The federalist

Biden’s State of the Union to include deceptive abortion and IVF claims, masking Democrats’ radical views

President Joe Biden and his Democrat allies in ​Congress are planning to use his ⁤2024 State of the Union address to⁣ push⁣ their agenda on abortion and assisted reproductive technology for ‍all. They intend to do this by spreading⁢ fear ​and​ misinformation ‌about ⁣pro-life policies.

A White⁤ House memo released ⁣ on Thursday warns that Biden’s speech will be filled with lies​ aimed⁤ at diverting attention from the​ Democrats’ extreme stance‌ on abortion.

Politico confirmed that “President Joe Biden wants abortion rights ⁤to be a centerpiece of⁢ his rematch with Donald Trump this fall.”

The ‍Fight ⁤for ‘Abortion For All’

In his 2023 State of the Union, Biden portrayed life-saving ⁣legislation ​in Republican states as “extreme” and misrepresented Republican efforts to align‍ U.S. ⁣abortion laws with those of ⁤ other ⁢civilized countries as a “national abortion ban.”

While introducing a bill that imposes limits on‌ abortion,‍ which ​nearly 7 in 10‍ Americans agree⁣ with, is not ‍extreme,⁢ it⁣ would be extreme to pass sweeping legislation that goes beyond “codifying Roe v. ‍Wade” and legalizes ‌unlimited, on-demand abortion throughout all nine months in all ⁢50 states, as Biden promised during the 2022‌ midterms.

Nevertheless, Biden plans to repeat the claim that “millions of Americans are living under extreme state abortion bans” during his speech.

As part of his strategy, Biden has invited‌ Kate Cox, ​a Texas woman who traveled out of state to have ​an abortion due to a fetal diagnosis, to be the First Lady’s honored guest. Cox’s presence ⁢is meant to provide Biden ⁤with ammunition to spread ⁢falsehoods about pro-life‍ states and‍ policies. He⁣ will‍ likely ‍claim that Republicans want ⁢residents of red⁤ states like Cox to endure “forced pregnancy”, using manipulative and inaccurate language.

Contrary to Biden’s ⁤narrative, every pro-life law⁤ allows medical professionals‌ to treat ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, or any other potentially fatal complications. ‌Even after the Supreme‌ Court’s ‌ Dobbs v. Jackson ruling, which Democrats often blame for ⁤pro-life policies, 48⁤ out of 50 states​ have ⁢clear exceptions⁣ for induced abortion ⁣when a mother’s life is⁣ in ‌serious jeopardy. At least 15⁣ of ⁣those states also have exceptions for abortions ‍in ⁤cases of rape, incest, or when the fetus has a condition likely ⁢to be fatal.

Yet,‍ Biden will use Cox’s story ​to instill fear in voters, ​making⁤ them believe that they will‌ be neglected if ⁢they face ⁢any pregnancy complications. He will claim that pro-life ⁤laws are “putting ​women’s ‍health and⁤ lives at risk and threatening‌ doctors with jail time, including life ⁢in prison, for ⁤providing the health care they have​ been trained to‍ provide,” even though 96 ⁤percent of⁣ abortions are performed for⁢ elective, ‌non-medical reasons.

In⁣ 2023, Cox made the​ decision to selectively abort her unborn baby, who had been diagnosed with Trisomy 18, a genetic condition ⁣that can lead ‌to various complications. She‌ argued that‌ carrying⁢ a child with a potentially⁢ short lifespan ⁣put her at risk of⁢ infection and uterine rupture, which could affect her ​future pregnancies.

Texas law allows ⁣abortions to⁢ save ⁣the mother’s life or prevent “substantial impairment of major bodily function.” When Cox’s doctors⁣ refused‌ her request⁣ for an abortion, they ‍essentially confirmed that carrying the baby to term, even if the baby wouldn’t survive, did not pose an immediate threat⁣ to Cox’s life.

Cox partnered with the abortion advocacy group Center ​For Reproductive Rights to challenge⁣ Texas’ pro-life law, which prohibits abortions after six ‍weeks⁤ gestation. The Texas⁣ Supreme Court quickly ruled that Cox did not qualify for ‌an abortion under state ⁣law.⁢ However, Cox had already traveled out of state to have her unborn child’s life terminated without‌ scrutiny.

[Read:[Read:Biden’s SOTU ⁣Guest Kate Cox Is‌ A Reminder That Even Imperfect Babies Are Worth Carrying To Term]

ART For ‍All, Too

Biden’s ‍blame game doesn’t ‍end with abortion.⁣ In addition ‍to advocating for “abortion for all,” Biden plans to criticize the Alabama​ Supreme Court ‌for its recent ruling ‍that embryos are protected under⁢ the state’s Wrongful Death of a⁣ Minor Act, which has⁢ led to a halt in in vitro fertilization ‍(IVF)‌ procedures in⁢ the state.

The White House claims that ‌”Republicans’ extreme out-of-touch agenda has ⁤put access to‍ fertility treatments ‍at risk ⁤for families who are desperately trying⁢ to get pregnant.”

Contrary ​to the White House’s‍ assertions, the Alabama court’s ruling did not address how fertility‌ clinics should handle ART or embryo creation. In reality, ⁣fertility facilities⁤ chose to pause their IVF ‍operations after ⁢determining that creating and‌ discarding unlimited ⁣embryos could expose ⁣them ‌to ‍legal ⁤liability.

Nevertheless, Biden will use Latorya Beasley, Jill Biden’s guest at the⁤ State of the Union, whose embryo transfer was canceled by an Alabama provider, as a ​justification‌ to attack pro-life decisions that “disrupted access to reproductive health care for women and families across ​the country.” He will also bring up Democrats’ radical ART ⁣legislation,​ which ​was recently blocked by ⁣Republican Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith, in ⁢an attempt to‌ shift blame to state and ‌national Republicans’ pro-life policies, even though they‌ have⁣ no connection to IVF.

By linking the⁣ abortion debate ⁣to the recent ART controversy, Biden inadvertently‍ exposes the hypocrisy of Democrats’ extreme stance on unborn babies. ⁤He confirms that this fight is not about caring for women or children, ⁣but rather about ​allowing the​ termination or creation of children based⁣ on personal whims and at any cost.


What evidence is there to support the claim that President Biden’s previous State of the Union address ‌misrepresented Republican efforts on abortion and portrayed life-saving legislation​ as ‌extreme?

President Biden’s​ State of the Union Address: Spreading Fear and Misinformation on Abortion and Assisted Reproductive Technology”

President Joe Biden and his Democrat allies in Congress ‍are using the upcoming State of the Union Address ‌in 2024 as a platform to push their agenda on abortion and assisted reproductive technology for all. Their strategy involves spreading fear and misinformation about pro-life policies, as⁢ outlined ⁣in a recent White⁣ House memo.

The memo, released⁢ on Thursday, warns that Biden’s speech will be filled with lies aimed at ⁤diverting attention from the Democrats’ extreme stance on abortion. Politico has confirmed that Biden wants abortion rights to be a centerpiece of his ⁣rematch with Donald Trump later this year.

In his previous State‍ of the Union address in 2023, Biden misrepresented Republican efforts to align U.S. abortion laws with those of other civilized countries as a “national ‍abortion ban,” while ‍portraying life-saving legislation in Republican states as “extreme.” However, introducing a ⁣bill that imposes ​limits on abortion, which 7 in 10 Americans agree with, is⁢ not extreme. It would ⁢be extreme to pass sweeping legislation that goes beyond “codifying Roe v. ⁣Wade” and ⁣legalizes unlimited, on-demand abortion throughout all nine months in all 50 states, as Biden promised‍ during the 2022 midterms.

Nevertheless, ⁣Biden plans to repeat the claim that “millions of⁤ Americans are living under extreme state abortion bans” during his speech. To further his agenda,‍ Biden has invited Kate Cox, who traveled out of state to have an ⁣abortion due‌ to a fetal diagnosis, to be the First Lady’s ‍honored guest. Cox’s presence is meant⁤ to provide‌ Biden with ammunition to spread falsehoods about pro-life states and policies, ‌using manipulative and inaccurate language.

Contrary to Biden’s narrative, every pro-life law allows medical ​professionals to treat ectopic⁢ pregnancy, miscarriage, or ⁣any other potentially fatal complications. Even after the Supreme Court’s​ Dobbs v. Jackson ruling, 48 out of 50 states have clear exceptions for induced abortion when a mother’s life is in serious jeopardy. At​ least 15 of those states also have exceptions for abortions in cases ‍of rape, incest, or when the fetus has a condition likely to be​ fatal.

Despite these facts, Biden will use Cox’s story to instill fear in voters, making them believe that they will be neglected ⁢if they face any pregnancy complications. He will claim that pro-life laws are putting women’s health and lives at risk and‌ threatening doctors with jail time, even⁢ though 96 percent of abortions are ‌performed for ⁤elective, non-medical reasons.

In 2023, Cox made the ‍decision to selectively abort her unborn‌ baby, who had been diagnosed with Trisomy 18, a genetic condition that can lead to various complications. Texas ‌law⁤ allows abortions to save the mother’s life or prevent “substantial impairment of major bodily function.” When Cox’s doctors refused her request for an abortion, they essentially confirmed that carrying the baby to term, even if the baby wouldn’t survive, did not pose an immediate threat to Cox’s life.

Cox partnered with the abortion advocacy group Center for Reproductive Rights to⁣ challenge Texas’ pro-life law, which prohibits abortions after six weeks gestation. The Texas Supreme Court ruled that Cox did not qualify for an abortion under state law. However, Cox had already traveled out of state⁢ to terminate her unborn child’s life without scrutiny.

In addition to pushing for “abortion for all,” Biden plans to criticize the Alabama Supreme Court for its recent ruling ‍that embryos are protected under the state’s Wrongful Death of a⁣ Minor Act, leading to a halt in in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures in the state. The White House claims that Republicans’ extreme out-of-touch agenda has put access to fertility treatments at risk for families ⁤who are⁣ desperately trying to get pregnant.

President Biden’s​ State of the ​Union Address has become ⁢a platform for spreading fear and misinformation on⁣ abortion and assisted reproductive technology. This⁣ tactic‌ not only disregards‌ the ⁤rights of the unborn but also distorts⁣ the truth to advance a ​political agenda.⁢ It is crucial for the ‌American public to critically​ examine these‌ claims and understand the implications of the policies being advocated.

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