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FBI document reveals Burisma leaders allegedly admitted paying $10M to Joe and Hunter Biden.

An Explosive Revelation: Burisma Leaders Allegedly Offered $10 Million to Joe ⁢and Hunter Biden

An FBI document recently made⁤ public by Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa has brought ​to light a ‌stunning allegation. According to the‌ document, a Ukrainian energy company, Burisma Holdings, was prepared to pay a whopping $5 million each to Hunter Biden and President​ Joe Biden.

The revelation comes​ from an official government document called an​ FD-1023 form, which‍ contains unverified allegations. The ⁤form recounts what‍ a‌ confidential human source (CHS) ⁢told the‌ FBI⁢ about a meeting with Mykola Zlochevsky, the leader of⁤ Burisma ​Holdings, in 2016 when Joe Biden was vice president and Hunter Biden served on the⁣ company’s board.

The document states that during‌ the ⁤meeting, Zlochevsky expressed concern about ‌the negative impact of an investigation into Burisma by⁣ Ukraine Prosecutor ⁤General Viktor Shokin. The CHS informed Zlochevsky that the investigation could harm ⁢Burisma’s prospective ‌IPO in the⁤ United States. In response, Zlochevsky allegedly said, “Don’t worry,⁤ Hunter will ​take ⁤care of all‍ of those⁣ issues through​ his dad.”

As the ⁤conversation⁢ turned to money, Zlochevsky⁣ reportedly laughed at the CHS’s suggestion of⁤ $50,000 and stated that‌ it would cost $5 million to pay each Biden. The document ‌clarifies that it was unclear at the time whether these alleged payments had already been made.

The document also reveals that ⁢Zlochevsky dismissed Hunter Biden’s intelligence but emphasized‌ the need to keep him on ⁣the board. The source understood Zlochevsky’s comment to imply that ⁢he had already paid the Bidens to deal with Shokin.

Concerned about the potential international complications of ⁣the bribery scheme, the source warned Zlochevsky about the consequences. In response, Zlochevsky ‍allegedly said, “Don’t worry, this thing will go away anyway.”

Sen. Grassley‌ believes that the American public should ‌have access to this document​ and its contents. He questions the actions of the⁢ Justice Department and FBI in concealing this⁣ information from Congress and the public for so long. Grassley, along with Rep. James Comer, intends to uncover the‌ truth.

Subscribe to‍ The Western Journal to read our full breakdown of the document in its entirety.

The post ⁢ Bombshell FBI ​Doc: Source Said ⁢Burisma Leaders Claimed to Pay $10 Million ⁢to ‌Joe and Hunter⁢ Biden ⁣appeared first on The​ Western Journal.

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