Biden’s First Post-Debate Interview Scheduled With Former Clinton Staffer Known For Softballs

Biden is scheduled to have⁣ his first post-debate⁣ interview with ABC‍ host ⁣and former⁤ Clinton ‍staffer ⁣George Stephanopoulous. The interview is⁤ expected to touch on a range of topics,‌ including Biden’s performance in ⁢the debate, ⁣his ‌plans for the presidency, and his strategy‍ for the upcoming election.⁤ Stephanopoulous is known for his tough ⁤and fair questioning, so many ⁢are curious to see how Biden will respond. The interview⁤ will likely be a key moment in⁤ shaping public‍ opinion of‌ Biden’s candidacy, ​and could have‌ a significant impact on‌ his chances in November.

Biden’s set to have first post-debate interview with go to ABC host and former Clinton staffer George Stephanopoulous

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