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NJ Bans Gas-Powered Cars by 2035, Aims to be ‘East Coast’s California’

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Dem⁤ governor Murphy pledges⁢ to use⁣ ‘every‌ tool ‌… ​to combat the ‍intensifying ‍climate crisis’

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⁤ ⁢ ‍ ‌‌ ‍ ‌New Jersey governor ​Phil​ Murphy (D.) / Getty⁢ Images
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Democratic ⁤governor Phil Murphy made good on his promise to ​make New ⁤Jersey​ the‌ “California of ⁢the ​East⁣ Coast,”​ announcing a proposal that bars‌ the sale of‌ new gas-powered cars by‍ 2035.

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As⁣ part of⁣ his ​”Energy‍ Master Plan,” Murphy on Monday⁤ unveiled environmental​ rules that require ‍vehicle manufacturers‍ to ‍make ​100 percent of their passenger cars, trucks,​ and ‍SUVs‍ electric by 2035.‍ Murphy said the move “build[s] upon our nation-leading record of bold climate action ​while ‍delivering ⁣on our promise ⁤to utilize⁣ every ‍tool⁣ at our disposal ‍to‌ combat⁣ the intensifying climate ⁤crisis.”

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Murphy’s ⁣proposal aligns New⁤ Jersey with ⁤California and other​ deep-blue states. The Democrat’s‍ electric car rule, ⁣Advanced Clean Cars⁣ II,⁢ originated in California—the state’s Air​ Resources⁤ Board ⁣approved ⁤it in​ August⁣ 2022⁢ and today says ⁤it⁤ requires “all ⁢new passenger vehicles⁣ sold in ⁢California to ⁢be​ zero ‌emissions by 2035.” Murphy, who succeeded ​Republican governor‍ Chris ‌Christie, ⁢told former Golden ⁣State governor Jerry Brown ​in 2018 that he​ aspires to make ⁤New⁣ Jersey ⁢”the ​California of ​the⁣ East ‍Coast.”

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Murphy in ‍a Monday press⁢ release‌ touted the proposed rule, which he​ said‍ “does‌ not ​impose‍ any ⁣obligations‍ on⁢ consumers⁣ or‌ car⁤ dealers.” Republicans‌ quickly ​criticized ​that‍ claim, with​ state ​lawmaker ‍Ed​ Durr‍ saying Murphy’s “extreme energy policies will⁤ force ⁣people⁢ to replace their⁣ affordable⁢ gas-powered cars with more ⁤expensive EVs.”‍ Durr also​ called Murphy a ​hypocrite ‍who⁣ recently used⁣ “taxpayer dollars‌ to‌ purchase a fleet ‌of ‌new gas-powered SUVs ‍to ⁣shuttle ​him and⁢ other​ Democrat⁣ leaders⁤ across⁤ the ⁤state.”

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“It’s⁢ like⁢ John ⁢Kerry ⁢with his ‌multiple mansions flying‌ around the world ‌on his⁢ private⁢ jet while telling the rest​ of ⁢us that we’re responsible‌ for climate change,” ⁢Durr said. ⁣”The⁤ rest of ⁢us‍ are forced to ‍suffer while⁣ they ​are ​the ‌real problem.”

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New Jersey environmentalists defended‍ the ‍electric‍ vehicle ‍mandate, ⁢with the state’s ⁤Sierra ⁢Club calling⁣ the ‌program “one of the most ⁣important⁣ policies ⁣for‍ New ​Jersey‌ to adopt.”⁤ Some experts, however, ⁤doubt that‍ electric vehicles will ‍actually help the environment.‍ Electric⁢ vehicles require large amounts of mined, processed, and⁢ refined minerals to be built, meaning‍ the cars roll ⁣off the lot⁣ having produced considerably more carbon​ emissions than⁣ their ⁢gas-powered⁢ counterparts. As ⁢Manhattan Institute senior​ fellow Mark ‍Mills⁢ argued in a⁢ recent‍ report, driving ⁣an electric ‌vehicle​ instead of gas-powered ‍one could⁣ “lead to‌ a ⁣net increase in ‍emissions.”

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Murphy’s proposed ​rule is⁤ likely to‌ prompt⁢ backlash, given⁣ that electric cars⁤ are not‍ very ⁣popular‍ with American ⁢consumers. ‌Less than one-fifth of Americans ⁣say they’re‌ very‌ likely to make⁣ their⁤ next‍ vehicle⁣ an‍ electric​ one, according to ⁢an ​Associated ⁢Press poll published in ‌April,‌ with⁢ respondents citing the high cost of ⁣electric ‌vehicles. The cars on ​average ‌cost⁣ about $10,000 ⁢more ‍than their gas-powered​ counterparts.

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Murphy’s announcement ‌marks his ‌second major green ⁤energy⁣ push this month.‍ The ‌Democrat just two⁢ weeks ‌ago⁢ signed‌ a bill​ approving major tax⁢ breaks ⁤for a ⁤foreign green⁤ energy company ⁤that ​is‍ set ⁢to build⁤ a ⁤massive‍ offshore ​wind⁢ farm off​ the coast ​of ⁢Atlantic City. State energy ‌experts and Republican​ lawmakers ​say the ⁣project​ will‍ raise electric bills, the Washington Free‌ Beacon reported.

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