Catalina Lauf on Challenging Anti-Trump Rep. Kinzinger: ‘It’s Time’

Catalina Lauf on Challenging Anti-Trump Rep. Kinzinger: ‘It’s Time’

Former President Donald Trump appointee Catalina Lauf is challenging Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), one of 10 Republicans in the lower chamber who joined Democrats in impeaching Trump.

Lauf, 27, told The Epoch Times that Kinzinger, 43, appears to most more focused on promoting himself than serving his constituents.

“Adam’s actually been in Congress for six terms. And it’s pretty clear that, number one, he’s been incredibly absent from the district. … And you see him on MSNBC, CNN bashing President Trump and it’s just so clear that he would much rather be out there building his own brand for his own personal ambition than really serving his constituents and really fighting against the far left,” Lauf said, referring to Kinzinger’s repeated appearances on networks that align with Democrats on most issues.

“He’s agreeing with them in most cases, so it’s time that the constituents have accurate representation and people, servant leaders who are willing to put their needs and their interests first, and also be able to combat the far-left agenda on a national scale.”

Kinzinger, along with every Republican except for Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah), voted against the first impeachment effort. But the representative and 16 others, including senators, joined Democrats in the second saga. He also recently launched a political action committee that is aimed at opposing the GOP’s embrace of Trump.

Lauf says Kinzinger wouldn’t be in his seat without votes from pro-Trump Republicans and alleged that the only reason he’s in office is that he has never been challenged before.

“Illinois is a very red state. This is a very Trump republican district,” Lauf said. “And the problem with these incumbents is that they get in there with the establishment nobody ever challenges them, nobody has the resources. So now he’s in a fight, because we’re coming in, we have the resources and then we have the groundswell of support to be challenging him.”

Along with Kinzinger’s impeachment vote, Lauf took issue with his recent vote against pulling troops from Iraq and for stripping Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) from her committee assignments.

Those were votes “against the president, and against fellow Republicans,” she said.

Lauf is running after failing in the 2020 Republican primary for Illinois’ House District 14 by about 2,900 votes. Jim Oberweis won the primary and went on to lose to Rep. Lauren Underwood (D-Ill.).

Kinzinger’s campaign told The Epoch Times via email: “It’s a bit premature to comment when we don’t even know what the district will look like. But I will say that Congressman Kinzinger has a proven record of leadership and integrity, delivering results for his constituents in IL-16 time and time again. Congressman Kinzinger serves the interests of the country and his constituents—not the interests of one man.”

Kinzinger has defended his positions during television appearances and social media.

On Wednesday, he wrote in a tweet: “I’m a Republican, and generally vote Center-right. If you want someone who only follows your policies, you help to tribalize. The battle is for HOW we lead and stop lies and fear. We need Repubs/ Dems and others to put Country first.”

On MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Sunday, Kinzinger said that he’d rather be on Trump’s “enemies’ list” than be on his good side.

“Frankly, had he just, I think, managed even halfway decently anything, since he was an incumbent, he probably could have won [the election], but he did everything he could to blow it, and now has to blame everybody else,” he added.

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