Washington Examiner

Democrats are concerned about Bob Menendez’s reelection and its implications for future seats.

Senate Democrats Call on ⁣Sen. ‌Bob Menendez to Resign Amidst Reelection Consideration

Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) is currently contemplating his​ reelection bid, which has sparked a ​strong response from the majority ⁣of Senate‍ Democrats who are urging him to step ⁢down. Concerned about the potential consequences of ‌a reelection campaign, his Democratic colleagues fear that it could result in ‌the Republican Party gaining a Senate seat in the highly contested 2024 race.

“There is something like a 0 percent chance he would ​be able to get the nomination,”​ an⁤ anonymous senator told ⁣Politico. “He’s a dead man​ walking, politically.”

Sen. Sherrod Brown ⁤(D-OH), the second ‌senator ⁢to call for Menendez’s resignation, expressed ‌his hope that Menendez would choose ​not to run. However, if he does decide to proceed with his reelection bid, Brown believes that Menendez will ultimately lose.

While more than half of Senate Democrats have demanded Menendez’s resignation, Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) has taken a different approach by​ encouraging potential candidates to challenge⁢ Menendez in ⁢the primary.

“If he would be foolish enough to ‌run for reelection,” Fetterman ​said, “I‍ will be actively assisting anyone that’s running against him in the primary.”

Fetterman has even ‍gone as⁣ far as submitting a fundraising ​appeal for Rep. Andy Kim (D-NJ), ⁣a strong contender in the Democratic primary ‌against Menendez.

When⁢ asked about his timeline‍ for making a‍ decision regarding the 2024 election, Menendez responded defiantly to Politico, stating, “I don’t have to answer to you people … I will tell the people of New Jersey ‍when I’m ready.”

If⁤ Menendez chooses​ to ignore the warnings from his fellow senators, he may face a⁤ competitive race, according to National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman Steve Daines (R-MT).

Among the potential challengers for the Senate seat is Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ), a ⁢prominent figure in the New Jersey ⁤Republican Party who switched parties in 2019.

Menendez and his wife⁢ Nadine Menendez were indicted on allegations of accepting bribes and gifts from businessmen in exchange for providing aid to the ‌Egyptian⁣ government. During the investigation, ​authorities ⁣discovered approximately $500,000 in cash and $100,000 in gold bars hidden throughout their Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, estate.

One of the gifts Menendez ‍allegedly received was⁣ a brand-new $60,000 Mercedes-Benz convertible,​ given to the Menendez family shortly after Nadine Menendez was involved in a fatal car accident with ⁣a pedestrian, ​damaging her previous vehicle.

The couple, along ​with the‍ implicated businessman, have⁤ pleaded not guilty to the federal charges.

Click ‌here to read more from The Washington Examiner.

Why​ do Republicans plan to‍ exploit Bob Menendez’s corruption ⁤allegations ​to ‌undermine the entire Democratic Party?

Ose and ‍harm the Democratic Party’s chances of‍ maintaining control of‍ the ⁣Senate. ⁢In an interview with NBC News, Brown stated, “I think he would lose. I think his time has passed. I think it’s time for ⁢somebody else to hold that seat and bring a new energy to‌ it.”

The⁤ call for Menendez’s resignation ⁢stems from his ‍previous ethical‍ misconduct. In 2018, Menendez faced a ‍highly publicized corruption trial, accused of using his​ position to‍ benefit a wealthy donor. Although the trial resulted in a​ hung⁣ jury and the charges were ultimately⁢ dropped, the‌ allegations left ​a​ stain on Menendez’s reputation.

As Senate Democrats are looking to ⁤bolster their⁣ chances in the upcoming elections,⁢ Menendez’s potential reelection bid is seen as a liability. Republicans have already made it clear that ⁤they will exploit the corruption allegations to paint the entire Democratic ⁣Party as ​unethical ⁢and corrupt.

“The GOP can and will continue to‍ use Bob⁢ Menendez’s ‌ethical misconduct as a weapon against the Democrats,”​ said Jennifer Duffy, an analyst⁢ with the nonpartisan Cook Political Report.

In addition to concerns over‍ the corruption ⁣allegations, Democrats worry that⁤ Menendez’s low approval ratings among constituents could further⁤ jeopardize their chances in a crucial ⁤race. According⁢ to a ⁣recent Monmouth University poll, only 37% of​ New Jersey voters approve of Menendez’s job performance.

Menendez has not yet‍ publicly‍ indicated‍ whether he ⁢will ‌heed the ‍calls ⁣for⁣ his resignation‍ or proceed with‌ his reelection​ campaign. However, Senate Democrats are hoping that ⁢he will prioritize ​the party’s interests over his ‌own personal ambition. They believe that stepping down would demonstrate‌ a commitment to integrity and allow for⁢ a⁤ fresh start in the highly competitive race.

Ultimately, the Democratic Party stands​ at a critical juncture as they strategize to maintain their⁤ majority in the ‍Senate. While Menendez has been a long-serving⁢ senator, his‍ potential‌ reelection⁣ bid is viewed as a ⁤hindrance rather​ than‌ an advantage. ‌The party’s call ⁣for his resignation is not a personal attack​ on​ Menendez,⁢ but rather a pragmatic ⁤decision⁢ aimed⁤ at securing their position in the Senate and ensuring​ a bright future for their party.

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