The federalist

By Forcing Americans Into Electric Vehicles, Leftists Ensure Road Trips’ Demise

Dead Horse Bay is located in a cove southeast of Brooklyn. Vintage debris Its shores were washed up Thanks to an underwater landfill that is in decay. Old Clorox bottles, tires, men’s work boots, and shards of broken glass toss back and forth on the tide, continually churned together with old horse bones.

The bones were taken from an 1850s factory that made glue and fertilizer using the carcasses of dead horses. That such a factory was necessary — and that thousands of old horse bones line a small bay in Brooklyn — point to the fact that horses were a way of life in New York City before cars replaced them. Nearly 200,000 horses lived in Manhattan’s small island at the end 19th century. This meant piles of horse carcasses. Manure mounds in giant quantities They were an everyday occurrence for city dwellers back then.

It is estimated that an average horse can produce around 30 lbs of manure each day. If you do some back-of-the-envelope math, that means New Yorkers literally put up with dumping more than 1 million tons of excrement on their streets every year to preserve their freedom of mobility.

That’s what climate activists and their allies in the corporate press don’t seem to get. As leftists Encourage Americans to Take Action To make the complicated and expensive switch to electric vehicles, they fail to realize that Americans are already able to travel wherever they want to with their existing gas-powered vehicles. Why would they do that and then pay more?

An Axios Article Titled “Electric car road trips are perfectly doable — if you plan ahead” It is a prime example leftist tone-deafness. A journalist from Axios went on a roadtrip to show readers how to get more Americans to switch to electric vehicles. It’s easy It is a great way to travel the United States with an electric vehicle.

The globetrotter acknowledges that the trip was not without its challenges. “not without its challenges.” This includes the handling of “glitchy charging equipment touchscreens, billing questions and inoperable plugs” Also available: “juggling route-planning apps and billing accounts with various charging companies.” You will also have to wait around an hour every time your EV needs to be charged, depending on how the charger is made. This is a great option for those who are experienced road-trippers and have limited time. Instant turnoff.

The article had the exact opposite effect of what it was trying to convince readers to switch to electric. The car represents freedom, autonomy, adventure, and independence for most Americans. There is an open road waiting to be explored. The low barrier of entry to entry is made possible by the widespread availability of gas-powered vehicles. Americans can go just about anywhere, as long as the keys are in the ignition and there’s gas in the tank.

Electricity can take the romance out of the road trip, as it takes away the simplicity. When you own an EV, you can’t just get in your car and drive. You need to plan your route around the EV charging stations.

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