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Charlamagne Tha God gives up as Kamala Harris vanishes

A Prominent Radio Personality Feels⁤ “Burned” Over His⁢ Support for ⁢Kamala Harris

A prominent black radio show personality ‍reportedly‌ feels “burned” ​over ⁤his past support of ⁣Vice‍ President⁣ Kamala Harris.

Charlamagne tha God, the co-host of “The ‍Breakfast Club” who was born Lenard Larry McKelvey,‌ spoke to POLITICO about ​his ​break with Harris after⁣ her nearly three years in the White House.

He expressed his disappointment,⁢ stating, “I’ve learned my lesson from doing that. Once⁣ they got in the White House, she…kind ⁤of disappeared.”

Charlamagne⁤ went on to ‍explain that he believes the Biden ⁤administration has not done ‍enough to address⁣ important issues such as​ mental health awareness and criminal ⁢justice reform, including marijuana offenses. These were topics⁢ that came up during his time on ​the campaign trail ⁣with⁢ Harris in 2019 when she was ⁤a ⁤presidential candidate.

He shared his ⁢frustration, saying, “When I ‌give people my ⁢word like, ‘Yo man, I⁢ think we should be supporting Kamala ​Harris for vice​ president…because she’s ⁣going to hold⁢ it down.’ When we ⁢say those things and people ⁣don’t see her ⁤holding it down,⁤ that causes issues.”

Charlamagne added, “Damn, you told us to vote for [them].’ Do you know⁢ how many⁢ people say⁣ that⁤ to me⁣ all the time?”


A little over⁤ two years ago, Harris erupted during an interview when ​Charlamagne asked ⁣her who⁢ the real President of the United States was.

After an‍ aide to Harris tried to end the interview, claiming audio problems, Charlamagne persisted, asking, “Is ‌it ​Joe ​Manchin or Joe Biden, Madam‌ Vice President?” Harris responded, ‍”Come‍ on, Charlamagne. Come on. It’s Joe Biden.”

Charlamagne jokingly replied, “I‌ can’t tell⁤ sometimes,” to ⁢which⁤ Harris firmly stated,⁣ “No, no, no,⁣ no, no, no, no. ⁣No. It’s Joe Biden.⁢ And don’t start talking like a Republican about asking whether or​ not he’s ‌president. And it’s ⁣Joe Biden…and I’m vice president and my name is Kamala Harris.”

POLITICO noted that Charlamagne does not expect Harris or President Joe Biden to appear on “The Breakfast Club” during the current election cycle, as they seek a second⁤ term‌ amid poor approval numbers and dropping support among black ‍voters.

3) What can Charlamagne’s‍ response to feeling ‌burned ⁢by Harris’s lack of movement on‌ important issues teach ⁤us about the importance of holding politicians accountable⁢ for their ‍actions

⁣Resident,’ and⁣ then ⁢she gets into ​office‌ and ⁢​you’re not ⁣seeing any‌ ⁢movement on the things that are‌ important to ⁢you, it makes you feel ⁢burned.”

This sentiment reflects ⁢a larger issue⁤ of politicians making promises during their campaigns and failing to follow ⁤through once in office. It is not uncommon for supporters to feel disillusioned⁣ and betrayed when the actions of their chosen candidates do not align with their expectations.

Charlamagne tha God’s⁤ disillusionment with⁤ Harris also sheds light on the challenges faced by black voters and the black⁢ community as a ⁤whole.⁤ Harris, ​being the⁢ first black and South Asian woman to hold the office of Vice President,⁤ carried great significance and hope for many people. Her election represented a milestone in American history and a potential catalyst for change.

However, ⁤as Charlamagne⁣⁢ points out,⁤ representation ⁢alone is not⁤ enough.​ It is crucial⁤ for elected⁣ officials ‍to actively advocate for and address the concerns of the communities they represent. For the black community, issues such as criminal⁢ justice reform and mental⁤ health awareness are of paramount importance. ⁣The failure to prioritize ‌these issues can lead to feelings of betrayal and disconnection from ‍the political process.

This incident also highlights​ the importance of ‍holding ⁣politicians accountable​ for their actions. Charlamagne, as a prominent figure in the media, has a⁣ platform to voice his disappointment ⁣and raise awareness about the issues that matter to him⁤ and his audience. By speaking‍ out, he is engaging in a vital form of civic ​participation that encourages dialogue and‍ holds those in power​ accountable.

Charlamagne’s experience serves as a reminder ⁤to all voters to critically evaluate the promises made⁣ by politicians and to hold them ⁢accountable for their actions ⁤once elected. It is crucial to‍ support candidates who not only speak about the​ issues that matter but also demonstrate a genuine commitment to addressing ⁢them.

In conclusion, Charlamagne tha God’s disillusionment and feeling of being “burned” over his ⁣support for ⁢Kamala Harris showcases the importance of politicians fulfilling their campaign promises. ‌It also underscores the‌ significance of active citizen engagement and holding elected officials ⁣accountable for their actions. As voters, we have⁢ the power ⁤to demand transparency, authenticity,‍ and a genuine commitment to the issues that shape ⁢our communities.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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