The bongino report

Biden’s Home Where Documents Were Discovered Has Had Many Visitors

President Joe Biden’s home in Delaware has played host to many different guests over the years; now Republican lawmakers are trying to determine exactly who visited the Wilmington Multiple potential residences classified documents They were found on the property.

James Comer, Chairman of the House Oversight Committee (Republican-Ky.), sent a Sunday message. letter to the Biden White House, requesting that he release the visitors logs for his residence from the start of Biden’s presidency onward. Soon after, the Biden White House responded that it does not keep visitor logs for the personal residence.

Even though there are no complete visitor logs, public information indicates that the Delaware property has seen a significant number of visitors in recent years. A White House October 2021 example press release stated Biden hosted Sens. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) at the property to discuss Biden’s political agenda.

In his letter to the White House, Comer also said his committee is in possession of evidence that the president’s son, Hunter Biden, listed his father’s Wilmington address on his driver’s license It was 2018

2020 Campaign

Biden’s Wilmington home served as a location for several key meetings in his 2020 presidential campaign.

Their 2021 book “Lucky: How Joe Biden Barely Won the Presidency,” journalists Amie Parnes and Jonathan Allen described how the 2020 Biden campaign held several campaign meetings in Biden’s home. One excerpt According to the book, Biden met with his political advisers in January 2019, including long-time confidante Steve Ricchetti. Greg Shultz was his campaign manager. “heavyweight money bundler” Mark Gilbert.

Another excerpt is about a meeting Biden attended on March 12, 2020. It was held at his home with his debate prep team. The group included his sister Valerie Owens Biden as well as Elizabeth Alexander, his press assistant. Also present at that meeting was the current White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain, current Deputy White House Chief of Staff Jen O’Malley Dillon, 2020 deputy campaign adviser Kate Bedingfield, 2020 campaign adviser Symone Sanders, and “a handful of other advisers.”

Bob Bauer, an ex-White House counsel, was also a part of debate prep with Biden at his Wilmington home in the basement. He was preparing for the final three debates prior to the 2020 general elections. according to The book.

In “The Fight of His Life: Inside Joe Biden’s White House,” Chris Whipple, author described Biden, along with Bruce Reed, the current White House Deputy Chief Of Staff, was at his Wilmington home’s library when they received the news that demonstrators had entered the U.S. Capitol.

Comer Vows: Keep pressing for answers

While the Biden administration has said it doesn’t keep track of visitors at Biden’s personal residence, Comer’s House Oversight Committee has said it will continue to search for answers on who had access to the property.

“President Biden promised to have the most transparent administration in history but he refuses to be transparent when it matters most,” Twitter account for the GOP House Oversight Committee. “Americans need to know who had access to these classified documents. We’ll continue to press for answers.”

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