BP Agents Ordered to Clear Migrants from Streets, Put on a ‘Show’ During Kamala Harris’ First Trip to Border: Report

He situation at the border remains dire, with record numbers of migrants crossing into the United States ⁢illegally.

It is clear that the Biden administration’s handling of ​the border ⁤crisis has been a ⁢failure, and the attempts to hide the true scale of⁢ the crisis during Harris’ visit only further highlight this failure.

The overcrowded facilities, overwhelmed‍ border patrol agents, and increasing number of unaccompanied minors ‍are all signs of a ​system in crisis. The lack⁢ of a coherent plan to ⁤address the root causes of⁢ migration, coupled ​with conflicting messages from the administration, have only exacerbated the situation.

It is ⁣essential for the Biden administration to take immediate action to address this crisis, including increasing resources at the border, streamlining asylum⁢ processing, and working with international partners to address ​the root⁢ causes of migration. Failing‌ to do so will only lead to further suffering for migrants and strain on resources at⁢ the border. The time for action⁢ is now.

Border Patrol agents were instructed to clean up the border and put on a “show” for Vice President Kamala Harris’ first trip to the border, according to a new report.

Despite being given broad license at and beyond the border as the so-called “border czar,” Harris’ first and only visit to the border came in June 2021.

Now it’s becoming clear that even this brief visit did not give the vice president a true look at the crisis sill unfolding at the border.

The New York Post, citing Border Patrol sources, reported that agents were ordered to hide the scale of the crisis during Harris’ 2021 visit.

To kick off this “show,” the men and women who should have been defending the border and our national integrity were instead directed to begin shuffling people around like cattle.

“They rented out a ton of hotels, and we spent hours moving out bodies. The kids that remained, we had to braid their hair,” the Post cited one agent as saying.

“We sanitized all the aliens out of there to make it look good,” another agent was quoted as saying.

Despite the work done to move immigrants out of the way of the vice president’s entourage, the work appeared to have been completely lost on an uninterested Harris.

“She had zero interest in really seeing anything,” an official who was on the trip told the Post. “It was rushed.”

Video from 2021 showed Harris at the border, touring a sanitized processing facility while the crisis raged just out of sight.

Taking this report into account, this visit appears to have been little more than a photo opportunity for a struggling administration.

The defanged border crisis obviously made little impact on Harris.

After visits to the border by both Harris and President Joe Biden, the flow of illegal immigrants across our southern border has still not been stemmed or reduced in any meaningful way.

In fact, just days after Biden’s March visit to the border, the border crisis ended up becoming an even worse situation.

The border crisis, and Czar Harris’ handling of it, will undoubtedly play a hand in how the voting public perceives her ability to lead the nation.

Democrats are already finding it difficult to drum up blind enthusiasm for Harris, with even the top members of the party in Congress failing to secure anything more than silence while endorsing the vice president as their primary candidate.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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