Washington Examiner

Boebert criticizes Johnson’s spending deal with Dems as ‘Pelosi-like

Rep.⁤ Lauren Boebert Criticizes Spending⁢ Deal, Likens it to Pelosi’s Policies

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) strongly criticized ‍the spending deal ⁤reached by House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) and ‌Senate Majority‌ Leader Chuck Schumer‌ (D-NY), comparing it⁢ to⁢ the policies of former Speaker Nancy⁣ Pelosi (D-CA).

An additional continuing resolution ⁣was passed by the House on ‍Thursday, extending the ​deadlines for appropriations bills ‍until March. Despite the measure receiving a⁣ 314-108​ vote in⁣ favor, ⁤over 100 Republicans chose ⁢to⁤ oppose the deal.

In a statement, Boebert,⁤ who⁤ voted against the spending measure,⁣ expressed her dissatisfaction with the resolution, stating⁣ that ‍it “continues Nancy Pelosi’s inflationary spending and funds Joe Biden’s failed policies.” She referred to the⁢ bill as “Pelosi-Esque,” drawing a parallel ⁢to the former Democratic House‍ speaker.

Boebert argued that the continuing ‍resolution fails to address wasteful federal spending ⁤and instead postpones necessary cuts, which will burden future generations with excessive‌ debt. She further criticized the deal as‌ “a slap in the face to every American suffering from Bidenomics.”

According to Boebert, the‍ spending bill‍ aligns with Pelosi’s approach and maintains federal ⁣spending at the levels set during her tenure as ‌Speaker. She claimed that Pelosi would be ⁢proud of this “reckless,⁢ bloated” bill.

The new deadlines for the 12 appropriations‍ bills have been set for March 1 and March ‌8, just a week‍ apart.

Read⁤ More:

To ⁣learn more about this topic, click here to read the full article⁣ from The Washington Examiner.

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