Conservative News Daily

‘Boycott UFC’ calls surge following Bud Light’s mega deal announcement.

Engaging Title: Backlash Ensues as⁢ UFC Announces ⁣Partnership with⁤ Bud Light

It must be nice to be Bud Light and its ​parent ⁣company, Anheuser-Busch InBev.

Well, it’s⁣ probably not​ very nice to be the face ⁣of transgenderism run amok,⁢ to see sales crater because of it, and to lose even more in ⁣terms of goodwill with your‍ core ‍customer base.

But it ⁤must ​be nice ​to just be able to throw untold amounts of money at your problems. (That’s not to say it’ll work … but it must⁣ be nice.)

The latest attempt by Bud Light to fix its horribly damaged image is actually a smart​ move in a vacuum.

On Tuesday, the company announced that it was the official ⁣beer of⁢ UFC again in a post on ​social‍ media.

“We’re proud to announce‌ that starting in 2024, we’ll once again be the ⁢official beer ⁤sponsor of‍ @UFC,” Bud ‌Light boasted in its post.

The reason that this move makes sense in a vacuum is simple: There is no other professional sports league in North America that has swaths of ⁣conservative-leaning fans like UFC does, ⁢save for‌ perhaps NASCAR.

If you’re trying⁢ to get⁣ back in the⁢ good ‍graces of those fans, ‌there is no better way to do so than through their favorite pro sport.

But alas, the ⁤real world does ⁢not operate within​ a vacuum — so it’s hard to describe this latest move from Bud Light as anything other than a mistake for UFC.

As news of the new ⁤Bud Light partnership spread, so, too, did ⁢the generally negative backlash against it.

“Time to boycott the UFC,” one upset social media user posted, in a sentiment that started cropping ⁣up more and more on social media.

“I⁤ thought this was a joke,” one ​stunned social media​ user quipped. “I⁢ guess the ⁢UFC will do anything to grow, but​ I ⁣won’t ‍be a part ⁤of it. UFC294‍ was ​my last ⁢PPV buy. What a⁢ shame⁣ it will bring fans away from the sport. Plus, Modelo is actually a⁢ good ⁤beer.”

Yes, it ⁤appears that the once-beloved Bud Light has become such a toxic⁣ brand that it’s⁣ an ⁣active detriment to whomever it partners with.

But that’s ⁢the key word ‌— “partners” — that‍ needs a ⁤little⁢ more investigation, because it takes two to tango in any business partnership.

Because it’s not⁣ exactly a well-kept ⁤secret that​ Bud Light is ⁢reaching a nuclear⁣ level ⁢of ​toxicity,⁢ which begs the ​question of why UFC willingly got in bed with a brand that’s so ⁤polarizing and ⁤divisive.

Well, ⁤it doesn’t ⁤really beg the question. We all know the answer is that UFC​ accepted this partnership for either clout or money —​ and the pro fighting league certainly doesn’t need‌ help with clout.

And we know⁢ UFC⁤ knew how toxic Bud Light was, because there was nearly identical backlash when Bud Light announced‌ its ‌grand partnership⁢ with the NFL in August.

Perhaps trying to get in front⁤ of⁤ the⁤ talking ⁣point that UFC sold its soul at ⁤the altar of cheap beer and transgenderism, UFC⁣ president Dana White appeared⁣ on Sean Hannity’s eponymous​ show on Tuesday.

You can watch the relevant ⁢segment below:

White’s initial defense of Bud Light’s pro-transgender ​debacle wasn’t ⁣much of a defense at all, as he ⁤seemed to be arguing,​ “Who ​cares about the LGBT stuff? Look at all the ​good things they do!”

White⁤ rattled off a number of things that Bud Light does, like hiring within‌ and​ purchasing American.​ White also ⁢touted Bud Light’s willingness and eagerness to hire veterans.

These are ⁣all⁢ commendable causes, to be sure … but​ hardly unique to Bud‌ Light. Any number of ⁢beer companies ‍can brag about similar patriotic branding.

White’s ‌going ‌to have to do better than that.

“Those are the things that I’m focused⁣ on,” White said. “When I look at ‌a long-term sponsor that’s⁣ going to be, we’re going to be doing a six-year deal here, I want [it] to‍ be someone that I’m aligned with.”

It’s⁢ at this point that Hannity‌ actually revealed that ⁢White had had the‌ chance to ​partner ​with other⁤ beer companies, but ​specifically chose Bud Light.

“I know you don’t‌ need⁣ the money,” Hannity said. “Because you have more money than anyone could ever want​ and⁣ probably ⁤for ⁤a thousand ⁣lifetimes.

“So you didn’t do it for the money.”

After confirming that the deal wasn’t due to money, both White ​and Hannity sort of just floundered around the topic of whether or not White was eagerly getting ‍into bed with people who genuinely think that‌ men⁣ can become women with little more than surgery and drugs.

Look, you can color this writer⁤ skeptical that money wasn’t a primary factor in this.

Bud Light has made it abundantly clear that it will throw money at this ‌problem until it ​goes ⁢away ⁤— assuming it ever does.

If UFC ‌and Dana White are cool with being‌ complicit with that, they should⁣ just come out and admit ⁤it.

Pretending that Bud Light ‍is some ultra-patriotic bastion of⁤ virtue‍ that ⁣is​ such an honor to partner with ​is, in all actuality, a little pandering and sickening.

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How has the⁣ announcement of the partnership affected the⁣ reputation of Bud Light?

Backlash Ensues as UFC⁣ Announces Partnership with Bud Light

It must be nice to be ‌Bud Light and its parent company, Anheuser-Busch InBev. Well, it’s probably not very⁤ nice⁣ to be the face of transgenderism run amok, to see sales crater because of it, ‌and to lose⁢ even more in ⁢terms of goodwill with your core customer base. But it must be ‌nice to just be ⁣able to throw untold amounts of money at your problems.⁢ (That’s not to say it’ll work‍ … but it ⁤must be nice.)

The latest attempt by Bud Light ⁤to fix its horribly damaged‍ image is actually a ⁤smart move in a⁤ vacuum. On Tuesday, the company announced that it was the official beer of UFC again in a post on social media.

“We’re⁣ proud to announce⁤ that starting in 2024, we’ll once again be the official beer sponsor of @UFC,” Bud Light boasted in its post.

The reason that ⁣this move makes sense in a vacuum is simple: There is no ⁤other⁣ professional sports league in North America that has swaths of conservative-leaning fans like‍ UFC⁤ does, save for perhaps​ NASCAR. ⁣If you’re trying to get⁢ back in the good graces ⁤of those fans, there is no better way to do so‌ than through their favorite pro sport.

But alas, the real world does not operate within a vacuum — so it’s hard​ to describe this latest move from Bud Light as anything other than a mistake for UFC. As news of​ the new Bud Light partnership ⁤spread, so, too, did the generally ‌negative ⁢backlash against it.

“Time to boycott the UFC,” one upset social media user posted, in a sentiment that started cropping up more and more on social media.

“How unfortunate, I have to ⁢#BoycottUFC now. No more PPV. ‌@ufc and @danawhite have lost my money and viewership. #BoltUp #Bolts,” another Twitter user expressed.

People, it looks like it’s time to #BOYCOTT UFC and keep boycotting Bud Light!

It’s clear that the partnership between Bud Light and UFC is not resonating well with a certain ‍segment of ⁤the population. While Bud Light might have hoped that aligning itself with a‍ popular sports league would ⁣help to salvage ‌its reputation, it appears that they have underestimated the backlash that may result from associating with a brand that has been ⁢embroiled in controversy.

Bud Light ⁤may be hoping that the conservative-leaning ‍fanbase of UFC will be enough to offset any negativity surrounding their brand, but it remains to be seen whether this

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