Conservative News Daily

Poll: Fewer Americans Support Big Businesses Taking Public Stance on Current Events

Big Business, Beware: Fewer Americans Think You‍ Should Be Taking‌ a ‍Public Stance⁤ on Current Events, Poll Shows

You’ve likely heard a ‍quote attributed to former President Calvin Coolidge that went this way: “The⁢ business⁢ of America is business.”

This, while pithy, isn’t ⁣quite accurate.

As ⁤the Library of Congress notes, what Coolidge actually said was this: “After all, the chief business of the American people is⁤ business. They are profoundly ​concerned with producing, ⁢buying, selling, investing and prospering in the world.”

The emphasis was added. I note it because‌ Coolidge’s actual quote, as⁤ opposed to ​the snappier-sounding version, is⁢ more relevant than ever.

For ⁢most of the 21st century, and particularly in the past few years, one might have gotten the impression the chief business​ of American business was ‌politics. Black Lives Matter! LGBT “Pride” packaging! Microaggression training! Net-zero emissions from your local fast-food joint! Equity week! BIPOC⁢ recognition fortnight! Etc.! Etc.!

Many years ago, Michael Jordan said, in his reluctance to get involved in politics,‌ that “Republicans buy sneakers,‌ too.” ‍The messaging from‍ athletic-wear companies in America — particularly since the annus horribilis⁣ of 2020 — seems ‍to be, “Wait, Republicans buy ⁢sneakers, too?! Find the Republicans⁣ wearing our ​sneakers and we’ll ⁣toss‌ them to the lions!”

It turns out, according to a​ Gallup poll, that the steady drumbeat of virtue-signaling has become more unpopular as it’s become ever louder.

The annual Bentley-Gallup Business⁣ in Society⁣ Report, a survey ‍conducted May 8-15 but just released⁤ on Tuesday, found⁤ that only⁢ 41 percent of Americans‌ think​ businesses should be ​taking stances on sociopolitical events, compared with‍ 59 percent who don’t.

In 2022, 48 percent thought they should be versus‍ 52 percent who thought that they shouldn’t; that represents a 7-point shift in just one year.

The results “are based on a web survey with 5,458 U.S. adults conducted … using the probability-based Gallup Panel,” Gallup said in a⁣ blog‍ post.

“Political party identification has the‍ strongest ‍influence ​on whether Americans believe ⁣corporations should take a ​public⁤ stance. Most Democrats (62%) believe businesses should take a public stance on current events, compared with just ‌17% of Republicans and 36% of independents,” the post said.

“While still high, the percentage of Democrats who‍ believe businesses should take a stance has declined from 75%⁢ in 2022. The percentage of ​independents reporting companies should take a stance has declined⁣ slightly, by⁢ four percentage points, while Republicans’ views on this issue have remained essentially unchanged.”

Indeed, only 18 percent of Republicans⁢ thought ⁤ businesses ought to be involved⁤ in politics in 2022 — so the biggest move came among Democrats, which would seem to run against standard logic.

Furthermore, while minorities ⁤tended to ‍be more likely to believe businesses⁢ should get political, support for⁢ that position declined among all three groups included in the survey —⁢ black, Hispanic and white.

Among black adults, ​61 percent said they believe corporations should get involved in current events, vs. 72 percent ⁤in ⁣2022 — an 11 percent decline. Support for that stance among Hispanic adults declined slightly, to 48 percent from 49 ⁤percent in 2022. Among white adults, support ​fell to 35 percent from 41 percent last year,​ a 6 percentage-point drop.

And while ⁤younger adults were more likely than older adults to think that businesses⁤ should get involved in politics, support was down by at least 4 percentage‍ points in each of the four age groups.

TL;DR: Everyone thinks virtue-signaling ⁣by corporate America is lousy, and it’s not⁢ just⁢ because conservative Bud Light drinkers took up their pitchforks the moment they saw​ the ⁢ Dylan Mulvaney promotion.

In fact, it’s‍ quite the opposite — Republicans have always thought businesses being political⁤ entities​ was a terrible notion. It’s independents​ and Democrats who have decided that corporate America has gone too far even ⁤for them, and now ​companies like Target‍ and Disney are feeling the effects.

And who​ can blame them? When even Skittles ⁤is​ marketing drag queens to children, people tend to get a bit defensive:

However, it’s ​difficult to feel any ⁣sympathy for those on the left or in the center who went along‍ with the mob. Perhaps Dylan Mulvaney ‍is what finally awoke them from their slumber, but there was⁤ enough woke madness along the ‌primrose path to that promotion that it could only be ​said it took innumerable whacks upside the head for them to finally come ⁢to.

As for corporations, they’re‍ discovering the truth in Coolidge’s actual words: The chief business of the American people really is business. It’s ⁢not politics, ⁢it’s not arguments over⁣ the dinner table, it’s not a new Facebook profile frame every ‍time the ​cause of ‍the week changes.

If that’s ​the chief ‌business⁤ of businesses, then ⁣Americans will find somewhere else to take their business. Period.

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The post Big Business, Beware: Fewer Americans Think You Should Be Taking a ‍Public ‌Stance on Current Events, Poll Shows ⁢appeared first‍ on The⁣ Western Journal.

How does ‍the politicization of businesses impact their relationship ​with consumers?

Eption‌ that businesses should take a public stance on current events has‌ decreased among all party groups,” Gallup added. “These findings⁤ are consistent with those⁢⁤ from 2020.”

So, what ‌has caused this shift in public opinion? The answer is likely multifaceted.

First and foremost, ‌Americans⁣ are becoming increasingly‍ weary of⁤ the intrusion of politics into every facet of their lives. From the news ⁢they consume to the products they purchase, it seems that politics​ has seeped⁤ into every corner⁣ of society. This saturation has led many to seek⁢ respite from⁤ the constant‍ barrage ⁢of sociopolitical messaging.

Furthermore, the politicization of businesses has often resulted in divisiveness and polarization. Taking a public stance on current events has the potential to alienate a significant ​portion of the consumer base. ‌As the Gallup poll revealed, ⁢Republicans⁢ and independents are far less likely to believe that businesses should be involved in politics compared to Democrats.

Additionally, businesses’ foray ​into ⁢politics ‌can⁣ come across as disingenuous or⁢ inauthentic. ⁣Many consumers view corporate activism as nothing more‍ than a marketing ploy to appeal to⁢ certain‌ demographics or to virtue signal. When customers feel like they are being used ⁤as pawns for profit, it⁤ erodes trust ‌and loyalty ⁤in those​ companies.

Finally, there is a‌ growing ⁢sentiment that businesses should ‍focus on their‍ core mission rather‌ than diverting attention to sociopolitical issues. As President Coolidge stated, the chief business of‌ the American people is business. In an era marked by economic uncertainty and global competition, ⁢Americans want to see businesses thriving and providing quality products and⁢ services.

This shift in public opinion ⁣should serve as a wake-up call to big business. The era of‍ corporate activism may be losing its appeal. Americans are ‌sending a clear message that they want businesses to focus on their primary responsibilities ‌and ​leave⁣ politics to the⁣ politicians. ⁢Ignoring this message ⁣runs the risk of⁢ further‌ alienating consumers and damaging brand reputation.

The findings of the Gallup poll should prompt businesses to re-evaluate their approach to public stances on current events. ​Instead of blindly following the trend of corporate activism, companies should⁢ carefully consider the ⁢potential consequences and weigh them against the benefits. It is ​crucial to strike a balance ⁤between social responsibility ‌and business ‌objectives.

In conclusion, the Gallup poll highlights a noticeable decline in the percentage of Americans who believe businesses ⁢should take a public stance on ⁤current events. This shift in⁤ public opinion suggests that the era of ⁤corporate activism may ‌be losing its appeal. Businesses should ⁢take note of this changing sentiment and re-evaluate their ⁤strategies to ensure they align with consumer expectations. Ultimately, the chief business of businesses ​should be business, just as President Coolidge intended.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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