Washington Examiner

Billionaire donor ditches Harvard due to antisemitism fiasco

Billionaire Len Blavatnik Joins Growing List of Donors Withdrawing Support from Harvard University

Billionaire Len Blavatnik, a prominent figure in the business world, has recently made headlines by joining the ​ranks of donors who are pulling their support from Harvard University. This decision comes‌ as the prestigious⁢ Ivy League institution grapples with a troubling rise in ‌antisemitism on​ campus.

Blavatnik, who is Jewish himself, has taken a firm stance by withholding his donations until Harvard ‍takes ⁤concrete action to⁢ address the issue of antisemitism and ensure the safety and well-being ​of Jewish students. A reliable source familiar with the matter⁣ revealed this information, shedding light on Blavatnik’s concerns.

A Remarkable ​Journey and Philanthropic Endeavors

Blavatnik’s story is one of resilience and success. Born in Ukraine and raised in Russia, he seized opportunities during the collapse of the Soviet Union and the subsequent privatization of state-owned companies, amassing a staggering fortune estimated at $32 billion by Forbes.

Having ​become a U.S. citizen over four decades ago, Blavatnik is⁤ an alumnus⁢ of Harvard ⁣Business School. He has since ⁣dedicated ‌himself to philanthropy, particularly focusing on various⁣ Jewish causes. His foundation has generously ​donated at least⁤ $270 million to the renowned Ivy League institution, according to an insider.

Donor Backlash ⁣and Calls for Action

Harvard,‍ along⁢ with other esteemed universities, has faced ​significant backlash from donors due ​to their perceived inadequate responses to the‌ surge in antisemitic incidents targeting Jewish students following the Hamas attack on Israel on October ​7th.

In fact, more than 1,600 Harvard‍ alumni pledged to withhold their financial⁢ support⁤ until the university takes decisive action against antisemitism. The controversy further escalated when Harvard President Claudine Gay failed to denounce ⁤calls for genocide ‍against Jews, although she later expressed regret for her testimony.

Blavatnik’s‌ Expectations and Ongoing Commitment

Unlike⁣ some former supporters who have completely severed ties‌ with the institution, such as hedge fund ‍billionaire Bill Ackman, Blavatnik has‌ not presented any specific demands to resume his financial contributions. Instead, he simply wants Harvard to improve and address the issue at hand.

“He wants Harvard to do better,” ⁢the source familiar‌ with the matter explained. “He’s not trying to step away⁢ or ‌abandon the place.”

As​ Harvard grapples with this challenging situation, it remains to⁤ be seen how the university will respond and whether it can ​regain the trust and support of‌ its donors.

What impact has Len Blavatnik’s ⁣decision⁢ to withdraw his⁢ support⁣ from Harvard ‍had on the​ wider community‌ and the conversation around addressing antisemitism in higher education


Len Blavatnik is no stranger ⁤to the world of wealth⁣ and success.​ Born in Ukraine, Blavatnik emigrated to the United States in the late 1970s. ⁢He attended Harvard Business School, where⁤ he⁢ honed his entrepreneurial skills and laid the foundation for his remarkable ​journey to becoming a billionaire. Blavatnik‌ is the ‍founder of Access Industries, a conglomerate‌ with diverse interests ‌in industries ‌such as technology, media, and natural resources. With a⁣ net worth of over $20‍ billion, Blavatnik has ⁤been consistently ranked among the‍ wealthiest individuals in the world.

Throughout⁤ his career,‌ Blavatnik has been a ​generous philanthropist, making substantial​ donations to ⁣various causes ‍and organizations. Harvard University has ‍been one of the fortunate recipients of Blavatnik’s ​generosity, with the billionaire donating ​significant sums to the renowned ⁢institution over the years.

The Rising Tide of Antisemitism on‍ Campus

However, recent events have caused Blavatnik​ to rethink his support for Harvard. The university has been grappling ⁢with a disturbing rise in ​antisemitism on campus, with reports of Jewish students facing harassment, discrimination, and even​ violent threats. Such incidents have deeply troubled Blavatnik, who recognizes the importance of fostering a safe and ‌inclusive⁢ environment for ​all students.

The growing‌ concerns regarding antisemitism at Harvard are⁢ not isolated incidents. They are part of a broader trend across college campuses in ‌the United‍ States. According to the Anti-Defamation League, antisemitic incidents ⁣on college campuses have been ⁢on⁣ the rise for several years. This troubling trend threatens the very essence of higher education institutions,⁤ which should be ​spaces of intellectual growth, diversity, ⁤and ⁣respect.

Blavatnik’s Decision to Withhold Support

It ‍is ​in response to this ​pervasive issue that‍ Blavatnik has decided to withdraw his‍ support from Harvard University.⁣ By taking this stance, ​the billionaire aims to send a clear message to ​the institution: that‌ addressing⁣ antisemitism and ensuring the safety and well-being of Jewish students should ‌be at the forefront of its priorities.

A reliable source familiar with the ⁣matter emphasized that Blavatnik’s decision was not made lightly. The billionaire has maintained a long-standing relationship with ‌Harvard and holds the institution in high regard. However, he believes that more needs to be done to combat the rise of ⁢antisemitism on campus, and‌ he hopes that his withdrawal of support will spur ​the university into taking meaningful action.

The Impact and Response

Blavatnik’s decision has caught the attention of⁤ the wider community​ and garnered both support and criticism. Some commend his stance as a necessary step in ‌holding institutions accountable for their duty to protect ⁤their ⁢students. Others argue that ‍withdrawing support may not be the most effective way to ⁤address the issue, as it could potentially divert funds and resources away from initiatives that tackle antisemitism head-on.

Regardless of differing ⁢opinions, Blavatnik’s decision draws attention to the pressing issue of antisemitism in​ higher education and the responsibility institutions have to address it adequately. It also⁤ highlights the importance​ of supporting Jewish ‍students ⁢and‍ ensuring their safety within university campuses.

A Call for Change

The withdrawal of support from a prominent figure ⁢like Len Blavatnik should ​serve as a wake-up call⁤ for Harvard University and other institutions facing similar challenges. The rise in antisemitism ⁢on college campuses ⁣demands immediate attention and decisive action. It is imperative for universities to create an environment ‍where every student‌ feels safe, ⁢respected, and included regardless of their⁤ religious or ethnic ⁢background.

Len Blavatnik’s decision ⁣to withdraw‍ his support is ​a ⁢reflection of the profound concern regarding the issue of antisemitism in higher ⁣education. The hope is that his actions⁢ will prompt Harvard and other‍ institutions to redouble their efforts in combating⁣ discrimination and ⁢bigotry, ensuring the security ⁤and well-being of all their‍ students.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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