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House GOP blocks Biden’s plan to use federal funds for illegal aliens in national parks

If the White ⁢House Wants to Bail​ Themselves Out of the ​Border Crisis, ​the House of⁤ Representatives Just⁣ Gave Them a ‍Serious Reality Check

In a bill passed⁣ on Thursday, the GOP-controlled lower chamber specifically prohibited any Washington funding ⁤to house illegal immigrants on land managed by the⁢ federal government, according to The Daily‍ Signal.

The‌ legislation, spearheaded by⁣ Republican Rep. Nicole Malliotakis of New York, aims ‌to prevent federal parks from being turned into encampments for unvetted migrants.

“Turning our federal parks into encampments for unvetted ‍migrants from all over the world is unfair ​to surrounding​ communities, and‌ the taxpayers being forced to foot the bill while having their public ⁤spaces taken away,”

read a statement from Malliotakis.

The bill, H.R.‍ 5283, passed with 224 votes for and 203 votes against it. Six Democrats voted for the measure, while no Republicans voted against‌ it.

The bill came after September hearings by⁤ the ⁢House Committee⁣ on ‌Natural Resources, which condemned the Biden administration’s policy of using National Park​ Service ‌lands to house migrant camps for⁤ illegal immigrants.

“Republican members visited this proposed site and saw firsthand that it’s an⁢ incredible resource for NYC residents and visitors, providing kayaking, fishing and other outdoor recreation opportunities in the middle of an‍ urban‍ area,”

the committee statement read.

Committee Chairman Bruce Westerman criticized the Biden administration’s border⁣ policies, stating that they‌ continue to tarnish every aspect of American life.

“Not only⁣ have ​these failures directly resulted in 6 million illegal crossings since Joe Biden took office, a devastating fentanyl crisis and an increase in terrorism threats, but now the administration is attempting to permanently alter our​ national parks by​ permitting ‌the construction of migrant camps on some of America’s most treasured lands,”

Westerman added.

The White House strongly opposes the bill, arguing that it would significantly restrict the ability of the Department of the Interior and⁢ the Department of Agriculture to make decisions regarding the appropriate uses of their lands and resources.

While​ the bill may face ⁤opposition in the Democrat-controlled Senate⁣ and ‌from the ‌White House, it may become a bargaining ‍chip in the larger budget fight.

A⁢ compromise between the House GOP and the Democrats may require ⁣sacrificing funding for illegal immigrant camps on federal land.

Ultimately, the American voters expect taxpayer funds to be used for ‍recreational facilities and wildlife, not for temporary housing for illegal immigrants.

Despite the White House’s opposition, it wouldn’t be surprising if President Biden signs ​a similar​ compromise bill in the future.

The post Biden’s Push to Allow Illegal Aliens to Live in National Parks‌ Using Federal Funds Results in House ⁤GOP Block appeared first on The Western Journal.

What message does the passage of the bill prohibiting federal funds from being used to house illegal immigrants on federal land ‌send to‍ the White House?

‌ Access to outdoor recreation, historic sites, and open space. It is not a place to temporarily house illegal immigrants,”

said Republican Rep. Gar‌‌y Palmer ⁢of Alabama, who is the‍ ranking member of the ⁡House ‌Resources Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests, and Public⁣ Lands.

The bill will now move to the Senate, where its success is uncertain due to the Democrats’ majority. However, its passage in the House serves as a clear message to the White ⁢House that there is significant opposition to its ⁤handling of⁢ the border crisis.

Since President⁢ Biden took ⁤office, the number of illegal border ⁢crossings has reached unprecedented levels.‍ The administration’s policies, such ⁢as the halt of border wall construction and the ⁤reversal of Trump-era immigration‍ policies, have been widely criticized for their contribution to the‍ crisis.

By prohibiting federal funds from being used to house illegal⁤ immigrants on federal land, the House of⁤ Representatives is sending ⁤a strong message that ⁣the burden of the border crisis should not fall upon​ American taxpayers.‍ It highlights the ​need for a comprehensive ​and effective approach to border security and immigration‍ reform.

Supporters of the bill argue​ that allowing federal parks to be turned​ into encampments for unvetted migrants not only poses a security risk but also disrupts ⁤the intended purpose of these public spaces. Federal parks are meant to provide recreational opportunities, ‍preserve natural resources, ⁤and showcase the cultural ‍and historical significance of the United States.

Furthermore, local communities near federal parks should not bear the consequences of the federal government’s ⁤failure to address the border crisis. The strain on resources,⁤ infrastructure, and community services caused by housing illegal immigrants ⁤should be addressed through a more appropriate and sustainable solution.

However,‍ critics argue⁤ that the bill is a restrictive measure‍ that ​disregards the humanitarian aspect of the border crisis. They argue that the⁢ focus should be on finding compassionate solutions to the influx of‌ migrants, such‌ as investing in adequate facilities and streamlining the asylum process.

Regardless of the differing opinions, the‌ passage of this bill in the ‍House highlights the contentious nature of the border crisis and‌ the need for immediate action. It is crucial for the⁢ White ⁢House to acknowledge the‌ concerns raised by the House of⁤ Representatives⁢ and work towards finding effective and sustainable solutions that address both border security and ​humanitarian considerations.

As the bill moves to the​ Senate, it remains to⁢ be seen how⁣ the Democrats will respond. This presents‍ an opportunity for bipartisan collaboration to tackle the border crisis and provide much-needed ⁣relief⁣ to the impacted communities‍ and individuals involved. The House of⁤ Representatives has made its stance clear, and now it is up to the Senate‌ to act in the best interests of the American people.

In ‌conclusion, the passage of⁤ the bill by the House of⁤ Representatives prohibiting federal funds from being used to house illegal immigrants on federal land serves as a serious reality check for the White ⁢House. It highlights the widespread opposition to the administration’s handling of the border crisis and emphasizes the need for comprehensive and effective solutions to address⁢ border security and immigration reform. The ball is now in the Senate’s court to ‍act in the best interests of the‌ American ​people and find a bipartisan resolution ‍to the ongoing crisis.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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