Washington Examiner

Record number of border arrests of criminal illegal immigrants in 2023.

Record-High Number of ‍Convicted⁢ Criminals Arrested at the ‍Border

Federal law enforcement has made a significant breakthrough in apprehending⁢ non-U.S. citizens with criminal convictions attempting to enter⁣ the United ⁣States. In the past year alone, over 15,000 individuals with⁤ criminal records were caught at the border, primarily from Mexico. ‍This surge in arrests coincides with the Biden administration’s ongoing struggle to‍ address the unprecedented levels of illegal immigration.

Unprecedented Arrest Numbers

Newly ‍released data from U.S. Customs and ⁣Border Protection⁣ reveals that Border ⁣Patrol agents apprehended 15,267 individuals in fiscal year 2023 who had previously been convicted of crimes​ in the United⁤ States⁤ or ​other ⁣countries. It is highly likely that most of ⁤these convictions occurred within the U.S. due to limited access to international criminal databases beyond terror watch lists and ​most wanted lists.

This figure represents a significant ⁢increase from the ⁣12,028 criminal noncitizen encounters recorded in 2022. It is worth⁤ noting that CBP only provides online⁢ data for the past seven years, and annual arrests have ranged from 2,438 to 12,028 during this period.

Criminals with Prior Convictions

While illegal entry into⁤ the country is a​ federal offense, the individuals arrested in⁢ the past year had‍ previously committed and been convicted of other crimes, such as armed robbery, drug distribution, or even murder.⁢ It is important to clarify that traffic violations and minor infractions like shoplifting or disorderly conduct are not considered criminal offenses in this dataset.

This increase in arrests comes at a time when ⁣the nation is grappling ⁢with how to enhance border security and combat the rising number of criminals slipping across the border. ‍Republicans, who are cautious about allocating more ‌funds to the war in Ukraine, are pushing for additional aid to ‍be tied to funding⁢ for U.S. border security. However, there is disagreement with the White House regarding the approach.

“The Biden administration is requesting more ⁢funding ‌to expedite the ⁤processing of illegal immigrants⁣ — more planes and buses to transport them to cities like New York, Washington, D.C., Chicago, and every ⁤corner of America,” stated Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX). “When we ask Border Patrol agents how to address⁢ this issue, they say, ‘We don’t need more money.⁤ We need policy.’ And here’s the policy we need: When we apprehend someone, let’s follow the law and deport them. By doing so, the numbers will plummet.”

Proportion ‍of ​Convicted Criminals

Out of the total 2 million illegal immigrant arrests in 2023, less than ⁢1% (approximately 0.0075%) were individuals with prior criminal⁤ convictions.⁣ Additionally, Border Patrol agents apprehended 988 criminals who had outstanding warrants.

At the ports of‌ entry, where individuals present themselves for admission, CBP officers ⁤intercepted 20,166 immigrants with criminal convictions during the same time period.⁣ The ⁣key distinction between port of entry arrests and Border Patrol arrests is that individuals at ports did not attempt to evade law enforcement.

Port ⁤of entry arrests have ranged‌ from 6,500 to 17,000 annually since 2017.


What is the Bureau of Justice Statistics rate of ‌violent crime?

WASHINGTON ― The rate of nonfatal violent victimization in ​the United States rose to 23.5 victimizations per 1,000 persons age 12⁢ or older in 2022, after reaching a 30-year low of 16.4–16.5 ​during 2020–2021 amid the COVID-19 pandemic, ⁣according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics’⁢ new report Criminal Victimization, … As drug trafficking, burglary, assault, and even murder. According to the data, approximately⁣ 75% of the⁣ apprehended individuals had been previously convicted of a crime in the United ⁣States or abroad.

The increase in the number of convicted criminals attempting to enter the country is‍ a cause for concern. ⁣It raises questions about the effectiveness of border security measures and highlights the need for stronger screening processes. The fact that individuals ⁤with prior convictions are attempting to enter the country illegally emphasizes the potential dangers they may pose to society.

Challenges ​Faced by Border Enforcement

The surge in arrests of convicted criminals ​at the ⁣border reflects the immense challenges ​faced by border enforcement agencies. The Biden administration has been grappling with an overwhelming number of migrants trying to enter the country, resulting⁤ in a strain on resources and‌ an inability to thoroughly vet every individual.

Additionally, the limited access to‌ international criminal databases poses a significant hurdle in identifying individuals with criminal records. Authorities heavily rely on terror ⁢watch lists and most wanted lists, which may not capture the full extent of ‌an individual’s criminal​ history. This gap in‌ information ⁢leaves room for convicted criminals to⁤ slip through the cracks and attempt to⁢ enter ⁢the ‍United ⁣States undetected.

Implications for Immigration Policy

The record-high number of ​convicted criminals apprehended at the border underscores the need for ​comprehensive immigration reform. It highlights the⁤ importance of strengthening border security measures and improving the screening process for individuals attempting to enter the country.

Policy decisions regarding immigration must strike a balance between compassion and security. It is crucial to provide opportunities for those seeking a better life ‍while also ensuring that individuals with⁣ criminal backgrounds are not granted ⁤entry. Stricter⁣ screening processes and increased collaboration with international law enforcement⁢ agencies could significantly enhance border security and reduce the risk posed by convicted criminals.


The unprecedented number of convicted criminals apprehended at the border is a pressing issue that demands immediate attention. It emphasizes the need for continued efforts to strengthen border ‍security and improve screening processes. As‌ the Biden administration grapples with the challenges posed ‍by illegal immigration, addressing the issue of individuals ⁤with criminal convictions attempting to enter the United ⁣States should be a top priority. By ‌implementing comprehensive immigration reforms and‌ enhancing collaboration with international law⁣ enforcement agencies, the country can work towards a more⁢ secure and safer future.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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