Conservative News Daily

Disney suffers major loss in California court, faces massive 9K plaintiff lawsuit

A New Snow White: ⁤A Woke Feminist Revision?

A few months back, actress Rachel Zegler made headlines when she hinted ​that ​her portrayal of⁤ Snow White⁣ in Disney’s upcoming live-action ⁢remake would be a ‌woke feminist ‌revision ​of the original princess. According‍ to Zegler, this new version ⁤of Snow White is more focused on becoming a ‍leader rather than finding true love.

Zegler ⁢even went as far as calling⁤ the⁢ original Snow⁣ White⁤ “creepy” and criticized the ‍love story with Prince Charming, describing it as a guy who stalks her.⁢ She believes that the 1937 cartoon ‌is extremely dated and that⁢ her​ Snow White will be a proactive ‍character in the ⁢plot.

These statements reflect Disney’s values in 2023, where they strive to ‌create more inclusive and progressive narratives. However, a ⁣recent class-action ​lawsuit filed by 9,000​ female⁢ Disney employees‍ claims that the company ⁤has been‌ paying women less than their male ‍counterparts.

Last Friday, a‌ judge in California certified the lawsuit, allowing it⁤ to proceed. The lawsuit alleges that Disney has been gaslighting these women for years, and they simply want to be⁢ respected and treated fairly in the workplace.

The⁤ class-action⁢ suit represents female ‌Disney ⁣employees in California since⁤ April 1,‍ 2015, and covers ‍various​ departments within the company. Disney’s attorney⁣ argued that the jobs ‍within the class were too ​diverse to be considered substantially similar,⁣ but the judge rejected this argument.

Pay across the​ class was‍ found to‍ be 2 ‍percent lower ​for women than for men. While this is a significant victory for the⁣ plaintiffs, it’s worth noting that another class-action suit under California’s Fair Employment ​and Housing Act was denied.

Disney’s commitment ​to wokeness has come at a cost, with the company facing⁣ multiple⁤ box-office failures and controversies. Now, ⁢they must also ‍contend ‌with the largest sex-discrimination lawsuit ‌in California history.

Disney has expressed disappointment with ‍the ruling and is considering ​its options. Given the company’s reliance on liberal and progressive ⁣consumers, it’s⁢ likely ‍they will seek a settlement to avoid further ⁤damage to their reputation.

Perhaps they can send Zegler’s “proactive” princess character to argue the case and⁢ “become the leader she knows she⁢ can be.” While it may be a farcical idea, it wouldn’t ‌be any more ‍money-losing than ‍their upcoming Snow White film.


California Judge Hands ⁣Disney Major Defeat ‍in Court, Massive 9K Plaintiff Lawsuit Will Continue

Published⁢ on The Western Journal

How might the new portrayal of‍ Snow White in ​Disney’s woke feminist revision ​be⁣ received by audiences?

⁣Against Disney suggests that ⁤this ⁤new⁤ portrayal⁤ of Snow White may not be well-received by everyone. The lawsuit claims that Disney is pushing a political agenda ​with its new films, promoting a particular ideology instead of⁢ focusing on storytelling and entertainment.

The debate surrounding the “woke feminist revision” of Snow White brings into question the role of classic fairy⁤ tales in today’s society. On one hand,‍ there​ is an argument​ for​ updating these stories to reflect modern values and promote gender equality. Many argue that by depicting Snow White as a ⁢strong, independent woman ⁤who prioritizes her own goals and ambition over the pursuit of a prince, Disney ‍is empowering young girls and challenging traditional gender roles.

However, there are also critics who believe that altering classic stories to fit a specific political ‌agenda is unnecessary and diminishes the original intentions‍ of the tales. They argue that fairy tales have always been a reflection of the time in ​which they were written, and by‍ changing them, we risk losing touch with ​history and cultural heritage.

There is no denying that⁤ Snow White has⁣ been a significant part‌ of popular culture for decades. The original 1937 Disney film has shaped the image of the character in the minds of millions of people worldwide. Therefore, any revision of such an iconic character is bound to ‍spark ⁢controversy and debate.

Disney has a long history⁣ of adapting its ‍princess stories to fit the ​values of the time. From Cinderella to Belle,⁣ each princess has undergone transformations to make them more relatable and appealing to⁢ contemporary audiences. The question now is whether this ​new woke ⁣feminist ⁤revision ⁢of Snow White will​ be received with the same enthusiasm as its ⁢predecessors, or ‍if⁢ it will face resistance from those who prefer the original version.

The success of this‍ new Snow White adaptation will ultimately depend on⁣ how well it resonates⁤ with viewers. If it manages to create a compelling narrative that‍ empowers young girls without sacrificing the essence of the original⁢ story, it may ‍become a beloved addition to the Disney princess canon. ⁣However, if⁢ it feels too forced ⁣or alienates fans of the original, it⁤ might be⁢ seen as nothing more than a failed attempt at political correctness.

Only time will tell how this new Snow White will be received ⁢by audiences. In an era where representation and inclusivity are at the forefront ‌of discussions, it⁣ is both exciting and challenging for Disney to reimagine ‍its classic stories. ⁤Whether⁢ it succeeds or ​not, this new woke feminist ⁢revision of Snow White is ⁤indicative of the changing landscape of popular culture and the ongoing ​struggle for ⁢gender ⁢equality in media.

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