Chris Christie tries to downplay debate booing, but CNN host remains skeptical.

Chris Christie Attempts to Spin Vicious Booing He​ Received at Debate, But CNN Host Seems Unconvinced

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie put a positive spin on his debate performance on Thursday morning during an interview with CNN.

Christie, who ​had the third most talk-time of the eight candidates who participated ​in the first ‌Republican primary debate of the political‍ season on Fox ⁢News on Wednesday, gave⁣ himself a pat on the⁤ back for using ⁢some of the debate to attack former President Donald Trump.

But the former governor opened the debate​ by being heavily booed and was jeered at for much of the event.

While ⁢speaking with CNN’s‍ Poppy Harlow, Christie was asked about what‍ he⁣ believed was his “best” moment‌ from the debate.

Christie said he was “proud” ‍of the fact‍ he “went after”⁢ Trump early on.

“If ⁣you’re unwilling to confront him when he’s not there, how the heck are you gonna ⁢be willing to confront him when he is?” Christie said.

He added, “I’m ‍proud of the fact that‌ I was the only one last night who was willing to do it repeatedly ⁢and ​directly.”

Harlow responded, ​“Why⁣ do you think that⁣ was ‍your best moment to⁢ get Republican primary voters to vote for you when‍ you had really loud boos every time ‍you did that?”

Christie said that the mood in the room⁢ was not​ indicative of that of all voters.

“Well, not every Republican ⁢primary voter in America was ⁤in the arena,” he said.

Christie said⁤ his message ‌was tailored for‌ millions of potential voters at home.

Later in the interview, Harlow asked‌ Christie⁢ to describe his “worst”⁤ debate moment.

Christie complained about Fox News debate moderators Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum, who he said lost control of the ⁤room.

“I’m disappointed that the moderators didn’t play a stronger hand in controlling what was⁣ going on,” ⁣he said.

After Christie ‌refused to let Harlow cut in, she said, “I asked for your ⁤weakness, but I don’t​ think you’re going to answer that.‍ You did get​ the second most talk time.”

Christie, who was repeatedly jeered, spoke the third-most of any candidate on stage Wednesday at 11 minutes and 37⁢ seconds, CNN reported⁣ after the debate.

Former Vice President Mike Pence spoke the most with 12 minutes and ‌26 seconds.

The post Chris Christie Attempts to⁤ Spin Vicious ​Booing He Received‌ at Debate, But CNN Host ⁢Seems Unconvinced appeared first on The Western Journal.

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