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Campus anti-Semites plan ‘Day of Resistance’ backing Hamas.

The Largest Network of Campus Anti-Israel ⁣Groups Organizes “Day of Resistance” to Support Hamas Terrorist Attacks

The Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), the largest network of campus anti-Israel ⁤groups, is rallying support for⁤ the deadly Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel.‍ They are calling the murder of nearly‍ 1,000 Israelis, including⁣ women⁤ and children, a “historic win⁣ for the Palestinian‌ resistance.”

In their⁢ “Day of Resistance Toolkit,” SJP states⁢ that they have an “unshakable responsibility” to⁢ answer the Palestinian terrorists’ call for mass protests. They⁤ boldly declare that their people choose resistance over⁣ negotiated cages and ‍struggle for complete liberation and return.

The ​toolkit explicitly ​calls ⁢for the elimination of Israel,​ which​ aligns with the ⁣shared​ goal of Hamas. It refers to Hamas’ terror attacks as a “historic win” and glorifies terrorists ⁤as “martyrs.”

SJP⁢ is organizing ⁣protests across the United States and ‌Canada, referring to them as “occupied⁢ Turtle Island.” ⁢They are distributing talking points to‌ defend Hamas and⁢ providing templates to organize events.

Anti-Israel Sentiment ⁢on ⁣College ⁣Campuses

College campuses‍ have become hotbeds for anti-Israel sentiment, largely driven by SJP. Shocking statements supporting Hamas’⁣ terrorist actions have been made‍ by SJP chapters at the University of Virginia, Swarthmore College, ‌Harvard University,‌ and George⁢ Washington University.

SJP ⁤also provides guidance on how to portray the brutal‍ attacks as​ justified during ‍protests. They aim to ‌”contextualize, frame, and above all normalize and support our fearless resistance.”

The group ​claims that nobody in Israel should be considered a civilian, as all Israelis are seen as military assets used to ⁣control stolen Palestinian land. They argue that “when people are occupied, resistance⁢ is​ justified.”

Recent images and videos have shown Hamas terrorists⁣ torturing and mutilating both⁢ the ⁢living and the dead.⁢ Families, couples, the elderly,⁤ and children have been indiscriminately murdered, while others have been taken hostage.

Officials have reported over 1,500 deaths and thousands more wounded in Israel and Gaza. Dozens of people are believed to have been taken hostage by Hamas, with‌ threats of execution in response to air strikes.

The Day‌ of Resistance toolkit ⁢claims that the Hamas attack has shown that Israel ⁤is fragile and that settlers⁤ are already fleeing the land. It emphasizes the ⁤unshakable dedication of Palestinians for their national liberation.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has vowed a strong response to those responsible for⁤ the attacks,⁢ stating that any‌ city where Hamas ⁢operates will be turned into​ a⁣ “city of ruins.”

According to the Washington Post, ‌the Israeli military⁤ has summoned‍ 360,000 reservists to fight in the war with Hamas, the largest mobilization since the ⁢1973⁤ Yom Kippur War.

SJP has significant financial ‍ties to Hamas, receiving funding from‍ American Muslims for‌ Palestine, an organization with leadership connected to‍ Hamas. One board member has⁢ even served prison time for transferring ⁤money to Hamas’ al-Qassam Brigade.

How does⁤ SJP’s​ rhetoric, such as referring to Hamas terrorist attacks as a “win” ‍and murderers as “martyrs,” perpetuate the ⁤cycle of​ hatred and undermine potential for peaceful‍ resolution?

Ven by groups like SJP. These​ groups often use the guise of advocating for Palestinian rights to promote anti-Israel propaganda​ and support ‍terrorist activities. The “Day of Resistance” organized by SJP is just another disturbing example of their efforts ‌to ⁤spread hate and violence.

By calling ⁤the ​Hamas terrorist attacks a “win,” SJP is blatantly disregarding the lives lost and the suffering experienced by the Israeli people. It⁣ is deeply concerning that they ‌refer to murderers as “martyrs,” glorifying their acts of violence. This kind ‍of ​rhetoric only perpetuates‌ the cycle of hatred and undermines any potential for peaceful resolution.

Furthermore, the explicit call for the ⁤elimination of Israel is alarming. It aligns⁤ SJP with Hamas’ ultimate goal of destroying the Jewish state. Such ⁣a ‍position is not only anti-Israel but also anti-peace and undermines any potential for a two-state‍ solution.

The fact ⁤that SJP is organizing protests‍ across ‌the United States and⁢ Canada, using ⁢the⁣ term “occupied ⁤Turtle Island” to refer to these countries, reveals ⁤the disregard they ​have for accurate‍ and ⁢respectful ⁤discourse. By misusing historical terms and appropriating Indigenous experiences, SJP ​further discredits their cause and ‌alienates potential allies.

It is crucial ⁢to⁤ differentiate between legitimate criticism ‍of Israel’s ⁤policies and support for terrorism. Critics of ⁢Israeli policies have the right to express their opinions, but it is ⁤essential to condemn groups like SJP who support senseless violence⁢ and promote the agenda of terrorist​ organizations.

Universities should not tolerate or endorse groups⁣ that perpetuate hatred, violence, and anti-Semitism under the guise of advocating for Palestinian rights. It ‍is the responsibility‍ of university administrations to ⁤ensure⁤ a safe and inclusive environment for all students, regardless ⁢of their ⁣backgrounds or political beliefs.

Students should be ⁤encouraged to engage ‌in open and respectful dialogue, where diverse perspectives can be shared and debated. This fosters understanding and empathy, moving us closer to a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In conclusion, SJP’s “Day of Resistance” is a troubling example of the largest ⁣network of campus anti-Israel ‍groups rallying support for Hamas terrorist attacks. Their⁣ call for the elimination of Israel, glorification of terrorists, and misappropriation ​of historical terms demonstrate a ⁢dangerous disregard for peace and legitimate‌ discourse. It‍ is crucial ⁣for universities and ‌individuals to condemn such actions and work towards creating an atmosphere of understanding and dialogue rather than one‌ of hate and violence.

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