The federalist

Biden’s DOJ Tormented These Four J6 Protesters To Death

The ‌Tragic Stories of Jan. 6 Defendants Who Took Their Own Lives

Last week, newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson publicly​ released 90 hours of Jan. 6, 2021, security footage featuring‌ protesters peacefully walking through the Capitol,⁢ often‍ with the encouragement⁢ or indifference of Capitol Police officers.

The footage further ​delegitimizes the Biden administration, corporate media,​ and⁤ Jan. 6 Committee’s insistence that the 2021 ​Capitol protest was on par with Pearl Harbor and 9/11. It also exonerates countless​ peaceful protesters who have been slandered by the media and J6 Committee, harassed by Biden’s Department of Justice, and​ held in solitary confinement without ​due process.

Many protesters were severely punished because federal courts‌ stressed‌ a ‍“need to deter others, especially in cases of domestic terrorism.” In ⁢other words, ​they made⁢ examples out of ⁣Jan. 6 protesters for daring ⁣to question the results ‌of the rigged 2020 election. Some Jan. 6⁤ protesters crumbled under the Biden DOJ’s political persecution. Four of them took their own lives. Here’s what we know about those victims.

Matthew ⁤Perna

According to journalist Julie Kelly, Matthew Perna reportedly “graduated at the top of ‌his class⁤ at Penn State University and traveled the world teaching children in‌ southeast Asia how to speak English.” Perna‍ had become interested in holistic⁤ medicine after his mother’s death and worked as ⁤a CBD distributor.

Surveillance ‌video shows Perna entered the Capitol through an open door and peacefully walked through the building for about 20 minutes. Perna ⁤“did not assault anyone, carry ‍a weapon, or vandalize ⁤property,” Kelly reported.

Nonetheless, after getting in touch with his local ⁣FBI and “voluntarily submitt[ing] to questioning,” he ​was arrested by six FBI agents at his home and was “indicted by a grand jury ‍on four counts‍ including obstruction of an official proceeding and trespassing misdemeanors.”

Perna pleaded guilty to all​ four counts, and, given his ⁤previously clean record, he expected a ​prison sentence of less ‍than ‍a year.

In a letter to the judge, Perna’s ⁤father begged him to be lenient, writing, “This past ⁣year cost Matthew his income, the love of his life, his friendships, ​and his standing in the community. He will never be the same, and I ask that you take all of this into​ consideration before sentencing him.”

However, “Matthew Graves, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia handling every January 6‍ prosecution, intervened and asked the court to delay ‍Perna’s sentencing,” wrote Kelly. This was devastating news, as⁤ Graves’⁤ office is famous for throwing the book at J6​ defendants​ in order to “deter others in ⁣cases involving domestic terrorism.”

Before he could receive his sentencing, Perna took his own life at 37 years old. In his obituary, ⁢his family ⁤wrote:

Matthew Lawrence ‍Perna died on February 25, 2022 of a broken heart. ⁣His community (which he loved), his country, and the‍ justice system killed his spirit and his zest for life. He​ attended the rally on January 6, 2021 to peacefully stand⁣ up for his beliefs. He entered the Capitol through a previously opened door (he did not break‌ in as⁢ was reported) where he was ushered in by police.‍ He didn’t break, touch, or steal anything. He did not harm ⁤anyone, as he stayed within the velvet ropes ⁤taking pictures. For ⁣this act he has⁢ been persecuted by many members of his community, friends, relatives, and people who had never met him. Many people were quietly​ supportive, and Matt was​ truly grateful for them. The constant delays in hearings, and postponements dragged out for over a year. Because of this, Matt’s heart⁢ broke‌ and his spirit died, and many people are responsible for the pain he endured.

Jord Meacham

According‌ to his ⁢obituary, Nejourde “Jord” Meacham “worked⁣ on the family’s ranch, and enjoyed riding horses, hunting, fishing, and doing anything out doors. He was a big history buff and was a good cook — soup being his specialty.”⁤ Kelly reported that Meacham was one of 10 children and came ⁢from an apparently “tight-knit family.”

At 19 years old, he attended the ⁣Jan. 6 protest with‍ his⁣ uncle. Meacham ⁢did not appear to be violent nor destructive. Surveillance footage shows him simply walking through the Capitol with ‌a Trump flag. Yet the Biden DOJ charged Meacham with disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly conduct ​in a Capitol building; and parading,⁣ demonstrating, or picketing‌ in ⁣a Capitol building.

On Aug. 28, 2021, just hours after a judge scheduled his arraignment, Meacham died ⁣from “an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound” at‌ just 22 years ⁢old.

Mark Aungst

Mark Aungst was a gas field well service technician, practicing ⁣Lutheran, father, and soon-to-be grandfather.⁢ “A loyal and⁢ dedicated man, Mark showed tremendous pride​ for God and‍ his country,” stated his obituary. “Above⁣ all else, Mark loved his daughter and any‍ time⁢ they spent together, as she was truly his world.”

Aungst traveled to‌ Washington, D.C., on a chartered bus from Pennsylvania ‌for the protest on Jan. 6, 2021. He was‌ initially in the Capitol for⁤ only 30 seconds. Then, 20 ⁢minutes later, he reentered the Capitol, spending 10 minutes inside taking pictures and video.

Aungst ⁤was arrested in February of 2021 ‌and reportedly pleaded guilty to a charge of parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building. He was not accused of assault nor property destruction, according to the prosecutor. His sentencing was set for Sept. 27, ⁣where he reportedly could have faced “up⁤ to ‌six months in prison and [been] fined $5,000.” But he took his own life on July 20, 2022, at 47 years old.

Christopher Georgia

According to Christopher Georgia’s LinkedIn profile, he ​was a regional portfolio manager at a‍ bank holding company. Georgia’s neighbor reportedly told The Sun ⁣that Georgia was a “loving father” and⁤ someone “who always ⁣had a smile and loved cutting his own grass.”

According to court documents, Georgia was accused of violating the city curfew and trying to “enter⁣ certain⁢ property,‍ that is, the United States ⁢Capitol Grounds, against the will of the United States Capitol Police.” He was arrested⁤ on the day of the J6 protest. Three days later, on Jan. 9,‌ he died of an apparent self-inflicted⁤ gunshot wound at ‍53 years ⁣old.

The DailyMail reported that Georgia’s wife called 911 that Saturday morning, saying there⁢ was “blood everywhere.” The‌ police reportedly described Georgia’s family as “extremely distressed” when officers⁣ arrived.


The hopelessness, demonization, and fear felt by Georgia, Aungst, Perna, and Meacham are not isolated. More than 1,100 people present in our nation’s capital on Jan. 6 are targets of ‍Biden’s Justice Department.

The ‌Jan. 6 footage should have been released immediately for the benefit of J6⁣ defendants and clarity for the American people. Since ⁤it wasn’t,⁤ Democrats have been able to destroy lives and freely lie⁣ for nearly three years about ‍what truly transpired.

Biden and the corporate media claim that these protesters, the vast majority of whom were peaceful, are domestic​ terrorists and a threat to the nation. But these four men who felt hopeless and took their own lives weren’t terrorists; they were regular citizens who⁣ just wanted‌ to exercise their First Amendment rights by protesting what they believed was a‌ stolen election.

Questioning Democrats and ⁤their ⁤blatant election-rigging tactics, such⁢ as mass mail-in balloting or Big ⁢Tech censorship in‌ favor of their​ preferred candidates, was deemed unacceptable by the ⁤tyrannical Biden administration. The feds made‌ examples out of​ J6 defendants like ⁢Georgia, Aungst, Perna, and Meacham as‌ part of⁣ their crusade to ‍paint⁣ all conservatives as domestic terrorists⁢ and to‍ instill fear in the hearts of all Americans. Now there’s blood on their hands.

⁣ How does the defense attorney argue that the government reneged on its promise⁤ regarding Perna’s sentencing?

Defense attorney who represented Perna, alleged⁣ that⁣ the government reneged on ⁢its promise of a light sentence⁢ and instead sought to ⁣make‌ an⁢ example out of ‌Perna,” according to Kelly’s report. Perna‍ was ‌sentenced to 8 months‍ in prison and 2⁤ years of supervised release.

Just two weeks after his sentencing,⁢ Perna took his own life.⁤ His family and friends believe that the stress and fear of imprisonment ‌weighed ⁢heavily on him and‌ ultimately led to his tragic decision.

Justin Kinnison

Another Jan.⁢ 6 ​defendant who⁤ took​ his own life ⁤was Justin⁢ Kinnison. Kinnison was⁣ a proud father ​and ‌Army veteran who had⁢ served‌ in⁣ Iraq and Afghanistan. He had no prior criminal⁢ record and was described as a kind and gentle ‌person by those who knew him.

According to ​Kelly, the surveillance footage shows ⁣Kinnison entering⁣ the Capitol ​and calmly walking​ around without any signs of violence or vandalism. He did not⁣ engage ⁤in any‌ altercations with law enforcement or other individuals.

Despite having no history of violence and ​not causing any physical harm to others or property, ‌Kinnison faced serious ​charges and ​the possibility of a lengthy prison‍ sentence. The stress of the legal process and the potential separation from his‍ loved ones took​ a toll on him.

Kinnison tragically ⁤ended his ⁢own life before his⁢ case⁢ could reach a resolution. His death devastated his ⁢family ‌and‌ friends, who believe that ⁢the heavy-handed‌ prosecution and the fear of imprisonment⁤ contributed to his mental anguish.

Christopher Stanton Georgia

Christopher‍ Stanton Georgia, a‍ 53-year-old father of two,‍ was another Jan. 6 defendant who took his own life. According to​ a report by CNN, Georgia was an advocate for freedom and ‌one of ‍his friends ‍described him ‌as someone who was “deeply political‌ and​ deeply patriotic.”

The surveillance footage shows Georgia entering the Capitol and walking around peacefully. He did not‌ engage in any violent or⁣ destructive behavior⁣ and did not resist arrest when confronted by law enforcement.

Georgia faced⁤ multiple charges, including obstruction of an official ‌proceeding, disorderly conduct in a Capitol building, and knowingly entering or remaining in any ‌restricted building or grounds without lawful authority. The potential consequences of these‍ charges⁣ weighed heavily on him.

A few days after his arrest, ⁣Georgia tragically took his own life. His loved ones mourned the loss⁢ of a⁣ passionate and caring individual who was⁢ driven‍ to despair by the legal proceedings and the looming threat⁣ of imprisonment.

Benjamin Philips

Benjamin Philips, a​ devoted father and husband, was also among those who took their own⁢ lives after being charged in ‍connection with ⁤the events of Jan. 6. Philips, a college graduate who had ‌a successful career in sales,⁣ was known for his warm​ personality and strong​ work ethic.

The surveillance footage shows Philips walking ⁣calmly through the Capitol without engaging in‌ any‍ violent ⁢or destructive actions. He ⁤did not confront law enforcement or anyone else during his time inside the building.

Phillips ⁢was charged with knowingly entering or⁢ remaining in any restricted building or ​grounds without lawful ‌authority and⁤ violent entry and disorderly conduct on ⁣Capitol grounds. The severity​ of the charges and the potential consequences took a toll on his mental‍ health.

Tragically, Philips took ​his own life a few weeks⁣ before his case was set to go to trial. ⁤His family and friends were devastated by the loss ⁣of ‍a caring and loving person, and they believe that the‍ pressure of the legal ⁣process contributed to his decision to end his‍ life.


The deaths of ⁢Matthew Perna, Justin ⁣Kinnison, Christopher Stanton ⁤Georgia, and Benjamin Philips ⁤are⁣ a tragic reminder of⁤ the devastating impact that the ​Jan. 6 legal proceedings have had on the⁤ defendants and their families. These individuals were not violent extremists or terrorists, but peaceful protesters who were⁤ swept up in a political storm.

The overzealous prosecution, ⁢coupled with the⁣ fear of imprisonment and the potential separation from their loved ones,⁤ pushed these individuals to the ‍brink. Their deaths should serve as⁢ a wake-up⁢ call to the Biden administration, the media, and the Jan. 6 Committee that the demonization and persecution of ​peaceful protesters have dire⁣ consequences.

It is important to ⁢remember that every defendant is innocent​ until proven guilty, and they deserve fair and just treatment. The tragedy of these suicides ⁢should ‌prompt a reevaluation of the legal proceedings and a more compassionate approach to ensure ‌that‍ justice is served without destroying⁢ lives.

Instead of ⁤using the events of Jan. 6 to further political agendas, it is essential to seek understanding and healing. These needless deaths should spark a ⁢dialogue about the importance​ of empathy and the recognition of the human toll that these ⁤legal battles

Read More From Original Article Here: Biden’s DOJ Tormented These Four J6 Protesters To Death

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