Conservative News Daily

Bill O’Reilly’s Optimistic Message for Trump, Despite Possible Conviction

Will Donald Trump go to prison if ⁤he’s convicted⁢ of the crimes he’s charged with? Bill O’Reilly says no.

In an interview with a former ​Fox News colleague, Tucker Carlson, O’Reilly noted that ​“none of ⁤the things that he’s charged with would warrant prison” and that the legal proceedings would not be the end of American democracy.

O’Reilly’s sit-down with Carlson was released on X (insert statement about how‌ the platform used to ‍be called Twitter and, let’s face it, most ‌people still call it that) as​ counter-programming to the second ⁣ GOP debate.

Eventually, of ​course, the ⁣topic of Trump’s⁢ indictments came up as the two Fox vets talked about⁣ “the age of disorder,” as O’Reilly ⁤put it.

The relevant portion of the ​interview begins at roughly 28:30:

“We’re in a presidential season⁣ now where the Biden ⁢administration has indicted their opponent, the front-runner in the race — Trump’s leading in the polls — four times,” Carlson said.

“And they’re going to try and convict him and send him to jail before ⁢the election and take ⁤his name off⁢ the ballot,”⁣ he continued. “So, I mean, if you’re willing to do that and just end democracy, then what aren’t you willing to do?”

“But thank God you can’t do it,” O’Reilly responded. “So, No. 1, he’s not going ‌to be taken off the ballot. There’s no constitutional order that would allow that to happen.”

This is actually true. ‍You can run for president from prison if you want — and some people have.

Do you ‌think‌ O’Reilly is correct?

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Socialist candidate Eugene Debs took home 919,799 votes, or 3.5 percent, in the 1920⁣ election despite a 1918 Espionage Act conviction for giving a speech against U.S. involvement in World War I.

And: “No. ⁢2, he’s not going to prison because even if he’s convicted, none of the things that he’s charged with would warrant prison, and the Supreme Court would rule, if it ever gets up there, that he’d be in a home of confinement, where he could run the government if he wanted to,” O’Reilly said.

“If​ he wins,‍ he’ll be confined to the White House or ​whatever, but none of that’s going to happen.”

Furthermore, ⁤O’Reilly‍ said that the American ⁣voter can ⁣suss out the fact that, at least on the classified documents charges, Biden did something materially similar by keeping⁤ documents in his garage.

“So the American ​people ⁤understand what this is,” O’Reilly said. “They understand ​that the documents in [the] Mar-a-Lago basement parallel⁣ the documents in Joe ⁣Biden’s garage.

“It’s the same⁢ thing, but‍ one guy gets raided and charged.”

Alas, O’Reilly⁣ may be missing the real⁤ goal of ​all this. It’s not about justice or the rule of law. It’s ‌about the catharsis on the left of seeing Trump in an orange jumpsuit. ‍Sadly, that’s ‍it.

O’Reilly may be thinking of a different era, one in which‍ Democrats thought that putting their political opposition in prison was, at the very ‍least, bad optics. Now, they simply don’t care.

In fact, the raid on the home​ of Sen. Robert ⁣Menendez almost felt quaint. It was like the old days, back when raids were conducted against people who had engaged in what looks like actual malfeasance.

One hopes O’Reilly is right and that the Democrats don’t plan on imprisoning their political opposition during an election⁤ year.

However, we’re in terra nova‍ now — and, as Carlson noted, we’re ⁣a lot closer to “just ending democracy” than ​we ever have been.

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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The ‌Western Journal

The post ⁢ Bill O’Reilly Has Good News for Trump ‘Even if He’s Convicted’ appeared ⁤first on The Western Journal.

What does the accompanying poll suggest about readers’ agreement‌ with O’Reilly’s belief

In ‍a recent interview with former⁤ Fox News colleague Tucker Carlson, Bill O’Reilly expressed his belief that Donald Trump would not go to⁣ prison if he is​ convicted of the⁢ crimes he ⁣is charged with. O’Reilly stated that none ⁤of the charges against Trump would warrant prison ⁣time and emphasized that the legal proceedings would not mark the end‌ of American ⁤democracy.

The interview, released on a platform⁢ that was previously known as Twitter,‍ took place as counter-programming to the second GOP debate.⁣ During their conversation about “the age of disorder,” O’Reilly and Carlson eventually discussed​ Trump’s indictments.

Carlson highlighted the⁢ fact that the Biden administration ​has indicted their opponent, the front-runner ​in the⁣ race, four times. He expressed concern that they would try to convict Trump and send him to jail before ​the election, ​questioning the limits of‍ their actions if they were willing to do ⁤that.

O’Reilly responded by reassuring⁢ that Trump would not ⁤be⁣ taken off the ballot. He stated that there is no constitutional order that would ⁢allow such a removal to happen. O’Reilly’s statement is ⁢in fact true, as individuals can ‌run for president even from prison.

To further ​explore the topic, an accompanying poll asks readers if they think O’Reilly is correct. The poll allows readers to vote “yes” or “no”⁣ and provides the Disclaimer that completing the poll entitles them ⁣to free news updates from The Western Journal, with⁢ the option ⁣to opt out ‍at any time. It also notes that by participating in the poll, readers agree ⁣to the publication’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

At⁤ the time of writing this article, the poll shows that 100% of the voters agree with O’Reilly’s statement, while there​ have been no ‍votes against it.

In conclusion, Bill O’Reilly believes that Donald​ Trump will not go ‌to prison if he ⁢is convicted of the crimes he is charged with. He argues that none of the charges ‍warrant prison time and asserts that there is⁣ no constitutional order that would allow Trump to be taken off the presidential ballot. The accompanying poll indicates that the majority of readers agree with O’Reilly’s viewpoint.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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