The federalist

Parents profiting from their kids’ vlogs should heed child actors’ alarming revelations.

A New Law in⁣ Illinois Protects Child Social Media Influencers

A new law in Illinois requires social media influencers who exploit their children on the internet to pay those kids for their appearances ⁣in vlogs. This law ‌extends the cash-flow⁣ conditions to⁤ trendsetters and brand ambassadors on platforms like TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and more.

The law, designed by Democrats, grants kids under 16 years old who regularly appear⁢ in monetized videos and photos the right to sue if their parents don’t hand over a trust with those earnings ​when they turn 18. This ⁢ensures that children are protected from parents who would take advantage of their talents for financial gain.

However, while this law may seem like a good start, it won’t completely prevent‌ parents from sacrificing their ⁢children’s privacy for profit. As long ⁤as users continue to click on videos that exploit private or emotional moments, the act of‍ constantly documenting a child’s life for online content will continue to cause long-lasting harm.

The Consequences of Exploitation

Exposing a child’s face, voice, and innocence to the online world ‍can have severe consequences. It opens‍ them up to potential exploitation, sexualization, and fraud. This can leave lasting scars and strain relationships.

Former child stars have spoken out about the negative effects of their onscreen careers. Many of them experienced abuse, addiction, and scandal as they grew older. Despite ‌this, the entertainment industry has largely turned a blind eye⁢ to these​ issues for ⁣decades.

The ‘Toddler to ⁣Trainwreck Pipeline’

Countless child actors have suffered mental, physical, and emotional trauma ⁣as a result of being thrust into the entertainment industry at a young age. While producers and parents may try to mold them into successful adult stars, the reality is that many of these young entertainers face significant‌ challenges and are at a⁣ higher risk of mental health problems.

More⁣ and more child ​stars are⁣ speaking up about their experiences with the “toddler to trainwreck pipeline.” They are sharing stories of exploitation and the negative impact it has had on their ​lives.

Protecting Children’s Privacy

Children deserve privacy, not commodification. ⁤It is crucial ⁤for adult influencers to understand the consequences of exploiting children, especially considering the harm it has caused in the past. The ‌entertainment industry and social media platforms must prioritize the protection⁤ of children and their well-being.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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