Conservative News Daily

CBP intercepts threatening messages, seeking home addresses of border agents.

Norman Schwarzkopf: A Heroic Call⁤ to ​Battle

Norman Schwarzkopf, a United States general during the Gulf War, ⁢once famously ⁢declared, “It doesn’t ‌take a⁢ hero to order men into battle. It takes a​ hero to be one of those men who goes into battle.”‍ These powerful words ‌resonate⁣ deeply, especially when considering⁤ the brave men and women ‌who serve at our border.

These courageous individuals ​have been thrust into a never-ending battle, risking their lives daily, while their commander in​ chief turns a blind eye to the constant ⁤danger they face.

According to the Washington ​Examiner, the U.S. Customs and ⁤Border Protection has recently placed its agents on ⁣high alert after uncovering a plot to “torture”‌ Border Patrol agents and their families.

The intercepted message, shared by the FBI, offers a chilling⁤ promise: “We will pay for any addresses ‍of Border Patrol agents!! $200 your way if you get me⁣ a border patrol agent’s address. $1K if you get me their momma’s⁢ address. We offer $$$ for information ⁣on B.P. agents. Top dollar on good info. I’ll post us torturing any bp agent u send.”

These disturbing‌ messages have left Border Patrol agents feeling extremely concerned for their safety. While assaults on agents have decreased‌ from last year, the ‍number of ‍assaults involving firearms has slightly increased, according​ to News Nation’s​ Ali⁤ Bradley.

WARNING: The following social media post contains information that some may find disturbing.

These threats are⁢ not isolated incidents. In September, a⁢ border ​patrol agent ‌was brutally⁢ attacked by a cartel ⁣agent,⁢ leaving him bloodied and marked with the ​word “RATA” on his‌ forehead.

As‍ if these threats weren’t enough, criminal cartels along the U.S.-Mexico border are establishing “intelligence centers”⁢ equipped with surveillance cameras, ‍communication systems, and dispatch offices to monitor authorities,⁤ citizens, and rivals, as reported by Fox News.

The⁢ Mexican authorities have even discovered⁢ illegal security cameras owned by​ these cartels in border cities, leading to their removal. Cartels are also paying property⁢ owners to install cameras, enabling real-time⁤ monitoring and information gathering.‍ Drones and lookouts, known as “halcones,” provide⁤ additional intelligence on activities, including Border‌ Patrol⁤ shifts⁢ and migrant⁣ movements.

With⁣ the Biden administration seemingly‌ turning a blind eye to these threats, the safety and well-being of⁣ Border ​Patrol agents are at stake. The potential consequences of allowing these‍ dangers to persist are dire, as‌ Anna⁢ Paulina Luna of Florida warned in an interview on Fox News. Luna revealed reports of cartels collaborating with ‌terrorist⁤ organizations, raising concerns about​ the ​likelihood of a terrorist attack on‍ U.S. soil.

Protecting Border Patrol agents ⁢is not just⁢ a moral obligation; it is essential for maintaining the security⁤ and integrity of‍ the U.S.-Mexico border. With intercepted threats and⁤ evidence of cartel surveillance, ​the question is no longer “if” an attack will occur, but rather “when.”

It is disheartening that these brave⁢ men and women are left⁢ to face these dangers​ alone.

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Josh⁣ Manning

Deputy‌ Managing Editor

The Western Journal

The post​ CBP Intercepts Messages Threatening Torture to Border Agents, ‌Seeking Their‌ Home Addresses appeared first on The Western Journal.

How does the neglect and lack of support from the government ‍affect the risks and challenges faced by ⁢Border Patrol ‍agents?


— Griff‌ Jenkins (@GriffJenkins)​ October‍ 8, 2023

The ‍brave men and women⁣ of⁣ the ‌Border Patrol put ⁣their lives on the line every day ‍to protect our borders‌ and ensure‍ the safety of our nation. They face not only the physical dangers of dealing with ⁢drug cartels and human smugglers but⁤ also the constant ​psychological toll of working in high-stress⁣ environments. Yet, their sacrifices often go unnoticed⁣ and unappreciated.

This neglect ⁤and lack of support from the highest levels of government only further exacerbate the risks and challenges faced by these heroic individuals. While border apprehensions have reached record​ highs, with an overwhelming influx of migrants attempting to ‌enter the country⁣ illegally, the response from the government⁤ seems inadequate.

Former Border Patrol Chief Mark Morgan shared his frustration during an interview ​with Fox News, stating, “These agents are risking their lives every ‌single⁣ day. They need resources, they need technology, they need policy changes, they need ​all⁣ the things this administration is refusing to give them.”

The lack ⁢of ​proper infrastructure, ⁣adequate manpower, and the absence of a ‌comprehensive border control strategy have​ put Border ⁢Patrol agents in an increasingly vulnerable position. They are‍ left to face the consequences ⁣of a broken immigration ‍system, while their pleas for assistance are ignored.

In addition to the physical dangers, these ⁢brave men and⁣ women also ⁢endure constant criticism and demonization from certain segments of society. They are ‍often portrayed ​as ‌villains in the media, facing accusations of being inhumane or racist.‍ These‌ unjust characterizations do ​a⁢ disservice to their honorable‌ and challenging work.

It is time for our country to recognize the ‍valor and heroism of‍ the Border Patrol⁢ agents who ⁢risk their lives ⁣every day to protect our borders and uphold⁤ the rule‌ of law. ‌They⁣ deserve our unwavering support, adequate resources, and respect‌ for the sacrifices they⁣ make⁤ in the face of grave dangers.

Norman ‍Schwarzkopf’s⁣ words ring⁢ true in⁤ these ⁤troubling times. It is not enough to simply give orders. It takes true⁢ courage and heroism to be ‍the ones on ‌the frontlines, ‌facing unimaginable threats ⁣and constant danger.

All Americans must unite to ‍demand better protection, recognition, and support for our Border Patrol agents. We must acknowledge their bravery, honor their sacrifices, and ensure they have the ‌necessary ​resources to carry out their⁣ mission effectively ⁣and safely. It‌ is ‌our duty to stand firmly behind these brave ​men and‍ women who⁤ put their lives⁢ on the ⁢line for our country every single day.

In ​the words of Norman Schwarzkopf, let us remember that it is ‌the heroes who go into‍ battle, ‍not just those who order it. And the ⁣heroes at our borders deserve nothing less than our utmost gratitude and ⁢unwavering support.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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