Washington Examiner

CBO reveals: Over 860,000 border ‘gotaways’ in 2023

The ⁢Border Crisis: Over 860,000 Illegal Immigrants Evade Capture

The Congressional Budget Office‍ (CBO) has⁢ revealed alarming statistics regarding the number of illegal immigrants crossing into the⁤ United States. Last year alone,​ border officials witnessed but failed to catch over 860,000 individuals entering‌ the⁤ country unlawfully. ‍This number is more than double the amount of “gotaways” who entered when President Joe Biden took office and‍ dismantled border‍ policies.

The⁢ CBO’s​ Demographic Outlook report for⁣ 2024 to ‍2054⁤ explains that the 860,000 figure includes individuals who were observed directly or ⁤indirectly making an unlawful entry,⁢ were not turned back or apprehended, and are no ​longer⁢ being pursued by‌ the Border Patrol.

Comparatively, ​there were 389,515 gotaways in fiscal year 2021 and nearly 600,000 in fiscal year 2022. These numbers ‌are in addition⁢ to the hundreds of thousands of⁣ illegal immigrants the administration acknowledges encountering and allowing ‌into the U.S., ⁢as well as the​ 430,000 individuals who overstayed their visas last year.

Former ⁤immigration Judge Andrew Arthur, now a legal analyst with the⁣ Center for Immigration Studies, describes this surge in ‍gotaways as a “tsunami.” ⁣He emphasizes that the 860,000 ⁢individuals who slipped through the cracks are roughly equivalent⁤ to the population⁢ of Charlotte, North Carolina.

In‌ a blog post by the Center for Immigration Studies, Arthur ‍suggests that the significant increase in gotaways is partly due to ⁢border agents being diverted from their ‍duties⁤ to⁤ process ​the ⁣record numbers of illegal immigrants entering the country ‌through official‌ border entry points.

The ‌Consequences of Uncontrolled Border Crossings

Arthur highlights the⁤ fact that those attempting to ⁢sneak into the country illegally often have criminal ​backgrounds. Unlike individuals seeking work or a⁣ better life,⁣ these individuals are more likely to be criminals or drug smugglers.⁣ Arthur ⁢questions how many‍ individuals with terrorist intentions may ⁢have successfully crossed the border undetected, considering the staggering number of ‍gotaways‍ in recent years.

He warns, “We know that ‌despite efforts to​ prevent it,⁢ drugs continue to be ⁤successfully​ smuggled over the ⁢border and onto our streets. How many aliens‌ with terrorist intentions have ​done the same thing? Ideally, we’ll figure⁣ that out before it’s too late, but with nearly ⁤2 million‍ gotaways in three years, it may already be too late.”

It is clear ⁤that the border ‌crisis is a pressing issue that demands immediate attention and effective solutions. The​ recent House resolution denouncing President Biden’s “open-borders policies”‍ reflects the concerns​ of Democratic incumbents in tight races, even​ though it is not binding.

What are the consequences of the ​significant increase in illegal border crossings on national security and public safety?

Numbers indicate a significant increase in illegal border crossings and pose a serious‍ challenge for immigration enforcement agencies.

The border crisis has been ⁣a contentious issue in recent years, with conflicting opinions on⁢ how to address ‍it effectively. The Biden administration has faced criticism ⁢for its approach to immigration, particularly its rollback of Trump-era policies such as the Migrant Protection Protocols and the construction of the border‍ wall. These ​changes seem to have created a perception of leniency and an increased incentive ‍for individuals to attempt illegal ⁣entry into the ‌United States.

The consequences of this influx of illegal immigrants are far-reaching and affect various‍ aspects of society. From a national security perspective, the inability​ to control⁤ and ⁤enforce immigration laws makes it difficult to identify potential​ threats or individuals with criminal backgrounds. This poses a significant risk to public safety and the well-being of American citizens.

Furthermore, the surge in ‌illegal immigration puts a strain on public resources and services. Health care, education, and social welfare​ programs are all impacted by the increased demand, potentially leading to a decline in quality and accessibility for both immigrants and U.S. citizens.

The economic implications of the⁣ border crisis should not be overlooked either. The CBO report highlights that many of the individuals evading ⁣capture are​ likely to join ​the labor market, ⁢further exacerbating issues of unemployment and wage​ stagnation for American workers. Additionally, the cost of detention, processing, and providing humanitarian assistance to ⁢undocumented immigrants places a significant burden on taxpayers.

Addressing the border crisis requires a comprehensive and multifaceted approach. It is⁤ crucial to invest in border security measures that act as a deterrent and ⁣provide the resources necessary for border officials to effectively apprehend and process individuals attempting illegal entry. Additionally, strengthening cooperation with ⁤neighboring countries and addressing the root causes of migration, such⁣ as poverty and violence, must⁣ be a priority.⁤ Finally, a review of immigration policies and ⁣legislation is​ essential to establish a fair and efficient system that‍ respects the rule ⁣of law while also providing‍ avenues for legal migration.

The border crisis is‍ not a new issue, and it requires bipartisan cooperation and a long-term strategy. Achieving effective border control requires a balance between humanitarian ‌considerations, national security, and economic ⁤interests. By addressing the border crisis comprehensively and proactively, the United⁤ States can ensure a more secure and ⁢prosperous future for its citizens while upholding its values as a nation of immigrants.

Read More From Original Article Here: CBO shock: At least 860,000 border ‘gotaways’ in 2023

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