The Western Journal

Biden’s ‘Truly Absurd’ Schedule for the Week Goes Viral – How Is He Getting Away With This?

The text⁤ discusses​ President Joe Biden’s administration, highlighting criticisms surrounding his perceived inactivity ‍and low workload. A viral⁤ post​ by Tom Bevan, co-founder of RealClearPolitics, described Biden’s weekly schedule ⁢as “truly absurd,” pointing out​ that it ​included minimal engagements—only a few⁤ phone calls and no significant meetings for several days.‍ The author expresses a mix of outrage and ‌relief ⁤regarding Biden’s lack‌ of activity, suggesting that although his⁢ inactivity ⁢is frustrating, an active⁤ Biden might exacerbate⁣ existing ⁤issues. The ⁣article critiques the president’s apparent vacationing at ​taxpayer expense while significant national challenges remain unaddressed, questioning the effectiveness of his leadership and whether he truly​ represents the electorate’s choice.

Traditional conservatives must have conflicted feelings about the current state of President Joe Biden’s moribund administration.

After all, given the choice between inactivity and aggressive implementation of Biden’s agenda, what sane person would choose the latter?

Thursday on the social media platform X, the president’s laughable weekly schedule went viral thanks to RealClearPolitics Co-Founder and President Tom Bevan, who called the schedule “truly absurd.”

“Any employee or CEO who did would be fired. Biden is the leader of the free world working 10 hours a week,” Bevan wrote.

As of late Thursday morning, Bevan’s post had more than 224,000 views.

The schedule really does defy belief.

For instance, Tuesday and Wednesday featured nothing besides a daily brief.

Furthermore, the president’s “workday” began at 10 a.m.

To add insult to injury, on Thursday at 12:30 p.m. — his first business of the day — Biden had a scheduled call with Democratic Gov. Josh Green of Hawaii to commemorate the first anniversary of the lethal Maui wildfires.

Who can forget Biden’s callous “no comment” response to a question about Maui in August 2023?

Likewise, who can forget how long Biden waited before finally dragging himself away from yet another vacation and reluctantly paying a visit to Maui, where he made up stories and talked about himself?

The crowning insult on Biden’s weekly schedule, particularly in the Maui context, comes later on Thursday. At 5:00 p.m., the president will leave the White House for another vacation in Rehobeth Beach, Delaware.

A vacation from what exactly?

Since his unceremonious and still-unexplained withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race, Biden has kept a low profile.

In fact, since his catastrophic debate performance on June 27, when the establishment media finally received orders to acknowledge the president’s cognitive decline — and which increasingly looks like a setup to force him out of the race — most Americans seem to have recognized that they do not have a functioning president at the moment.

Traditional conservatives, of course, must greet that news with a mixture of outrage and relief.

On one hand, a president who has acted as a parasite on the federal government during his lengthy political career now appears poised to enjoy a few more months of rest and relaxation at taxpayers’ expense. Meanwhile, the border remains open and the planet teeters on the brink of World War III.

On the other hand, an active Biden undoubtedly would make matters worse. It is best, therefore, that he remains insulated.

Either way, the entire spectacle makes a mockery of Americans’ claim to self-government. After all, if the person they allegedly elected to serve as president does not actually function as president, then who does?

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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