Conservative News Daily

Biden’s Interior Secretary Criticized for Controversial Video with Drag Queen Park Ranger

The Worst Part is, They’re⁤ Serious

A video posted to social media on Monday aims to make Americans more ‍aware of⁤ LGBT ​History Month. It features a chat between Interior Secretary Deb Haaland and an apparently ‌transgender National Park Service ranger in New York City.

But for normal‍ people, the kinds of Americans who might have thought the ‍country was done with this kind ​of​ kabuki theater when “Pride Month” ⁢ended⁣ in June, a ranger done up like Pippi Longstocking with a mustache and splotchy makeup tends to spoil‌ the effect — and⁣ the responses let everyone know‌ it.

First, check it out here:

To get the obvious⁣ out of the way, Haaland was at the Stonewall National Monument, ​a National​ Park Service-run site in New York that commemorates six days of rioting in 1969 by gays in the ‌Big Apple tired of police harassment.

Her companion in the video ​is⁢ a towering, muscular, mustachioed ​park ranger going by​ the name⁣ of “Patty ​Gonia,” a moniker that’s probably as fake as the red-tress wig.

Throw in the high-heeled leather ‌boots, miniskirt (skorts?) and rainbow wristbands, and it comes off like a parody in⁤ the proud tradition of “Monty Python’s ​Flying Circus.”

But no, the ranger had a lot to say about the importance of sites like Stonewall — where a police raid on ‌a Mafia-owned gay bar sparked the⁢ famous violence.

When Haaland asked, ⁤in an obviously arranged question, why Stonewall mattered, this hulking ‍caricature⁣ of wannabe womanhood,‌ a man standing next to ⁢the interior secretary of the United States in a moment deliberately recorded⁣ for ⁢national consumption at taxpayers’ cost, declared that “queer rights ⁣are more under attack‌ than ever.”

“We need to not ignore hate as⁤ it exists today. ​We need to acknowledge ​it, because it’s not ​just our past, it’s‌ our present.”

As President Joe Biden ⁤might put it, ‌“Come on, man!”

Of⁣ course, there’s no question that the country isn’t perfect. In fact, it has a history of racism, etc., intolerance, etc., and ​so forth, etc., ad nauseam, etc., amen.

Is​ America going in‌ the right direction?

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But ⁤it cannot be ⁢said enough that no country was founded with a better vision of the future for its people, or has done more, ‍or continues to do more, to rectify its past.‍ The left’s failure to acknowledge​ that just proves how intellectually and morally⁤ bankrupt its cause ​is.

And parading what amounts to a mockery of female appearance to mouth pieties about the past⁣ and present doesn’t exactly elevate the‍ conversation. It opens​ it up for ridicule. And ridicule is⁤ what it got:

And⁣ this one nailed it:

It’s beyond an insult to people’s intelligence. It’s like the progressive leftists of the Biden administration have simply⁣ discarded even pretending‍ to tell the truth.‍ Now, they’re just putting​ a blatant lie in America’s face and daring the country to call it out.

It looks like⁤ nonsense to normal people. It looks like satire to the sane.

Gen. Milley Takes Shameless Shot at ‍Trump During Retirement Speech

But in the modern world of leftist thought, taking an obviously fully grown man, adorning him with ⁤stereotypical women’s clothing and demanding — demanding — that he be taken as a woman by every viewer is a test of leftist control over the ⁤perception⁢ of reality no less complete than a torturer’s domination of⁣ his victim in⁣ a pivotal scene in Orwell’s classic “1984.”

“There ‍are five⁣ fingers there. Do you‌ see five fingers?”

But instead of O’Brien making Winston Smith’s agony-wracked mind imagine a part of the⁢ anatomy that’s physically impossible, the⁢ modern left and the Biden administration are depending on ever-present social pressure and the ever-present threat of government coercion to ​make⁣ Americans believe a different kind of non-reality.

“That’s a woman standing there. Do you see a woman?”

They’re not going⁤ to stop until they‌ make Americans say “yes.”

And they’re⁢ deadly serious.

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The Western Journal has been labeled “dangerous” ‌simply because we have a ⁤biblical worldview and speak the truth about what is happening in⁤ America.

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We’re asking you to help us in this ⁢fight. We can’t‍ do this without ‌you.

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The post‍ Biden’s Secretary of Interior Slammed for Disturbing Video with Drag Queen Park Ranger appeared first on The Western Journal.

Did​ the theatrical nature of the ‍video undermine the sincerity ⁤and credibility of ⁢the conversation about LGBTQ+ rights?

The Worst Part is, They’re⁤ Serious

A recent video posted on social media, featuring a conversation between Interior Secretary Deb Haaland and a transgender National ‌Park Service ranger, has stirred up mixed reactions among Americans. The purpose ​of the video was to raise awareness about LGBT‍ History ​Month and highlight the significance of sites like Stonewall National Monument in New York City. However, for many ‍Americans⁣ who believed that the country had moved past these ​kinds of displays after Pride Month ended in June, the video was seen as ⁢nothing more than a theatrical performance that ⁣failed to make the desired impact.

In‌ the video, Haaland and the ​ranger, named Patty Gonia,⁣ engage in a dialogue about the importance of sites like Stonewall, which symbolizes the six days of rioting in 1969 that marked a turning point in the struggle for LGBTQ+ rights. However, the appearance of Patty Gonia, dressed in a mustache, splotchy makeup, Pippi Longstocking-inspired attire, and high-heeled leather boots, seemed more like a‌ parody​ than a serious conversation. The video⁢ resembled something out of ⁢”Monty Python’s Flying Circus,” rather than a genuine effort to educate and‌ raise ‍awareness.

When asked why Stonewall mattered,⁤ Patty Gonia,⁤ standing next to the Interior Secretary, declared that queer rights are more under ​attack than ever before. This statement, made by a man dressed ‌in a caricatured form of womanhood, raised eyebrows and left⁣ many wondering about the sincerity and credibility of the video. It seemed like a deliberate attempt to ⁤manipulate⁢ the emotions of viewers,⁢ rather than an authentic portrayal of the issues at⁢ hand.

While⁣ it‍ is undoubtedly true that the United States has a​ history marred by intolerance and discrimination, the video’s​ theatrical approach seemed to undermine the seriousness of these issues. It ⁤is ⁤important to acknowledge the progress made over the years‌ and address the work that still needs to be done. However, using exaggerated personas and staged conversations only serves to detract ⁢from the genuine ‍efforts being made to create a more inclusive society.

As Americans, ​we should‌ embrace diverse perspectives and engage in meaningful conversations about equality and ⁣acceptance. However,‌ it is ⁢crucial to approach these discussions with sincerity​ and respect. The use of theatrical tactics, such as those seen in⁤ the video featuring Patty Gonia, only serves to divide and polarize, rather than unite and educate.

In⁣ conclusion, while the intention behind the video featuring Interior Secretary Deb Haaland and Patty⁤ Gonia ‌may have‌ been to raise awareness about LGBT History ​Month, the theatrical nature of the conversation ⁣undermined the ‌message. Americans deserve genuine and authentic dialogue on important issues, rather than performances that leave room for skepticism. It is only through sincere and respectful⁢ conversations that we⁢ can truly

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