The federalist

VineSight labels genuine social media posts as ‘harmful’ misinformation.

A ‌group known for ⁣flagging online information as “misinformation” has released new reports targeting corporate ⁤tech giants that are ⁣notorious for censoring such content, even if ⁣it happens to be true.

VineSight, a tech company based ⁣in Tel Aviv with offices in New York, ⁣uses artificial intelligence (AI) to scan ⁢the⁢ internet for “toxic narratives” and ⁤”misinformation.” However, a ⁤closer look at their recent reports reveals that these so-called “toxic ⁢narratives” and “misinformation” are often conservative arguments and inconvenient truths.

For example, their report on clean energy highlights a post from an account labeled as ‍”bot-like” that states,‍ “China emits the ⁤most CO2.” However, this statement is⁤ verifiably true. China is indisputably ‌the world’s largest producer of carbon dioxide⁤ emissions and has held this position for nearly two decades.

The ⁤clean energy report also flags statements from⁤ human accounts​ as misinformation, such as​ “Climate advocates are hypocrites”​ and “[electric vehicles] ​repeatedly catch on fire.” It is​ well-known that climate advocates often ⁤engage in ​hypocrisy ‌by lecturing about fossil fuels while enjoying private air travel to glamorous conferences. Additionally, there have been⁤ incidents ‌of⁤ electric⁤ vehicles, including‍ bikes⁢ and‌ scooters,​ spontaneously combusting due to​ issues​ with lithium-ion‌ batteries.

On Facebook, VineSight identifies ⁣viral topics ​as⁤ misleading,⁤ including ‍claims made by conservative radio host Glenn Beck that ⁣an “EV battery factory needs fossil fuels‍ to run”‍ and Breitbart’s assertion that “Biden’s green policies benefit China.” However, studies have shown that electric vehicles are ​actually worse for the environment⁤ than gas-powered vehicles, partly due to the⁣ pollution ​caused by the production of lithium-ion ​batteries, ‌a ⁤market dominated by⁢ China. Therefore, it is not unreasonable to question the environmental impact of these policies.

[READ:[READ:Even This Left-Wing⁣ Report Sounds The Alarm:‍ U.S.​ Is Way Too Dependent‍ On Communist China For Minerals]

Almost every energy-related ⁣statement flagged by VineSight as “misinformation” is either true or supported by evidence. For instance, they label a statement attributed to former ⁢President Donald Trump that went viral‌ on ‍TikTok, “The ⁢Green New ‍Deal is the Destruction of Our Country,” as misinformation.‌ However, the Green New ⁣Deal is a far-left proposal⁢ that aims to drastically reshape the nation’s economy and power grid ⁤in favor of addressing climate ⁢change, and‍ its implementation in ⁤California has already resulted in frequent blackouts ‌and strict‍ water usage ⁤rules.

[READ:​[READ:Welcome To The Green New Deal, California]

VineSight’s reports on climate change and voter fraud ⁢follow a similar pattern. Their climate change report‌ identifies topics like “climate change is a hoax” and ⁤”there is no climate‍ crisis” as examples ⁤of ⁣viral misinformation. ⁣However, a Nobel Prize-winning⁤ scientist and over 1,600 other scientists have signed a declaration stating that there is no climate emergency. The declaration emphasizes the need for less politicization of climate science ⁤and more scientific analysis of climate policies.

Another topic dismissed ⁤as disinformation ​by VineSight is ⁤”China opens a new coal transportation ​network.” ⁤However, National Public Radio (NPR) published a headline in ⁤March stating, “China is building six times more new coal plants than other⁤ countries, report​ finds.”

In a press release, VineSight celebrates⁣ their updated disinformation technology, which⁤ not⁣ only identifies and alerts organizations to disinformation attacks⁤ but also helps ⁢mitigate, counter-message, takedown, ‌or label content‌ before it harms a company’s reputation and business.‌ They proudly state that their premier ⁢solution ⁤is used by major Fortune‍ 500 ⁣brands, political campaigns, and other causes ‌worldwide.

The press release also reveals⁣ that VineSight shares its reports with major tech ⁣platforms to flag posts​ for censorship, in accordance with the platforms’ terms of service. The ‌company openly expresses concerns ⁤about “disinformation” affecting⁤ election outcomes ⁣and threatening democracy.

VineSight’s “tracking report” on voter fraud categorizes conservative themes related to election integrity ⁢as “viral misinformation and toxic narratives.” Examples ‌include “allowing illegal immigrants to vote is an insult to Americans” and “MAGA‌ movement was able to make election fraud a top voters ⁢issue.” However, there is evidence ‌of⁣ Democrats manipulating the 2020​ election ​through the expansion of mail-in voting and the collaboration between Big Tech, the ⁢media,‌ and local government ​election offices. These actions⁢ have been extensively documented.

As ‌the upcoming election approaches, former President Donald Trump, now ‌a front-runner for the Republican nomination, faces numerous felony indictments.⁢ He has been issued‌ a gag order that restricts him ⁢from campaigning against his top political ⁢opponent: the federal government. This order prevents him from ‍defending himself against attacks and interferes with ‍his ⁤ability to participate in the democratic ‍process. VineSight dismisses these ⁢concerns as ‍”misinformation.”


S​ its role in combating “misinformation” and toxic narratives on the internet. However, their definition of misinformation​ seems to align closely with narratives and arguments ‌that they disagree with, particularly those coming from conservative sources. This raises concerns about the objectivity and⁤ accuracy of their reports.

One example ⁢of their questionable ⁢categorization is their report ⁤on clean energy. ⁤They label ⁢a statement⁣ that ‍China emits the most CO2 as misinformation, despite the fact that it is a⁤ verifiable fact. China has been the⁣ largest producer of carbon dioxide emissions for nearly two decades. ‌Similarly, they ⁤flag statements such​ as “Climate ‌advocates are hypocrites” and “[electric vehicles] repeatedly ‌catch on‍ fire” ⁤as misinformation. However, there have⁢ been instances of⁣ climate advocates ⁤engaging in hypocrisy and electric vehicles experiencing battery-related issues. These ⁤are valid points that should be open for discussion and​ analysis.

On Facebook, ⁢VineSight identifies viral⁢ topics as misleading, including claims made by conservative radio host Glenn Beck and Breitbart about the environmental impact of certain policies. However, ⁣studies have shown that ⁤electric ⁢vehicles can have ​a negative ⁣environmental impact due to the ⁤pollution caused by lithium-ion battery production, a market dominated ‍by China.⁢ Therefore, questioning the environmental ⁤impact ‍of ​these policies is‍ not unreasonable.

Furthermore, VineSight categorizes‌ statements attributed to former President Donald Trump, such ‍as “The Green​ New Deal is the Destruction of Our Country,” ⁢as misinformation. However, the Green ‍New⁣ Deal ‍is a proposal that aims to reshape the economy and power grid‍ in favor‌ of addressing climate change. Its implementation in California has already ‌resulted in ⁣issues such as frequent​ blackouts and strict water usage‌ rules. These are valid concerns that⁣ should be taken⁢ into ‍consideration.

VineSight’s ​reports⁣ on climate change and ​voter fraud also⁤ raise questions. They⁢ categorize statements such as “climate change is a hoax” and “there is⁤ no climate crisis” as viral misinformation. However, a Nobel‌ Prize-winning ⁢scientist and over 1,600 other⁢ scientists have signed‌ a declaration stating that there is no climate emergency. This highlights ‍the need for a⁣ less politicized approach to climate​ science and a focus on rigorous scientific analysis of climate policies.

Another topic⁤ dismissed⁢ as⁤ disinformation by VineSight is the claim that China is opening a new coal transportation network. However, NPR published ⁣a headline stating that China is ‌building six times more new coal plants than other ⁤countries. This indicates that there is‍ a⁤ legitimate

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