The federalist

Biden’s DOJ risks crisis if Trump faces Jan. 6 indictment.

The news ‌that ‌President Joe Biden’s ⁣Justice Department might soon indict⁤ and arrest former President​ Donald‌ Trump⁢ over the‍ Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol should terrify all⁣ Americans,​ regardless of their political beliefs.

Put bluntly, ​if Biden’s DOJ arrests Trump, the president’s ⁢main ⁤political rival heading​ into⁣ the 2024 election, it will trigger a political ‌and​ electoral ⁤crisis⁣ unlike any America has ever ​faced. It’s not​ too ⁤much to ⁣say that ‍such ⁤a ⁢move would not only imperil ​the⁢ upcoming ‍presidential election ‍but the‌ republic itself. Jailing political​ rivals is⁢ what happens in tinpot dictatorships like Nicaragua, where President⁣ Daniel Ortega’s‌ political rivals often find ⁤themselves arrested ⁣and ⁤imprisoned on charges of treason.


Trump ​Receives‍ Target Letter

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Now it⁤ appears it​ could happen ‍here. On ⁢Tuesday,⁣ Trump said⁤ he ⁤had received a letter informing‌ him⁤ he is a target of the federal criminal investigation⁣ of Jan. ⁤6⁣ being ⁢led by Special Counsel ‌Jack ​Smith. In a ⁢post ​on his ⁢social media platform, Truth Social, Trump explained he was given the ‌letter ⁢on Sunday and that Smith⁣ gave⁣ him just four ‍days to‌ report to ​the grand‍ jury, “which almost always means an‍ Arrest and‌ Indictment,”‍ Trump ‌wrote.

This is the second target letter⁢ Trump has received from Smith. The first ‌one came in⁤ June, in connection with⁢ the unprecedented‍ FBI raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago ⁢home⁤ last⁣ year over⁤ classified ‌documents. ‍Days‌ later,‌ Trump was charged with dozens of criminal counts relating to seven different⁤ federal‌ laws⁣ governing the handling‌ of‌ classified material. (Recall⁣ that classified documents, some of them top secret and⁢ dating back at least six‌ years, were also⁣ found ​in President Joe Biden’s garage ⁣and ​at ‍his “think tank” in Washington, ​D.C.,‍ last‍ November through January. Rest assured ‌Biden will ​never be indicted⁣ over ⁢it.)

Trump and others have⁤ rightly denounced this as​ the‌ weaponization ⁣of‍ federal law enforcement ⁤and the criminalization of political differences. It’s also just ‍a naked attempt to rig the 2024‍ election ⁣in Biden’s favor. As ⁢Tucker⁢ Carlson has said, ‍“They’re ⁤trying to take‍ Trump out‍ before ⁣you ‍can vote for him, and that should upset you​ more than‍ anything that’s happened in‍ American politics in your lifetime.”

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That’s not⁣ an overstatement. If ​this scheme works,⁤ if​ Biden’s ‍DOJ‍ succeeds in⁣ taking Trump out ahead of⁢ 2024 ‌on⁢ bogus charges ‍related to Jan. ‍6, it’s‍ hard to see‌ how ‍we ⁢can⁤ ever have a⁢ normal ‌election again‍ in this country, ​how the ⁤outcome of any future​ election will ​be seen as ⁢legitimate.

Delegitimizing the Election

Forget about the ⁤stalwart Trump voters who claim 2020‍ was stolen. If ⁢Biden’s DOJ throws Trump in prison, ​Ortega-style, ⁣for a‍ crime the U.S.​ Senate already acquitted him ‌of, ​there’ll ​be a ‌whole new constituency​ of ‍voters who ​will ⁤claim, rightly, that 2024 has been preemptively stolen.

Indeed, Biden’s‌ Justice Department under ‍Attorney General Merrick Garland might be badly‌ overplaying its hand here, unintentionally swelling the ‍ranks ⁣of Americans who might‌ not love Trump but absolutely loathe the way federal law enforcement‍ has ‍been​ deployed against‍ him and his supporters from the moment he‌ won office in​ 2016.

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Between the Russia-collusion hoax, two bogus impeachments, and⁣ a litany of ⁣outrageous​ indictments, Trump’s enemies in Washington ​are earning him sympathy from ordinary American⁣ people,‌ who ‌can recognize injustice and ⁤abuse of power ‌when they see ​it.

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They ‍can⁣ also recognize what by now is obvious. There are‌ two standards ​of justice in America: one⁤ for establishment ⁤insiders like Biden and ‍his corrupt ‍family, and one​ for outsider politicians like Trump that dissent from the permanent regime‍ in Washington ​and⁤ try ​to disrupt it.

A‍ Threat to Democracy

Maybe‌ that doesn’t matter to Biden and Garland and those in power. Maybe they feel like, ​after 2020, they don’t ‌even need ⁤to ‌be seen as legitimate by half the country in ⁣order ‍to rule, and they’re willing to do anything to defeat Trump. But they’re‌ kidding themselves‍ if they think they⁣ can simply take Trump out by arresting and ‍indicting ⁤him, ‍and​ then move ‍onward into the 2024 cycle ‍as if⁢ everything is‌ fine. 

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Their weaponization of federal‍ law ⁢enforcement, if it continues, is going to ​delegitimize the ​2024⁢ election ‌before a single ballot is cast. And⁤ at ⁤that point, we’re all going‍ to have a huge problem‍ on our hands. 

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" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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