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CDC criticized for replacing ‘women’ with ‘pregnant people’ in gender-neutral health guidance

The CDC Faces Backlash for Replacing “Women” with “Pregnant People” in Health⁢ Guidance

The Centers⁤ for Disease Control and ‌Prevention (CDC) has⁤ come under fire for prioritizing woke ideology over scientific accuracy.

In a recent move, the CDC replaced⁢ the term “woman” with “pregnant people” in its recommendations for‌ COVID-19 and flu vaccines, sparking criticism from​ various quarters.

The decision to remove all gender-specific language, including ⁣”she,” “her,” “women,” and “mother,” when referring to pregnant individuals, has drawn strong opposition.

The Association of American‍ Physicians‍ and Surgeons and Roger Severino, former head ​of the ‌Office for​ Civil​ Rights ⁣within Health and ⁢Human Services in the‍ Trump administration, are among those who have criticized ⁤the CDC’s language choices.

Dr. ⁣Jane ⁢Orient, executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, called the CDC’s actions ⁢”Orwellian” and accused⁤ them of succumbing​ to political pressure.

Severino argued that there is no valid reason to alter scientific terminology and labeled the move as anti-science.

Stella O’Malley, ‍director of the group Genspect, which opposes aspects of⁤ the transgender agenda, deemed the CDC’s tactics dangerous and emphasized the importance of clarity in medical matters.

She pointed out that replacing ‍”woman” with “pregnant person” could cause confusion, particularly​ for non-native English speakers.

This is not the first time the CDC has⁤ used the term “pregnant people” instead‌ of “women.” In 2021, then-CDC‌ Director Dr. Rochelle ⁣Walensky faced criticism for urging “pregnant people” to get the COVID-19 ⁢vaccine.

The CDC’s decision to adopt gender-neutral language has⁣ sparked ⁢a heated debate, with many arguing that it undermines scientific accuracy and clarity.

The post CDC Draws ⁢Heat for Erasing​ Women with ‘Pregnant People’ in Adopting Gender-Neutral Terms for Health Guidance appeared first on The ‍Western Journal.

What‌ is the⁢ CDC’s justification ‍for changing the term “women” to “pregnant people” in their health⁣ guidance?

Egnant person and the developing baby.

The CDC’s justification for this ⁣change is to be more inclusive ⁢and respectful of transgender and⁢ non-binary⁣ individuals who may become pregnant. However, many argue that prioritizing inclusivity shouldn’t come at the expense of scientific ​accuracy.

By⁢ replacing “women” ‍with “pregnant people,” the CDC is⁤ disregarding the‌ fact that pregnancy is exclusive to females. Biologically, ⁢only‍ women have the reproductive⁢ capacity to become pregnant. Ignoring this fundamental truth for the sake of inclusivity undermines the importance of precision and clarity in scientific discourse.

Furthermore, this decision overlooks the unique health risks and considerations that pregnant women face. Women experience‌ physiological and hormonal changes during pregnancy ⁣that can significantly impact their health and well-being. By ⁤erasing gender-specific language, the ‌CDC fails to adequately ⁢address the specific needs of pregnant ⁢women, potentially‍ compromising their healthcare.

The ⁣backlash⁣ against the CDC’s ⁢decision extends beyond concerns of scientific‍ accuracy. Some argue⁢ that this move‍ is​ part of a broader trend of “woke” ideology infiltrating scientific and ⁤medical ‌institutions. The ⁢inclusion of terms such as⁤ “pregnant people” instead of “women” reflects a disregard for biological reality and a prioritization of ⁢ideological beliefs ‌over ‌scientific ‌evidence.

While it is essential to respect and accommodate ‌the needs of transgender and non-binary individuals, it should not be done at the ‍expense of scientific accuracy and the specific​ needs of different populations. Inclusivity does not require erasing biological distinctions or diluting scientific language.

The CDC’s decision raises important questions about the role ⁤of ideology in shaping public health recommendations.⁤ It is crucial⁢ that scientific institutions prioritize evidence-based approaches that consider the unique needs​ of different groups while ‌maintaining ⁢accuracy and clarity in⁣ communication.

Moreover, this controversy highlights the importance of engaging in open and respectful dialogue about these‍ issues. Instead of dismissing opposing viewpoints, there should be ⁤a space ⁤for constructive discussions that‌ respect both scientific‍ integrity and inclusivity.

In conclusion, the⁣ CDC’s decision to replace the ⁣term ‌”women” with ⁢”pregnant people” in its health guidance has sparked backlash for ​prioritizing‌ ideology over scientific accuracy. While inclusivity is important, it should not override the need for precision and clarity ⁤in scientific discourse. This‍ incident serves as a reminder for scientific institutions to uphold ⁢evidence-based approaches and engage in respectful dialogue to address ⁣the needs of⁢ different populations effectively.

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