Washington Examiner

Chinese Communist Party-linked group organizing pro-Hamas protests in US.

A ⁤Little-Known Activist Hub in NYC Organizing Protests Against⁣ Israel

A hidden “socialist”⁢ activist ‍hub in New‍ York City is making waves by pushing pro-China ⁣talking points⁢ and organizing protests against Israel. The People’s Forum, ⁣a self-proclaimed “movement incubator,” is⁢ co-leading‍ a “Shut it down⁣ for Palestine” event in Manhattan and recently marched ‌in Washington, D.C. alongside tens of thousands⁤ of protesters supporting Hamas. This organization has ‌also been hosting events that downplay China’s genocide ⁣against ​ethnic Uyghurs, raising concerns about its ties to a ‍reported “Chinese propaganda” influence operation.

China-Allied Organizations Sowing Discord⁣ in the U.S.

The People’s Forum’s involvement in the pro-Palestinian movement highlights how China-allied organizations are fueling discord in the United States.‍ As China, Russia, and Iran leverage ‍social media to spread disinformation about the conflict, the People’s Forum’s influence on the Israel issue has raised national security concerns. Members⁢ of Congress and foreign policy experts are calling ‍for an investigation into the⁣ organization’s funding and coordination with pro-Hamas rallies.

A Wake-Up Call for Americans

Experts warn‍ that the People’s Forum’s organizing of‌ anti-Israel demonstrations should serve as a wake-up⁢ call for Americans. The organization’s ties ​to the‌ Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda apparatus and its promotion of Beijing’s talking ‍points about Israel and Gaza are alarming. ⁣House Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik supports an immediate ⁢investigation into the People’s Forum and similar organizations to determine the extent of their funding‍ and coordination with America’s adversaries.

A Controversial‍ Nonprofit with Questionable Funding

The People’s Forum, a tax-exempt nonprofit, has⁤ been focused on bringing ⁤socialist ideas to new generations of organizers and activists. However, its ⁣activities⁤ have⁢ raised eyebrows. The organization has praised China’s leadership, hosted events⁣ supporting China’s “revolutionary struggle,” and downplayed America’s actions against China. It has also collaborated with ⁤Code Pink, a group that justifies China’s treatment ‌of Uyghurs, and Qiao Collective, which promotes Chinese ⁤Communist Party narratives on social media.

Protesting in Solidarity ⁤with Palestinians

Recently, the People’s ⁢Forum has been actively protesting in solidarity with Palestinians, particularly in the wake of Hamas’⁣ deadly attacks against Israel. The organization’s efforts to support terrorism shed light on the⁣ shared goals of the radical ⁣pro-Hamas left and Communist China, both of which desire to wipe America and Israel off the‌ map.

Concerns Over Funding and Coordination

The People’s Forum’s involvement in pro-Palestinian ⁣events, including the recent national march, has⁣ raised concerns about its​ funding and coordination. The organization has collaborated with other pro-Palestinian partners and has demanded a ceasefire and an⁢ end to U.S. aid to Israel. It has even reposted ⁣videos‌ featuring convicted terrorists. Additionally, the People’s Forum’s address has been used by ⁣China’s Dongsheng News, a platform that aims⁣ to counter U.S. criticism of China.

Questionable Funding Sources

The People’s Forum has received significant funding from United Community Fund, an obscure nonprofit group, and Code Pink. United Community Fund, which lists its address as a UPS store mailbox, ⁢is reportedly part of a Chinese ⁢Communist Party propaganda operation funded by socialist businessman Neville Roy Singham. Code Pink founder ⁣Jodie Evans, who is married​ to Singham, has shown unwavering support for China and its actions.

A Growing Threat

Lawmakers and experts​ are increasingly concerned about the Chinese Communist Party’s influence in American⁢ life. Rep. Tim Burchett warns that ⁢the party poses the greatest threat to the country and calls for authorities to investigate evidence of China-allied⁢ groups ⁣planning protests in support of Hamas. The⁣ People’s Forum’s‌ collaboration ⁣with anti-Israel organizations further highlights the ⁣need for scrutiny.

As the Thursday “Shut it down ​for Palestine” event approaches, the People’s⁤ Forum is‌ working alongside several⁢ other anti-Israel organizations. The event is being organized in partnership⁢ with the Palestinian Youth Movement and Al-Awda, a project of the Progress Unity Fund. Al-Awda’s leader has expressed support for anti-Israel terrorists, adding ⁣to the concerns surrounding the People’s Forum.

The People’s Forum has not responded ⁢to requests for‌ comment.

“Unfortunately, it is not surprising that a group linked to Communist China is promoting abhorrent pro-Hamas and antisemitic propaganda in a desperate attempt to⁢ damage ​our most‌ precious ally Israel‌ and sow discord here⁤ at home,” said ‌Rep. Elise Stefanik.

⁣What potential threats to national security could arise from the funding sources and potential coordination of the People’s Forum with ⁣foreign​ entities

With various ​groups and⁤ individuals who ⁣have‍ ties to China and promote Chinese​ propaganda. House Republicans are calling for an ​investigation into the organization’s funding sources and its coordination with America’s adversaries, as its activities raise national security concerns.

A Divisive Influence in the Pro-Palestinian Movement

The People’s Forum’s‍ involvement in ⁤the pro-Palestinian movement‍ is divisive and⁤ concerning. While advocating for the ⁢Palestinian⁤ cause is a valid and important endeavor, ‌aligning with organizations that promote China’s interests and downplay ‌China’s human rights⁣ abuses raises serious questions‍ about the true motives of the People’s Forum.

The Danger of Chinese‌ Propaganda⁤ and Influence Operations

The rise of​ Chinese propaganda and influence operations is a growing concern worldwide, and the involvement of the People’s Forum in pushing ‌pro-China talking points‌ raises red flags. It is crucial for ⁣Americans to be aware of the tactics used by authoritarian regimes like China to manipulate public opinion‍ and sow ⁤discord‌ in democratic societies.

The Need for Transparency and Accountability

In ‌order‌ to ensure the integrity of activism and protest ‌movements, it is essential to have transparency and accountability. The People’s Forum, as a ⁣tax-exempt nonprofit, should be subject to scrutiny regarding its funding ‍sources and potential coordination with‌ foreign entities. A thorough investigation into‍ these matters will provide clarity and shed light on⁢ any potential threats⁤ to national security.

Defending Democracy and Human Rights

The⁢ United States, as a champion of democracy ​and human rights, must remain vigilant against attempts to undermine these values. The⁣ People’s Forum’s ⁤activities raise ‌concerns about its alignment with China, a country notorious for its ‍human rights abuses and repression of dissent. It is imperative that Americans prioritize defending democracy and human rights,‌ and ensure that their activism is not exploited by those ‌with ⁤harmful intentions.

The Path Forward

In light ⁤of the People’s⁣ Forum’s ties to China⁢ and its involvement in organizing protests against Israel, it is crucial for Americans to critically analyze the motives and ⁤agendas‍ of activist organizations. Transparency, accountability, and a commitment to democratic⁤ values are essential in safeguarding the integrity of social movements and resisting⁣ foreign influence operations. By staying informed and holding organizations accountable, Americans ‍can ensure that their activism remains true to its intended purpose -⁣ advocating for ⁤justice, equality, and human rights.

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