is ramping up its efforts to combat white-collar crime and ensure corporate accountability. Attorney General Merrick Garland⁢ has made it⁢ clear⁣ that prosecuting individuals and corporations​ involved in financial misconduct is a priority for⁢ the Department of Justice.

The investigation is‍ a significant blow to Musk, who has been a vocal critic of President Biden and his administration’s policies.​ Musk has openly expressed his skepticism about government regulations and has clashed with the administration on ‌issues such as cryptocurrency ‌and space travel. Many‌ speculate ‌that ‍the investigation is politically motivated and ‌aimed at undermining Musk’s influence and success.

Tesla, a leading electric ‍vehicle manufacturer, has been at the forefront of technological advancements⁢ in the automotive industry. The‌ company’s success and Musk’s charismatic persona have made him a controversial figure, with both devoted followers and fierce critics. Musk’s tweets and public⁤ statements ⁤frequently make headlines, often impacting the company’s stock price and⁢ overall market ⁤sentiment.

The alleged benefits received by Musk from ⁣Tesla, specifically the construction of a glass-panel home, raise concerns about potential conflicts ⁢of interest and breaches of corporate governance. Disclosure of such benefits is essential for transparency and accountability, especially in publicly traded‍ companies. If it is determined that these benefits ‌were not properly disclosed, it could result in legal consequences for both Musk and the company.

Additionally,‌ the investigation into the performance of Tesla’s Autopilot system ⁤aims to‍ address concerns regarding consumer safety and potentially misleading marketing practices. ⁢Autopilot is⁢ marketed as an advanced driver-assistance system, but⁤ there have been incidents involving⁤ Tesla vehicles crashing while in Autopilot mode. ⁢Prosecutors will likely assess whether‌ Tesla adequately communicated the limitations and ‍risks⁣ associated with its Autopilot system to consumers and investors.

As with⁢ any criminal investigation, it is important to remember that⁣ allegations‌ are not proof of guilt. Musk and Tesla, like any​ other individuals or ​entities, are entitled to the presumption of innocence until proven guilty in a court ‍of law. The Department of Justice’s investigation will⁣ determine whether there is sufficient evidence to proceed with charges.

The outcome of this investigation has significant ‍implications ​for both Elon ⁤Musk and Tesla. If ⁤the allegations are proven, it could tarnish Musk’s reputation and potentially lead ‍to legal and financial consequences for the company. On the other hand, if the ​investigation finds no wrongdoing, it could strengthen Musk’s position‌ and⁤ further solidify his influence ​and success.

Regardless of the outcome, this case highlights the importance ​of transparency, accountability, and ethical practices in the corporate world. It serves as a reminder that even high-profile ⁣individuals and companies are not ‌immune to scrutiny and must adhere to the highest standards of corporate governance.

The ⁣Department of Justice’s criminal investigation into Elon Musk and Tesla will undoubtedly continue to generate headlines and⁢ public⁤ debate. As the legal proceedings unfold, it is crucial to prioritize due process and allow the justice system to determine the truth. Only then can a fair and just resolution be ‍reached, ensuring accountability and upholding the⁢ principles of justice.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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