Blue America: Where the American Dream Dies and Anarcho-Tyranny Thrives
The City of Oakland Prioritizes Criminals Over Small Business Owners
The city of Oakland, Calif. has taken a shocking approach to public safety by billing small business owners for using police services after defunding its police department. This decision clearly demonstrates that the city is more concerned with accommodating criminals than supporting hardworking individuals.
In a recent video shared by Alameda County supervisor candidate Chris Moore, a restaurant owner recounts receiving an invoice from the city after a police check-in following a robbery.
BREAKING: City of Oakland now invoicing small business owners after being burglarized.
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The small business owner expresses frustration, stating, “They came one hour after we got robbed. They walked through and put up a piece of wood with duct tape.”
He continues, “For the city to not only fail to protect small businesses but on top of that give us an invoice for doing the work that they did seems fully irrational… It’s literally the definition of kicking someone when they’re down.”
It’s no surprise that hundreds of businesses and hundreds of thousands of residents have fled California in recent years. The state, once considered a middle-class utopia, has become filthy, dangerous, and unaffordable for anyone between vagabond and multimillionaire. And this is all by design.
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The radical leftist tenure of California is a tale as old as time. Those in power seek to extract wealth from law-abiding citizens while showering honor and privilege upon those who support their agenda.
In California, taxpayer money is used to strip people of safety through defunding the police, while criminals, illegal aliens, and militant gender activists are emboldened. Meanwhile, business owners, homeowners, and other individuals who value normalcy are denigrated as a matter of state policy.
This is the modus operandi of blue states. Anarcho-tyranny is employed to keep the population docile, scared, confused, defenseless, and impoverished. People become so consumed with basic survival that they are unable to resist radical ideology, anti-human policies, and economically disastrous decisions forced upon them.
As the late Samuel Francis described in the ’90s, anarcho-tyranny is characterized by oppressive government power against the innocent and law-abiding, while simultaneously failing to punish criminals and enforce public safety.
Recall the 2020 George Floyd riots. Murderers, vandals, and thieves were let off the hook, while police were hindered from protecting their communities due to stand-down orders and calls to defund their departments.
The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone in Seattle provided a safe haven for rape and murder, with police and emergency services prevented from entering under threat of violence. Businesses were extorted for “protection.” Meanwhile, Kyle Rittenhouse, who acted in self-defense during the chaos, faced severe legal consequences.
Even when individuals like Daniel Penny restrain violent criminals, they face indictments while the actual criminals roam free. This is the state of affairs in today’s blue America.
Blue America, which extends throughout the national managerial state and its corporate-cultural vassals, will continue to exert its power until individuals willingly submit to its rule.
Samuel Mangold-Lenett is a staff editor at The Federalist. His writing has been featured in the Daily Wire, Townhall, The American Spectator, and other outlets. He is a 2022 Claremont Institute Publius Fellow. Follow him on Twitter @smlenett.
How does the city of Oakland’s decision to bill small business owners for police services prioritize criminals over hardworking individuals?
Oldened and protected. The city of Oakland’s decision to bill small business owners for police services is just another example of how criminals are prioritized over hardworking individuals.
By defunding its police department, the city of Oakland has effectively made small businesses more vulnerable to crime. Instead of taking responsibility for the rising crime rates and ensuring the safety of its citizens, the city now expects business owners to foot the bill for police services that should be provided as part of their tax contributions.
The video shared by Chris Moore is a powerful illustration of this shocking policy. The restaurant owner recounts the traumatic experience of being robbed and then receiving an invoice from the city for the police check-in that followed. This not only adds insult to injury but also highlights the city’s disregard for the struggles of small business owners.
The owner’s frustration is palpable as he explains how the police arrived an hour after the robbery and simply put up a piece of wood with duct tape. He rightly questions why he should be billed for a service that was ineffective and inadequate in protecting his business.
This incident reflects a larger issue in California and, more specifically, in Oakland. The state has seen a mass exodus of businesses and residents in recent years, as the once prosperous and desirable state has become riddled with crime, filth, and unaffordability. The policies implemented by the leftist leaders in the state have only exacerbated these problems, leaving law-abiding citizens to suffer the consequences.
It is clear that the city of Oakland’s decision to prioritize criminals over small business owners is part of a larger agenda. By defunding the police and shifting the burden onto business owners, the city is sending a message that criminal behavior will be tolerated and protected, while hardworking individuals are left to fend for themselves.
This warped sense of justice and misplaced priorities must be called out and challenged. Small business owners are the backbone of our communities and should be supported, not punished, for their contributions to local economies.
It is time for the city of Oakland to reassess its approach to public safety and prioritize the well-being of its residents and businesses. Instead of billing business owners, the city should be investing in robust law enforcement and crime prevention measures that will truly protect its citizens.
California, and Oakland in particular, deserve leaders who prioritize the safety and prosperity of their constituents over political agendas. It is time for a change, and it is up to the residents and business owners to demand it.
" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."
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